
McKayla Rays, Mother, Marie Lucid Vision Dream and Intelligence..

McKayla Rays, Mother, Marie Lucid Vision Dream and Intelligence..


6:00 p.m

This post should be the last of the E.Q and Riddles of this Existence/World.

5:58-9 p.m.

5:47 p.m

E 4 7. 11. 28. 39. 12. 3

5 11. 2. 1.

E K. B. A

5 2. 51 E.B. E A


*see the meaning of the name Manu


F C. T S. Full Circle, Time Script.

( Time Code)

F A..C T S


Yes, I have been decoding the Beautiful Illusion called Time, which is relative..

To what is expressed through the Pause Gap between Time and Space..

Expression Explaining E-Mot-ions, aligning them to Spectrum Solfeggio Rainbow Reason

E Manifest Facts


For Cee

Full Circle

3 6 O

3 6 6. 3 17 -19. ( C. E Q) Jump Man

Leap Year 3. 5 years.


First Contact

6 3 O 6.

A M 3 O 6. 26

A M 4 O 6.. 3.



6:03 p.m




I had a very tough night with my Body..

I tried to calm it, by watching the movie

The Saint.

You know the Spy Movie

Simon Templar

And it was about the Templar and their looking for the N omad.

Yes, even in my sore, aching incredulous State, I sat up.. until I heard him say it three more times.

Of course, I linked it to me, and to the Knights Templar path I had been one, even to the Knights Templar cross I found in white and placed in my locker, to the black one in Christopher Filgueira wallet.

With the letters B.K E. 67.


Double U Victorious are the E.T

Extra Terrestrials

Representatives of the Eternal Truth…

The are the Ultra Victorious Expression

Twin Doppelganger Race Aligned to the Human Race called The Naturals.

These are the Family I speak of and, to and through you, in person and on my page.

And yes, I have been battling for them to rise from within you so that you and they may

Converge Merge and Emerge transforming the Beautiful Illusion ( Humanity) through the process of E.T who unlike Humanity, are not Illusions but the Beautiful Truth.

The Naturals, are the Solid Fact of my family, and only the Naturals could merge and this anchor The E.T Beautiful Truth.

End thus complete the E.T from Ethereal Elemental form to Hue Man form through a play of all Truths, all Expressions and all Naturals aligned to The Common Thread

Expression Energy

This, as you have witnessed, is what I have been doing, battling the lies who are beautiful illusions

B I. 2 9

Isabelle Ilic

Busayo Alonge

I B. I.A

( I. B I A… meaning in O.I Nri Igbo I Came

I. B I A. F R A N C E

Meaning I B I. Full Circle 1992/ 29 9 1..-

I live as a Free Man.

T E N. The Elegant Nomad

N O M. A.D. Alexander David

T. E N O M A D.S… O M A Dharma Santana

Eternal Law

5 12. 17. 60. 12 60 Facebook Friends

E Q..

It’s is the O.M.A. Equation which I found myself rising to address this morning.

6:30 p.m

6 3 6. 15. O. 6.

But I was not aware of that until later

I was concerned last night for what was taking place in my body, the transformation I could feel it, but it was the discomfort and ache – A quiet agony which bothered me.

The sound felt what was more like what the series I had just completed watching..

Called,The Originals had described the process of being transforming into a Werewolf.

The painful process of bones breaking, instead of the elegant Transformation after achieving a Ground Breaking milestone for Humanity.

In my room Wolves every where

And yes I am F E I- NRI.

But yesterday night I had watched The Saint

T S. 2019

Linked in my Altar to John Mack and Mikki’s Nourishing Necessities card.

Elemental Essentials

Where on the card is the Halo, the calling card of Simon Templar The Saint


As well as the Image of Josh Bywater page


And the quiet agony persisted

My body my muscles, as if pulled by puppets masters ..

So when I got up, later concerned with not only the play..

And Esteban Miguel Filgueira strange absence and silence, and that we are at Quabtum Jump Leap Transformation.

And that my muscles and skeleton where seeking to quantum jump and transform..

My Being sought to find the answer to the riddle of this disharmony, which is why I knew it to be a riddle, because Harmony brings Pleasure Perfection not pain.

And so I again felt as a force was controlling me, trying to move me, to fear.

-just as I was am, have moved everything and everywhere to E Harmony

Whether they liked it or not

Even as they resisted and put up a hell of a fight.

An Adamant refusal to Evolve.

* What has always stunned me in this 7.6 year Script on my page, is the absurdity of a Script to give that which can not exists, the Illusion that it has a say in the matter.

It’s akin to someone being allowed to believe that they can live in this realm without eating or breathing..

You do not have a say in the matter.

Just as you have no say in Evolution or Awakening.

You of course can choose not to Exist by denying the Truth.

But to Be or Not to be, is Not really a choice

You already Are.

The only thing you are denying is the lie of Your Self, and this is one place the lie of you, and me the rep of your Eternal Truth agree.

I deny that you, too.

But it was allowed, or the Illusion was allowed to believe and power its own Illusion Delusion of its true I.D.

6:55 p.m

F E E.

Meaning Fairy and. Fee

Fair Folks line of the T E N

Elf Fairies


The Beautiful Ones who are the E Family when we first came under cover and enacted out a play to indent the Plan E T to link with your Matter bounds selves who would one day grow up to become Naturals, and represent the Consciousness of the Naturals who would link with the Truth, then the E.T, then the E E and final the E Source Frequency represented by me


Not Umeano…

I had Mackaylas Mothers Intel still in my mind being..

But was exhausted with solving riddles.

I had felt it necessary to show Jesse MaciasJesse

But he had been busy, he is a hard working single parent.

