
Life Is A Riddle.

Life Is A Riddle.


And I have been solving the Riddles of Our.. ( well your Existence) since I have been living since 1988 in only the Eternal Realm and came out with that Open Secret I told no one not even my beloved mother until I left my sisters homes in Queens Park London. And began, finally addressing the Silence about me world and truth in 1989..

29 Years again, that I fully recollected that I am not from here,

We the Naturals are not from here but are Extra Terrestrials N E T.. Undercover as The Elegant Nomads who unlike the Swiss Family Robinson, or Robinson Crusoe, were not Lost In Space or stranded on an Island with Man Friday .

That we were undercover.. ( And I was undercover in the Family of TEN) moving evolving back to Origins but now with that which my family were sent undercover as T N R…

( Yes Ele Ife T N R.. Your post was true…)

To understand how their B B Big Brother…

(Yes Kyle Murphy’s 2 Big Brothers, Robert and Brennan..

B R… O../ O R B…Full Circle)


L I A R…./ R A.. I L…R O A D…

I am not a Liar… L I.. A R…E… E.. is the complete E.Q..

Limitless Infinite Awareness Reflects (Songe) Eternal Existence…

N P…. No Problem. Naturalness is Perfection =30..C.O.

R TF M..Read the (*****) Manual.. ( E Manual on my page)

D I Y.. Do It Yourself. D I… Y./ Y is I.D

EOD.. End of Discussion. E O.. Delta..

8:45 p.m.


6.9 years… Nnamdi.. MW69… NNAMDI.. 5-4-69

17.5 years….Quantum Expression….. Q.E…/ E.Q.

The Shelter has decided 23..almost 24 months later to pay for my passport.

They begin my application on Monday.

I am being sent a new phone ZTE Govt Phone William Bracey W.B in the next 2 to 5 days.

The charge is 5 usd which..sigh I do not have to pay it.

The Door is finally opening.

Yes,I could have paid for my passport myself, or paid for a new phone or called ZTE earlier. But it was not in Harmony with the Script. After 17 years, of trying, I knew that the Script wished me to wait, and

Ghel Manoch G M.

The surname Gehl was first found in Silesia, where the name gained a significant reputation for its contribution to the emerging mediaeval society. The name derives from the occupational name for a town crier, for which the German word is geller. It is also a nickname for a man with red hair, from the Yiddish gel.

Town Crier… Calling out the News….

from the short form of an old personal name formed with Middle High German geil ‘voluptuous’, ‘mischievous’, ‘rich’. from an Old Frisian personal name formed with a cognate of Old High German modal ‘ancestral estate’, ‘home country’. nickname for someone with blond hair or a pale complexion, from Middle Low German,

Rich Voluptous mischievous rich Ancestral Estate…

Home Country… Home…

Manoch… MAN.. O C H… I E… O 15. C H.. 3 8…

According to the famous International Genealogical Index this is a surname which is recorded in England in a wide range of spellings. These include Manach, Manake, Mannack, Manoch, Manock, Mannock, Mannocke, Manowch, Manooch, Mannooch, Manouch, Manough, and possibly others. There have been a number of claims as to the origin such as Irish from the unlikely Mannix or Manogue, or the much more probable Dutch-Flemish-German personal name Mann, which does literally mean man. To this has been added various dialectal or misspelt diminutive suffix based upon -ock, a short form of the pre 5th century word cocc, meaning son of. It is probable that in England the personal name was first introduced from the continent by the original Anglo-Saxons of the 5th to the 8th centuries

Mann.. Son of Man…

The Town Crier is I.E who Trumpets Donald :The Universal Ruler as not a person but embodied as Principal Wave of Existence called Eternal Harmony…

has been announcing to one a all pubiclly, even brought to this public forum to announce the time return home has arrived…

The one who is announcing this, is the Son of Mann.



The reason I did not do what one does in this reality to get home, or out of such a situation was to complete the Script of Evolution Awakening which activates the Original Expression of that Eternal Harmony WAVE which leads me and everyone True Home in a natural beautiful effortless wave,

If I go home through my passport and through effort used in this realm, it means that I am a LIAR… And that my expression etc.. is a lie.

At this point all I wish to do is get out of this script, call me a liar if you wish but the evidence and facts I have given that thisis not Real Life.. R and L…

or True Life.. but rather a riddle designed to be answered and which leads you in the End Home..

Riddle of the Sphinx…? S P. H… IN .. X…

R O T S…. Solve the riddle of decomposition of the body.. How the body can sustain Energy of the Limitless and Infinite Expression of Being at 100%..

How can a physical body manifest in a way that it can allow infinite limiltless beings to experience having a body…

Being in this creation.

That was the riddle and play which took place with Kyle Murphy today…


9:43 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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