
Last Code of E Triangulation….

Last Code of E Triangulation….

( Not Strangluation…)

Elation Triangulation…

G O O G L E… M A P S…

S.P….. A.M….. G O O G…E.L..

Sacred Portal A.M… 7- OO7….Full Circle…

Emeka Luke…

E Lisa Natalie Johnson….right in front of me…

J.B… James Bond…

Under Cover….

And the Spy who Loved E

As I sat in front of Taylor and Mcgraw…

( Tom McCoy… T.M… TOM… My Twin is White… Jamel White Beauty is Caucasian just as David Roman Nicholas is…Deal with it… And Lady Harmony the mixture of Brown Tan and White…)

…A Google Maps car in Green 297 came and parked right in front of me…

Complete with the Camera and driver just sitting there.

Deus Machina

Death Machine…


Delta Manor…

D.M Divine Manifestation.


Medical Doctor…


Manifest Destiny.

Friday the 13th….

Still at 1013 Face Book Friends for the 4th Time…

10 10 10 10…13 13 13 13…. 40…52…4O 52

D.O .. DOE! ..A Dear….D.E ..E R… E.B…


5:08 p.m.


E Harmony…

Emeka’s Harmony..

Eternal Infinite.

Lisa Natalie Johnson has been ill for the past few days,

I sent her a message and she responded today-

one of the things she said was that it was temperature in her body going up 4 or 5 times..

But it was here statement It was as if Evil was leaving my Body too…

And then her statement,

Oh, shid Emeka! Dang! That is so messed up! I dreamt and then woke up and saw all manner if machinations around me. Around us..

That is what has been so intense in my body of recent, like a Virus, a Bug is fighting in my body refusing to leave.

I know it is not real, but is simulated to feel so real as a constant source of misery pain, twisting distorting…

The same way it has been manifesting in Lisa’s body but through Temperature.

Last night when I got back to the Delta Manor Shelter…

Ham the recently promoted Security guard asked me if I was better- he said he had never seen me Roar like that.

I had not felt I had roared that dramatically… perhaps I did..

Evil… He is the rep of Evil.

Yes, I know he is like a little Troll poking..


Do you know that guy dying’ upstairs is his friend I said.

He thinks he is his friend Mr Ham responded with derision

Exactly I said that is what makes me enraged… Evil

( And no one saying anything…but apparently the Staff knew)

I went downstairs, and heard the men gossiping in a corner..

my contempt almost overwhelmIed me, but the Beautiful Black complexioned man who used to pass cigarettes to sat in between like buffer…

A few minutes later ‘Nicole’ came down,

Mr Kolo, you were correct, I am your new Case Manager

(I had spoken to her a day before as she got my dinner and she had stated that she was ignorant of the fact that she had been assigned me…)

But no one told me… I am so sorry you have been so neglected.

I responded in a much more elegant expression that it really was no skin off my ass…

You have been neglected she repeated..

So I listened.

And I realized that all the men outside realized this too…

The Beautiful Spanish man- ( his complexion is beautiful and one can see what a distinguished and handsome man he could have been, a statesman).

Anyway… what I am getting up was the set up…

The men got an instant response to the gossip being spread by that two men in 4-007, and perhaps the new 4-010…


What was this Kindergarten for the school of Disease?

(But of course… Green House)

All I felt was disgust and impatience… pandering a script pandering to dullards.

She asked to come up when I had a moment.

I went up, Alexis brought me my dinner…

And I spoke with Nicole… Can we meet at 3 pm every Tuesday…

Cassandra and I had the official time of 10;am..

First meeting the 17th…

10-3…17…. I was getting impatient.

Theo came in the Asst Night Director…

My body reacted,Nicole’s eyes Bugged,but to her credit she recovered swiftly, Theo did not bat an eye lid.

But he was outside when I went to heat me food.

