
One last thing…what I find myself proving is that human beings are literally magnets…

6/20/12  4:55pm

One last thing…what I find myself proving is that human beings are literally magnets which, when cleansed and purified, can raise the electro magnetic frequency of their hearts to override the pulse and frequency of the systems of man, and even that of nature. They can become magnetic, energized and, using the laws of true mutual attraction, literally drawing forth any and all the resources they require to expand upon the idea of creation…receiving from both the system of man (concrete jungle\matrix) and the system of nature. They do this by simply energizing themselves to the correct frequency (I call it peak evolution point), and then prove they have done it, by giving evidence of it; they are able to explain, articulate and demonstrate it so others see how it works and benefits them, ending this labor of JOB, rush, rush, pain and suffering, worry and anxiety.
Of course it had to be proven that the original frequency at which the earth vibrates is that of love and beauty. When you expand on this, merging it to create energy, frequency which yields only beauty, for one and all. Then you had to prove an understanding of the system, raise your frequency-vibration by proposing a better system. Subsequently you then embody it against the full weight and power of the system, facing the very energies and frequencies that such a system generates. This confrontation makes it no longer feasible and thus due for a change and an evolution.
Your frequency does not challenge the system, but rather the system in place becomes the whetstone on which you are able to hone your frequency-vibration high enough to escape, overriding frequencies both and unnatural. It is all about finding the frequency within the self that is more powerful than the four elements and the animal nature of man\woman in the dream or nightmare… We have to prove we can raise our frequency to the fifth Element, and thus prove our dominion over everything in creation and all existence…through our own self mastery via the experiences of this life.
This is what I have been working on and, when it is ready, I think the whole world will know.
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 2/18/24: 373


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