But today, he was not working, I tried once more to call Esteban from his phone, and Jesse commented that he was not picking up.for him either…

I had heard this same refrain from many others..

He normally is impeccable with Communicatio. At least with me, but something had changed..

Something was wrong..

I transformed the illusion of disrespect to my being and a blow, to its true meaning.

7:06 p.m


Sacred Portal 76

And then asked Jesse if he could read Mikki’s Message to me..

I asked him what he thought .

Something is trying to Control you, but this person’s Know you..

Truly knows you..

That you can not be controlled

The Energy of Truth in my body made me kneel to him in acknowledge and sought to rise roar in approval…

A Riddle.

The Coperate White Man

The Architect of this current World View.

That is the Voodoo, trying to Control me!

Janet Jackson song Control had warned me.

Micheal Jackson… I already knew what had been really done to him by the Cooperate

Cooperating White Mans World.


Whitney Houston

To every race, even their own, once they refused to play a White persona, but chose common sense as being Human Natural seeing all as one Species.

And then I recall my Astral Traveling to a space in 1975 in Canada, where the Ascended Beings Royals as in True Royals who are Seers, who had seen that the White Man

W M .. had brought the Destruction of the world, and the secret mission to bring them back to Pangea.

The mission E-mission my mother had volunteered me for..

I had been disturbed.

There is no such things as a White Man Consciousness or Black mans really

All are aligned to the Brown Earth, Blue Skies, Transparent Space..

Why had they given into a See with out fully understanding it’s meaning.

For, I had already months before written the story of the Transformation of the World and the Human Race to the E ART. Harmony

Harmonious Understanding of Expression

The Plan E.T.

Set in motion by the One E.

The Elegant N omad.

That Pangea would be restored, Naturally and Gracefully as the Transformation of the Body Being …Everything.

Similar to the process of a plant, or a baby growing

No growing pains.


Effort Created when there was nothing to do but Be and Cee..

That every thing is E A S E. E.

E A S Y… E A. S A. Y.

And so, I understood

Esteban is white but is Human.. A Natral but as all cultures and histories, each is affected and infected by the Historical Expression and advantages of where they are placed in the pecking order of this reality.

The White race has never had dominance over the world before .

Rome Greece Mongols Arabia .. Egypt Turkey West Africa .. all had their time in the Sun

But none of them were Pale Skinned or White.

They were Olive, Tan

Just as is my true complexion, just as is






John Mack Tans…

Pangea is the melting pot of all points of view, all Languages, culture, pigments, sounds voices..

One voice dictating its policy like the Gestapo

One group of thinkers creating a P.R through Telrviosiom Film Marketing to convince and spell bind an entire world population by depicting every thing positive as white

Lying White washing laundering out all the Color of life to enslave an entire population to its rational ( not reason or common sense)

A small group of people who call themselves, use the pretense of Advertising, Propoganda to create an Illusion, a terrible spell, reinforced over and over again using Control to dominate the mind and being of an entire planet..

And using knowledge of the Entire World cultures Voodoo..

Dark Spells and then convince and blame another .

Yes the White Co-operative

Corperare Machine..

Binding Spells with Radio T.V Film Books even Conversation and Art.. Science

See what they tried to do to me..

To my Expression Life

Control Money

Control Identity

Control Treatment

Fighting Natural Immigration of people to Pangea

Control resources

Control of banks

Control of even what you buy eat drink live..think.


Infected the Consciousness with their own ideas of how to see feel understand..

Dispelling any idea of your knowing

See how I have been treated.

Dependent on others at this point to eat

To pay my telephone bill

To have shelter to travel

I know what is doing this to my body

Revelations of Truth.

The E M Field is Tan



Fair Exchange

Why did this Script move me mainly through portals of Caucasians? I was not moved by the White Persons point of view or cowered by their Material Forces

Their Expressions so condescending and their refusal to object to the indignities a person of my value and contributions brought to the World..

I moved you.

To Evolution or Extinction.

You did not move me through this power of Money..to give or to take away.

Observe my age for the last 7.6 years,observe the arrogance the conciet in so many.

See how so.many address a person of my standing, or anyone not aligned to their Art Science… school system part of their Machine Dieu.

My expression is Inclusive, all inclusive to all who are Energy.

But I will never forgive or forget how people chose to.see me..

A slave to the Consciousness of those who enslave and destroy the best in their Species and Humanity .

No one protested

Just mainly Vampire

Believing that my offerings was their right which they did not have to earn

That my coming into your homes and lives was your granting me charity and a favor.

Keeping me waiting, breaking promises because that is how you treat that which is inferior to you..

Indifferent to his or her suffering or circumstances.

Refusing to come together and yourselves fight for such a person who has literally proven the Truth, the Beautiful Truth of Everything

8:00 p.m

And to this very moment you have no.respect for me, breaking off communication, harmony all my gifts and expression

Because you reveal that you can Control Me.

C Me?


Watch the true meaning of Control and where I am leading you who hold onto this expression and even after trainin, cleaning and enlightenment, go.back to that filthy way of Perceiving .

Only those in Harmony with Me

The E will.rise as Free as they akways were and will forever be.

Esteban lead me to all the correct portals aligned to My Script



H E.

Yes, I already know, no one can control me..

But I control your Destiny and Destination



See sacred Portal 86



The Beautiful Devil


I.saw exactly how you see me

No respect until

I.proved I.can bring you True Pain.

By taking everything even your bodies and beings, your Life Death everything away.

Which I have programmed and done.

You seriously did not think I knew how a person such as me should be treated .

Instead you make me wait and wait

Solving your riddles, until you could find a way to take all the Credit and claim it for your own.

8:12 p.m


No.equal to.me



God Particle Reason

And Wave E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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