
Money Part 3..

Money Part 3..

There is no doubt that New Yorkers Helped in this Journey.

In my True Story, I was led to each one of them…I was a messenger in a play script in which I was used (to my incredulity) Prophet And Messenger P.A.M…of God.

A God ppl..prayed to, and yet whom they no longer believe in.

Or perhaps, I am not what they expected of a Prophet and Messenger of the Lord.

Which, I do not.give a damn.

For there was no way that I would tailor myself to.fit a character in a script.and story I did not.believe in, nor is it real.

I drink, smoke pot, love sex, sensuality, mischief…

In short, I am the Beautiful Devil, and I represent the Individual and Existence.

I did not come to this world as a Prophet and Messenger…

I came as an Artist and a Scientist…

A social one, who discivered the link and thread which.links us.

Who has a professional.degree in Urban and Regional Planing Design and Architecture.

Who studied Advanced Pattern.cutting.at Central.St.Martins, London.

Modern Dance at Pineapple Studios in.London, Business Management, Oratory at Convent Garden and Shakespeare and company.in Paris.

Studied Art Crticism in Paris, Modelling and the Cat Walk, Choreography under Redha, Film.and Editing in Istanbul.

Food and nutrition in Spain and France.

Gardening, Exhibition and display.

Read Voltaire to Alexander Dumas, James Baldwin to.Flora Nwapa…

You get the point surely, I represent Life here and now.

And to be forced to play a Prophet and Messenger when, what I really discovered was a Map and a plan ET for the planet.

An art of expression which raises vibration and consciousness.

And a Science of Harmony which.anyone can read if they understood the power of thier sitting on.the Thrones of their True Nature… Thier Hearts.

There is no.one I.met who.lives according to the laws of God.

They refused to listen.to.me as his Prophet and Messenger.

They each read and interpreted what I conveyed literally, in thier own.subjective ways because each felt they knew better than I, his messenger and prophet.

And because they expected some more than a man who.refused to.be anything other than himself and common sense.

And because I came as an.ordinary.man.

To most New Yorkers, that is all, an.ordinary man enduring extraordinary hardships to deliver a message bc I am but a slave to a God whom each betrays and denies me, him because I speak not for God but for the allieviation of the Human.condition..

That I dare put.my truth.before that of God.


I obeyed Gods laws, loved the message of Jesus Christ but by Listening and practicing that which made sense to.me.

If I made a mistake, I did not go.groveling on my knees begging for.forgiveness, nor did I flagellate myself, wallow in.self pity, shame guilt.and blame.

I apologize to.the person.whose feelings I hurt, corrected myself and refined myself.

Perhaps, this is why it rose in me, but quite frankly, all I want to do is get rid of it.

People do not respect God, nor his point of view, nor his love…and especially not his.messengers..

Whatever God ppl believe in, it is certainly not.the one who.rose in me…

And I personally no longer have any respect for this God who rose in me.

Despite my.fighting.for him.and loving him.her with nearly.all.my.heart…nearly.not all..

Because, I began.to see the love and Truth of me.

I am the Beautiful, because I fought to.the end for one who chose to rise in me, despite it negating my.truth, my comfort my.Existence so It could share with you, through.me its point.of view.

Who are you really.fighting for in the end?, I asked it…?

My mother once asked me,

Emeka, are you sure it is God in you or something Demonic…

It might.have started out as something Beautiful and Good, but it transformed into something Demonic perhaps through.its translation by man, I am a jealous God

For my experience of it is of a cruel demanding spiteful vengeful God…

Willing to do the unthinkable so as all other Gods of the past…it would not fade out of Existence.

Returning the One true God of the Individual- because It exists in every Individual every part of Creation, as I.have proven… As.E Harmony.and common sense…

This is not about the Evolution of God, but the resoration of the God of the people..called the Individual.

Individual Harmony.


In most peoples perception and.actions, they were not part of This Story, I presented proof of to.them, nor where they part of the story of God who sent his Messenger and Prophet…

But all listened to the Map,.and.plan.which.could.alluviate and elevate thier individual existence on.the physical, spiritual, material, emotional, romantic plane.

Each to his own I say, I for one do.not.judge or.blame or codemn you.

The Truth of Existence is that everyone has the right and choice to choose what is real.to.me.

God as 7O4,.74 does not.exist.

I.personally found.none.who would acknowledged God.in.me…

Nor.the God in me.Namaste

Nor would they obey the Laws of God and Existence.

But many.at.least acknowledged.my.humanity for better.or for worse.and.even.a very.few, that I.E had the right to.Exist.

Denying.to.my.face what is.happening to.my.very body and.being…even.on.F.B.

And the value of this my.sharing.my.Individual.Contribution of.my Existence but Gods Way as priceless but its vessel not.being of.much.value if.it csn not provide a home.and income.to.sustain.itself.

But one thing, we are.all.in.agreement is, nothing.is more.important.than.the.experirnces we are experiencing now.in the.present..

The Hear and.now..

And this.is.where.God..even.Truth takes a backseat to Existence.in.the.present.

God is a absent in the minds of the people I find but Existence, Individual and Communal is always forefront and center…

I.represent Existence…

And Existence is Expression…

Beautiful.Expression.which creates Natural Law Harmony

of Commual Sense and sensibility..

In my experience of human interaction, no.one I.have met truly believes in God, Loves God, Respects his laws or his point of view…

But they do love or believe in Lifes and thier Existence…and most will fight.for it.and throw God out.the window, unless they.have.a Need.

And this evil, which is fighting the.true Gid of Harmony.in.me by creating a constant sense of.need in me…to get home, to have enough.money to.eat… Constant weaving and linking…Is its own Need to Exist…

By and through me…

But it.Lived…but it is not of the present…


My former.host.in concerned with.his Existence in.the Here and now as.all.are.and should.be…

I.am 47.4O7…48-49-50..E.C.T..Era…

A New Era…

I.am not.waiting for God…never did..

I am activating, being doing expressing.here in the present to bring my.family to.me,

So all of you can be inspired in the present of the Truth of the Beautiful present…

That for being True to.yourselves Fantasies do.come true.

Because despite yourselves you listened to me

sheltered me, loved and hated me for.making you Feel Believe that the most wonderfully beautiful story can manifest as the One UniversL Truth.

And that is why you loved yet acted as if you hated me…for awKening you to this possibility comming true.


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