
My Host made a comment to me just now..

My Host made a comment to me just now..

He paused in a sudden epipjany, and said..

You see God in everything

He knows I don’t believe in God as defined by religion

.so I understood what he meant.

He said that I see Logos-order in all things and from this Logos I see meaning and understanding in all things.

He is right…I do see Godd in all things but Logos (Order) is not Godd to me…

Harmony is.

And Harmony is Law..Harmony brings Beauty

Harmony is the true meaning of Logos Cosmos.

And Ultra Violet radiations power comes from the Intention of the Vibration

To Vibrate something is one thing, and we have seen what it can do with the incorrect intent.

There is a force which causes things to Vibrate..I fun nnanya..I.C.U.

This Universe was is created and set in motion not my Ultra Violet Rays…

This being simply the power of the expression of Ifun nnanya.

Before there was Ultra Violent Rays..there was is Intent.

And the intent which created the power to see the unseen by the invisible human visible eye…(seen only by birds and Insects) is Love.

And thus the All seeing Eye is Existence Intention Ifun nnanya U.Vie.

The Energy Intention of an invisible Eye…

The first Eye invisible but sees all.


.E I.U V.I.E.

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