Theo, I said quietly, When I said he is Evil .. I meant Evil…

Yes Theo responded discretely, Mr Kolo…

I understood perfectly what you meant, we have been having problems with him which is why we informed him that he is being transfered and he is trying to create as much Havoc and mischef before he goes…

And we do not wish your important work.. that you have been doing to be interfered with any more…

My body bowed before I could stop it and the person of bed 4-013 was right besides him and smiled with a sort of Triumph

D.O.M…. D.M…

F R E E D O M…?

Again he repeated the relevance and importance of my work not being disturbed…

Again my body bowed and another man behind me nervously stepped back.

I inside I was angry, what does this mean, that they are aware of the importance of my work…

Theo speaks to me in a manner what speaks to Bruce Wayne – Bat Man..The Butler Sensei… English British mannerisms to the hilt.

It is quite comical and yet very well played, like a scene in which I often naturally fall into playing the scene with him- he is as tall as I am with a beautiful Black complexion ( and like the other must have been very handsome in their youth but both had pot bellies.. especially Theo… which kind of spoiled the Effect… Dark Matter)

5:56 p.m.

Deus Machina…

Death Machine…

Freeing Humanity from the Spell of Numbers… Which took away their I.D’s…

That this is not about my I.D this is about restoring the True Nature of Humanity- rescuing then from the Concentration Camps, The Gas Chambers, the Death Camps…

1945… 77 450…

77 14 50….G G N E O…. NEO.. Matrix…

Nicolas Emeka O.e…

Nicole Gallant… N.G… 147..

Gabriella Nicole G N… 7 14… NG/G.N…Full Circle… 21 21.. 42..6

Nicole Tayler Maxine… N T M…

Angelo Fronda

Cassandra Nicole… C.N… 3 14…

Spear Of Destiny…

Donna O’Sullivan…


Delta Operating System..

True Meaning

Delta Operating System..

Spear Of Destiny… S.O.D….S.D…

Tiffany Dawn Haynie

Tiffany SD….

D.S.. Dewight Smith…WW…23 23.. 46… 19… 23…

Formerly bed 3-010…

Will Woods…WW…23 23.. 46…

Formerly bed 3-007…

N.G… Is code for Nigeria…

Which is in the Delta Region…

N.G is really Sacred Portal 14 7.. A B..

Which the Script and the Play has confirmed over and over again right to Anthony Bienke, Amoza Born Ajay Barik and 147 The Bean Cafe 1st and 9th…

And to Hurricane Harvey Alabama Mississippi

( H.A.M…Mr Ham*Security Guard, to 8 Hampshire Bay, our first Home after we immigrated to Canada from England in 1972..

*Temp in Delta in 72… 27/ 72…

H..AM…Harmony A.M..

Ham in the Bible…

Axel Love whom I met at The Bean Cafe in 2005

Then called Cafe Kudo’s ( Kudo’s same meaning as Emeka, means Praise) it was then on 1st and 3rd…

1 3… I am at 13 Face Book Friends for the 4th Time…

1 3/ 3 1…A C/ C A… Full Circle… no M really since

0-9… O-9.. O.I/ I O…

The Number Zero Does not Exist…

Only 1-9/ 9-1… After which it is the Full Circle…

Letter O… 15 Letter… 6+9= 15=6… F… 6 x9= 54…20…T…

2…Full Circle.. 2 O… O O…

6 O O…F O O…

F O O Fighters…

Every Body was Kung Foo Fighting…

I have no idea why Nigeria keeps on making a claim on this play and on me through blood line, or through the idea that I lived there for 11 years..

Despite all the codes making it obvious that even before I even knew where Nigeria was, I had already been aware of my Nature the codes and my own Identity..

I wrote the the story of the Awakening in 1975…

I lived in 8 Hampshire Bay and was aware just as I was when we moved to 105 Wiltshire Bay… H.B… W.B…

The Exertion on me to solve link or any connection with them and that story was long ago proven forfeit.

