
My Host last night put on the movie Powder last night… Yeshua, Yah way Yah Zeus…

My Host last night put on the movie Powder last night… Yeshua, Yah way Yah Zeus…

My Host last night put on the movie Powder last night… Yeshua, Yah way Yah Zeus…

…And immediately afterwards it started to snow.

*For details of the play and its meaning, see the comments of Kimberly Brown and Kasper S (Kerem S… The only two ppl to message me today both have names with the initials K.S…



11 22…19 19…(Hmmm my mothers birthday and my grandfathers year of Birth…?) 38…

11 22 19 38

K V S C.H.

V.C.H… is Victor Consciousness Harmony.

11 22 (3+8) 11

11 22 11..

That’s funny my Moms whose name Onu which means I Heard the will of the Creator is Beauty and Mouth is the Beautiful of the C.HI whose legend states she came from the Sea, and is called C by everyone (Cecilia) and that she came to earth looking for my grandfather, Chief Daniel Nwana Umeano…God is my judge the child of the father the four winds breath… means this equation states that they are the same person…

So perhaps the legendary love between them both, and reason even after his passing that my mother could see him still was because they were are one and the same person…

She also would say that Papa was Father…My true Father…and he and Nnamdi were the same person…

I used to call him black Zeus because he was so very handsome, loved beauty but had a thunderous temper and voice when vexed.

He was given the title Igwe (king, but it also means Sky…which is where legend states my great grandmother Mba Afor Ocha- meaning blinding white sound of light…Lightening! came from), he instead contented to be Treasurer for the NRI council of King priest called Umunri… the children of NRI.

The name Kasper means Treasure…

I guess this is the meaning of us all being connected… all part of the same family…SKY WATER…EARTH IS LAVA,,FIRE cooled.

And water and air cooled is Snow, snow flakes…Individuality…Powder…

Well, now is that something… AFO…IS U.F.O…I fun nnanya…

Truth really is manifest love..I.C. all as E.


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