
Justice League…

Justice League…


Clark Kent..


Link the reflection in this play and portal Edmund Kent Friedman


This is the movie, I arrived just as Raheem, who never brings movies to the Movie room not do I ever watch movie here put on.

1:18 a.m.

Also the seat available for me to sit when I arrived was right beside him.

18 is Letter R…

And I knew I was seeing the Reflection of the E play finaly aligned with the distorted version played out in this reality.

Justice League…

J L..

was the play of Joseph Carey and Lisa Natalie Johnson

which really linked to me as Luke… L is A…

Jonn Luke Pi-Card… House of Card… Kevin Space E..

J.L…is numbers 10 12.- 22… V… Victor. Victory.. V=5.

J L.. 1O 12… 13… M… 4.. D.. 17 Q Quantum… H- Harmony.

H.Q… 8:17 a.m… 8:17 p.m.

12:51 a.m.

1-6-2018… 11 1




Alien Father Alpha.

A Fact Be…


There are somethings which I am not spelling out but I have given enough hints, and I am also unraveling a script that I was aware since 2004 when I wrote the Original Creation Story of the Family of Ten, when I attained the frequency through embodiment of access that Frequency, Awarness Memory of which I was and became a Radio Reciever and literally television and Teleportation device which caused no only for me to literal have the family rise in me while sitting at 33rd Street in Manhattan New York..

But literal trasncend time and space to, not simply remember but be in the actiality of Inception to completion of the Alpha Mission of the Evolution Plan ET.

It was the same story but an evolved of continuation of the expansion of that book in which the exact same experience ocurred when I was 7 8 years old in 1974, 75…

1:05 am.

When I lived with my bio Family at 105 Wiltshire Bay, Windsor Park Winnpeg Manitoba Canada.

*Date was 1 O 5-2018…

Joseph Carey was the only one who is now in my life at present when that event took place.

I had moved out of his then, Mother’s Apartment and had moved in with Michelle Lobsinger who had invited me to stay with her after she met me with David Roman Nicholas, Naim and Tanya that day I first made contact with them and moved in with them.

She had overheard our speaking and she had come over from another table, interupted our conversation which was not from this realm..

And said All her life she had the impression that she had forgotten something and was late, late for a meeting and she believed it was people.. us.

We did not stay in touch until about a year later…

When she was ready to, excited to move me into her apartment.

That was in 2004, 57th Street Near Columbus Circle… And then to 33rd Street where I wrote the book.

No one was present when it all took place, Michelle had traveled to Michigan where her family is from.

But I was in touch with both her and Joe by telephone.

I let them know a little of what was going on- but I was no longer in this world.

I recall that it was Halloween when it began, the same day we had moved into our first home in Canada, 8 Hampshire Bay on the same day… Halloween 1972 after we had immigrated from Birmingham England to Canada via London where my sister and I had been born ( Nnamdi was born in Oldham… Ham…England)

1974… 20004….

1975… 2005…. which is when I left her home on 33rd Street and had completed the play but the spasm and contraction in me body had risen to a point of extraordinary inconvience.

It was not my Family presence in me who rose in through me during that period and stayed, that was the cause of the extraordinary pain and discomfort but rather the Elf world I had met through Joseph Carey- and the challenge passed through to me by his families friend an undercover Elf whom I do knew that Joe was not even aware of.. He was 23.. 24 at the time when John transmitted his pain- Cancer- which he died of but no longer in pain.

Joe was not even present during that exchange, only Richard was. I took him there to present him to John when after taking some mushrooms Richard woke up in the middle of the streets of New York seeing the whole of New Yorl as a Movie set…

And recognizing me as his brother Vi king.. he is from Norway.

He later went back down and made me sad and a bit angry when he made me promise to not mention or make him rise ever again.

He wanted to live in this world, but in his defense only after he witness the shocking play of John ritually forcing me in a challenge to take his pain and recognizing Richard rather than myself as I.E…

Which he did out of malice, at the pain he had endured as a Dark Elf Lord line of Nature made to endure the world I had as my highest self had created for Man whom they despised.

Yes Superman… S M..

Seth Myers…

Salvador Mundi…

Seth Manu .. Progenitor of the Human Race…

Seth McBean I met at the Bean Cafe/..

Mohitt Seth

KAEL… Meaning Voice of The Creator…

I was not allowed to rise, held bound… by the Magic of the Dark Elves story

John was the name my bio Fathers Best Friend…

1:41 am.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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