They had nothing to do with the true Story or the Truth of E..

That Country and peoples never existed…

The O.I.N.RI…Is a Code O.I…N.R.I.O.S…. River..

Eton/ Note…

They are not my relatives nor blood line nor has any of them housed me in New York or aided with the Play or my coming to America or New York.

I had received support and aid from Everyone except Nigerians

and the only portal of an African I passed through was Raphael and Olivier two French Cameroonians models in Venice Ave Brooklyn…And they were not rep of West Africa but of the ET.. Extra Terrestrials…

This is all E…

And is the True Story and the new story.. and true story of Existence… Ala Rea all these Stories of Humanity where programs indented into a Matrix for Humanity to evolve but where instead twisted and distorted.

The Igbo people only came into the play recently and helped only through being moved

Patrick Okolo 510

Dean Dunkwu 800

Chike Cyprian Nwosu… C.N… 3 14…

The Spear of Destiny, also known as the Holy Lance, is in Christian tradition the spear that the Roman soldier Longinus thrust into the side of Jesus (c. 6 B.C.E.–c. 30 C.E.) as he hung on the cross. (Then came the soldiers and brake the legs of the first and of the other which was crucified with him. But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs: But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side and forthwith came out blood and water [John 19: 32–34 KJV]). Christian knights discovered the Holy Lance at Antioch during the First Crusade in 1098. The sight of the sacred artifact in the Church of St. Peter so inspired the beleaguered Christian soldiers that they rallied and routed the Saracens from the city. From that time forth, according to legend, whoever claims the spear and solves its secret holds the destiny of the world in his hands for good or evil.

Although there are a number of relics in various European churches that claim to be the genuine Holy Lance, the spear that is on display in the Weltliches Schatzkammer Museum (the Hapsburg Treasure House Museum) in Vienna has been considered the most authentic and it has found a home there for 250 years. It is also known as Constantine’s Lance, and it was employed as a symbol of the imperial power of Holy Roman emperors at the time of their coronation in much a similar manner as the orb and scepter are used in the coronation of the monarchs of Great Britain. According to Trevor Ravenscroft in The Spear of Destiny (1997), a 19-year-old Adolf Hitler (1889–1945) was first led to the lance in 1908 and from the moment of his first encounter with it in the museum, it became the central pivot in his life and the very source of his ambitions to conquer the world. In addition to Constantine (d. 337), Hitler found that as many as 45 emperors had owned the lance before the great Charlemagne (742–814) had possessed it. Frederick the Great of Germany (1194–1250), who founded the Teutonic Knights on which Hitler allegedly based his SS, had also been an owner of the Spear of Destiny at one time. Ravenscroft claimed in his book that Hitler would often visit the museum, stare at the Holy Lance, and enter

The spear of Longinus with Templar cross. (FORTEAN PICTURE LIBRARY)

The spear of Longinus with Templar cross. (FORTEAN PICTURE LIBRARY)

into a trance state in which he would view his future glory as the master of the Third Reich.

Thirty years later, on March 14, 1938, Hitler arrived in Vienna to oversee the annexation of Austria. He also observed the transfer of the Hapsburg Crown Jewel collection, which included the Holy Lance, from Vienna to Nuremberg, the Nazis’ favorite city. With the Spear of Destiny now safely ensconced in Germany, Hitler declared that the war could begin in earnest. The lance would be well protected in the hall of St. Katherine’s Church, where it had once rested for nearly 400 years.

However, later in the war when Allied bombers damaged a portion of St. Katherine’s, the many treasures looted by the Nazis and stored there were taken to another hiding place. In the chaos and confusion, the Holy Lance was inadvertently left behind.

