
Liberty C. – Emeka Kolo. – Lyrica

Liberty C.
Emeka Kolo.

Lyrical Conversation. L.C.

That was the last Paper I wrote in 2010-2011.
As well as “Covering Letter” C L, was the essay I wrote about the Evolution Awakening and how it would manifest here on the streets of this very idea of the world.
Every detail was written about the “Epiphany- Rapture”
And it was a G-Ode and Paean of Praise, which a young mathematician ran it through his Algorithm which transforms Words, into mathematical equations of numbers, after reading it on his girlfriend’s desk, and was so astonished by the result it came to, which was C- as Speed of Light as identified by this worlds physicists.
That was in 2010 when I left Al Santana’s home at 268 East 4th Street and Generation X Gardens with Fritz C.Venneiq.
And where we lay on a knoll at Pelham Bay Park in the Bronx of New York, and he fell asleep to the sound of my voice recounting to him the story of how he, his line came into the story of this world, and how he later woke up having seen the truth of all nature transform into what he described as the most astonishing beauty.

“This is a very poor version of the true way really is,” he said with such excitement and enthusiasm.

“It is the human eyes have been placed with layers, upon layers of veils, not allowing them to see the truth, the Beautiful Truth of Existence, Creation, Nature.”
I could only smile while hiding the gasp and stomach sinking- did that mean that I would have to peel of manually only with reason, explanation, and logic, to bring order, so all would see what an hour conversation with Fritz had seen at ease, as he fell asleep?

It’s been 11 years since I left in July 2010, only with Fritz by way of Collin and his girlfriend, that is an awfully long time to not only wait but be working 24/ and then move through the insult of a mental Health shelter- to bring all reps of The Chosen One’s home. while coding, fighting to align Natures Symphony back to harmony.
That was the color which Albert, * Edwin Albert Santana painted the interior of the building before I was “released” and asked to go.
I had nowhere to go, that is why we ended up after Collins, moving through Pratt college of Art, where Erik Ebright went, and whom I had met in 2006.

That is 11 years from July 2010 that we experienced my arrival at the Knoll just outside of Pelham Bay Park where I saw on the wall in the station the first time the word “E-G.ODE”
And then the mist from heaven as a perfect ring, descend onto the Knoll, and Fritz said to me, that is where we will stay, in the center of the Mists, which was so thick, but light, it totally shielded us from the surrounding traffic and noise. It was as if, actually was as if we had entered a dimension beyond time and space. And that was the place, he had lain down, while I sat beside him and told him the awakened memory of how he came to be the Line of Adam in his original version of the Story of His- Story.

8:51 pm.

I am told that my voice can be magical, evocative, it’s sound and cadence.

My mother too had that kind of soothing, musical expressive voice.

But here, on Facebook, I do not use that Gift, my voice, I was made to use only words, I saw why I was directed not to use it or my physical presence, and I obeyed.

8:59 pm.

The Script said yesterday when Azrael Azazel arrived, Linked to Stephen, Esteban Miguel Filgueria, A.S the rep of the E.M.F who had bought a new Black Car, which aligned with the same timing that Azrael Azazel or perhaps another with the same name became my Facebook friend ( all coded right here in real-time, actual Time, The Moment, so you can go back and check if you will) rep of the Angel of God, Gods Helper, A.O.G- ( A F G- A: 67), A.G, G.H, Angel Of Death, who separates the Soul from the Body at the moment od Death taking Beings Spirits, home. While in this version he unifies them into Body and Being as One Awareness -Awakening.
And I coded it, recorded it, but this time, I did not care to explain what it meant. J C I and Onwu which is the name for Death in OINri Igbo.
There is no reason at this point to explain.

Yesterday Countuptsb Parham sent me a series of messages, questions as to why he was able to see things, say things and they would instantly manifest, and why he could not explain to himself why he was so intensely drawn to me.
I did not post that, because I am done with giving you any more evidence and facts unless directed by the Logic and Order. L.O – Sequence- I Sew- Sol!) of the Victor Manu- Script.

But Liberty C’s intel at 9:46 a.m about Mount Etna was relevant to the Script.
Angel of God, Angel of Death, I knew because I had coded it, I was the Translator and Scribe. T.S. The Source.
I knew what it meant, but something else is governing, control the rhythm and Cadence, and it has been so slow, so long, so tedious.
I am bored.

9:17 pm.
Nor do I feel I have to be forced to be Generous, Gracious- G.Ode with you anymore to share and explain.
With this reception can you blame me.
I can hardly move my fingers, so tired they are of typing words night after day, in a script which feels me with shame, at that which I am forced each day to come face to face with, was created for me, intended for me to walk, code and integrate each new Facebook friend while I wait, work, and body is crying out inwardly from the yoke, of this joke of a script to bring the eternal end and infinite beginning of that which always was because it IS.
O P E N – A.P.R. I.L
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr
Christos Tzouganatos

Stephen Johnson
Azrael Azazel

End of The Story.

I received intel today from Liberty C, about E.T.N.A it aligned because we just completed E.T with Edgar Torres and N.A. 14 1/ A N. 1 14.
Nana my ex girlfriend in London 1991. Part Austrian and Japanese.
J A and her old Mercedez Benz and pink sunglasses she gave me to wear as we went down a hill to rise to see and greet Devons Dawn Sunlight.

I know where we are, but I have no desire to explain and clarify.

9:29 pm.

Just enough to move me, this forwards, for I despise and loathe the mentality of this realm. being in this script and at 219 South Whitney, documenting, recording and this force knows that, and that is the whip and the lash which brings me here, against my will, each day with nothing further to add, but yet here I am with this V.O.I.C.E moving me, all it requires is me to open the page- and soon it is making me see The Way.

9:33 pm

And only here on my page is it so, so terrible, and yet clearing like a mist to reveal, Beautiful! Beautiful! My God, So Beautiful.

9:35 p/m/


But I can’t really see or wish to see anymore. I have had enough, see and understood, and experienced enough, so if you take over my awareness as both body and being, and place words in front of me, I will connect them, until my own will and soul cries out no.
Then I stop.

But for the moment, as I said to Arden, whom I made The Promise to…to Aurelia, and Ferrell.
I am here present, until tomorrow, or not.

9:39 pm
I C.I.

Moment to moment, of how much of this more, at this point of the depth of the insult of my still coding, and still being here- of use to abuse… of Power.

I personally have nothing I really want to say.
There is a lot more to say, but I said “Not This Way” and yet you have gone ahead against my wishes to impose your will.

9:43 pm.

What more can one say to that?
Except the obvious, but that your needs and your value and worth to the whole far outweighs mine, your source.


Sunday Anike Mbah

Darcy White

Yolanda Houston

Alia Alia

Lucky King

S A M … E

L K. ( Prince Khan ).


9:54 pm


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