


Convergence of facts

Link the meaning

Particles Anchored

Meaning = Understanding Silence Is Contemplation

M U S I C.


Sarah Kaizer Athena came at the end at my behest

Esteban Miguel Filgueira in the Beginning

Both have no clue as to what they were saying but E steban was a aware making a point to state that on the can of Beer was a code a message

And it was because of that and our subsequent conversation that I decided to solve this riddle

The Shelter left a message, Renee did, telling me that she had spoken to the people at the passport office and that they said that they are still processing my application over 3 months later.. because it was being done overseas.

Are the two roads for me..

To leave the Play through getting my passport or leaving this play for good.

Do I go to the black Hole of the Red Flower center by going back into the Darkness Erebus from which I was thrown into ..?

Or do I continue with the completion of a Script meant to complete on the 8th


Recall that the number 83 was written in the ticket..

Do I have a Choice.. to go into forgetting by turning my back in the light..

Or do I pass through the Sun Sunny Side up and go home the Beautiful away.

T..B O W. Ti…

Color Purple Violet

Vista Point

Or is there must one Road which is also two roads Destruction Creation

D C.

4 3

O C O B..

1530 is the address of the Shelter

O 3 O B. B is 2

See sacred portal 147 B

There are two in one

Stephen recently liked that post

One brought the End. A-Z of Past Stories.

Female Woman X

And One brought the B egining the Rising

He X Y chromosome X is 24

Link Liberty C Liscomb and Thomas Lang son born 24th and the news brought to my attention 7:43 Photo of Father and Son


Neurons Stars

Royal Epiphany

R E/ E R

Isabella age 4

Isabella their grandmother and

Isabelle Ilic Tree of Life Ten

Linked to the tapestry cloth hanging on Stevens wall.

Man Y came In the Begunung

And his female self as Two who were once One brought the End.

My room is the color Purple Violet chosen by McKayla Rays.

It is the 7th Color and Note and 1st to descend into the body from the space of 8

Solierys Rosario testified Bliss Ecstasy Orgasm above and below and all around her a Voice..

Mckayla room is the Color of Red .

I call her Kali..

Sarah knows why ..

Forgetfulness ..

But 5 8. Harmony none the less.

So tell me..

What does this mean to you..?

Converge all facts in the Script and link it all yo meanibg.. waves..

The Wave has to respond like a rainbow landing at the end a pot of Gold.

The Sunshine State 27th.

That is the way I go home..

8:48 p.m

That is my natural state..

Bright Eyes

Funny Fanyastic 4

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