The Spear of Destiny fell into the hands of U.S. soldiers on April 30, 1945. A few hours after the Holy Lance passed from Nazi possession on to its next claimant to world power, Adolf Hitler committed suicide in his Berlin bunker. Later, the United States officially returned the Holy Lance to Austria, along with the other treasures that the Nazis had stolen. Today, the Spear of Destiny stands again in the Hapsburg Treasure House Museum in Vienna

If you notice, Chike Nwosu who sent 330.00 USD from Class of 82… Is no longer my Face Book Friend…

C.N… 3 14… Which is when the Spear Of Destiny was said to be discovered.

If you go back to my older post with Zeina Hanna some years ago I establish that the Spear Of Destiny is not a Lance.. But a Code Lance-alot… Dionysus God of Fertility…

That the true Spear of Destiny is Zeina… Beauty.. The Beautiful One… Grace… Hannah.. Grace is Harmony…

My Tribute 5 Phone is what I am using now- the Clock out of the Two phones, the one with a 33 USD payment plan ( Boost Mobile) the Black B.L. 49 J.H Stopped working…

49 is the Bed I was given in 2015…

Barbara and Lawrence B.L… Left.. only Ms Lilian 73-74 yrs old remained She saw me and greeted me..

* Yes Lisa Natalie Johnson you were right about Larry.

It was telephone 1 917 5 69 6455…

Jimmy Frazer bed 4-003 took my Dove Body Wash but did not tell me that he took it he gave me a test instead Did you leave anything in the Bathroom-

Sacred Portal 13 is Manipulation Control…

My mind responded later with contempt, why did you take it, leave it there… That is what we do…

Tommy the Caucasian had made that statement recently that if something was not his he left it in the bathroom- he does not touch it…

Jimmy is Black Bed 4-003…

Thomas McCoy is White Bed 4-012…

Tom McCoy is Clean Innocent and does not use Deception

Wayo to find a way to take that which does not belong to a person… Testing.. Distrust…

Purity does not do that… Thus I eliminate both bed 4-003, 4-005 and 4-006…. And claim the 3 corners of the Delta Quadrant as well the 4th…

They are not of I.E… 356…/ 653… there is not 365….Because not only does that exclude bed 4-004… Delta.. 4…

But means that I am outside of the Cycle of 12… 1-12…

-Only way it works is if I am linked to all and outside also as a Leap Year.. Quantum Leap.. Jump..

Last years 2016… T.P…/ PT… When the point was made 25th D.E.C.. E… ( 4 Quintin 5…6…) D F C E…. D E C E.. M B E R 25 St Nicholas was made…

D.O.V.E…. Dove of Peace..?

D O P… 4 O 16. .. 4 -004…

D.V…E…. Double V.. E..


7;05 p.m.

7:06 p.m.



I came downstairs and saw Dee…

She gave me a sandwhich and asked she then commented that she knew the eating habits of myself and Francis Frick to a T and that it was so easy with us, though Francis was more specific…

Recall that Francis Frick.. F F..Had been my room mate in the 4 Room Dorm..4 B…He bed 4-018… D.O.R…/ R O D…

Myself Bed 4-016… D.O.P… DOE P…

DOPE… ( I do not use Dope or Opiods)

FF.. 66…. E.K…5 11…. 12…Lisa Natalie Johnson just arrived…

16…P… L.P… ( Album)…. L.P… 28…

11 28… 39… C.I…

The 4 Corners Room 4 B…

And the 4 Corners Room 4A…

4 man Room 15 Man Room..

I have 19 usd in my Wallet Right now….


S A O..H…I…E…Sane…Laudable Whole Complete…

The Greatest Evil of All is that which manifested this Play Script… and test 69… It is 96….

Nnamdi was an illusion of IE… Now Evolved to E..

G O O G L E…

E L G O O G… S P A M…

E L GO.. / O G…. Meaning :5 in Japanese…

Not Gossip.. not Spam….

E.L… 5th Dimension Full Circle… Sacred Portal A.M…

1 2 3… Cocks First Dawn Awakening…

Sacred Portal 76…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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