
M.W. 87. – 10:11 pm – Micro Wave

M.W. 87.

10:11 pm

Micro Wave Oven.

Chris Filgueira

Kim Arthur Hinds Jr (one is present here right now with me)

Were both born in 1987.

MW 87.

12-14… 26. Z.


= 11+4= 15 letter O. Full Circle

11-4= 1 1 4 = 5. 6. E.F.

11- O4.

11- 64.

Only one came to the 64th portal

And only Kim is in Harmony with me right now.

And only one has been constant from 2019 to 2019- 2022 Right here now.

So which one is the True Universal C?.Consciousness Energy.
All Activated Potential
Al Activated Memory?

A.M…E. R. I. C.A….H.
In Harmony C-Sppeed of Light.
Perfect Timming
Perfect Symmetry
Perfect Harmony Energy?

10:22 pm

I got roped into posting this because this time it concerns my invested interests

To leave.

10:23 pm

Keep thinking of that Beautiful Brat and Youth Arden Gemino.

E.Q. 6th Sense.

Now A.Fact.


/ Fahad Hassen ” Kalutara Sri Lanka. ”

F H.

Perfect Symmetry he called Liberty C while I was present with her on the phone

5th State Connecticut
10 State Virginia

Nadee Nakandala lives in Sri Lanka
And recognized what I was doing on Facebook by the third day.

” he is feeding and nourishing the world”

123 C.

10:32 p.m.

So many details in completion of this Script

10:33 pm

I am retired!

But not to them

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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