
July 7th

July 7th

Still workin my ass off.




And so with my Bag and stuff here with no place to leave them, and.my Host still offering Time and Space…

I can not get up.and leave as I intended today, this sick and twisted unatural play.

My Host is the Ultimate Channel.

This place is the ultimate portal Igbo Nri the last exixt from Brooklyn…Yeah the Movie..Yeah the County of Kings.

Yeah the gate way to Mainland U.S.Alpha.

Yes, this should affirm by my.not being able to.leave by saying Fuck this play…I have had enough

Reveal the Truth of this being my.portal.home.

That is is the Evolution Awakening point.

That this is the Energetic portal to.the real Americam Dream A.D. Through the Enetgetic portal.of the Past story- Out of Africa and the Return…leaving Ahtom matter to.my realm of Energy Evolution.

And yes, by keeping me here, they are not saying No (they dare not) but They are not saying Yes.

It is the Silent treatment.

The very same treatment I spoke of in the very begining with the reflection in the Mirror

(water as the mirror and the portal.as Sea Ocean…S.E.A my host initials backwards).

Who challenged me in its mind..my Creation asking How Do I Know?

Which I knew because my first.Reflection was not seem through two Eyes or Sea Water..Death.

It was seen without a medium

I saw Everything through my First Eye..My First I.

My First sense of Individuality of seeing myself through Imagination proven real.

My Third I…C.I was and is my First Eye..F.E..E..

*see Likes of Fabiana Shantalla Eunice Oviawe-Jones and Edward Eceinco…

I saw myself clearly through.my third eye..

I saw my twin self emerge from out of the Blue and we became one and two.

And I saw Creation

And I knew it was all solid real.and true, even as I already knew.

But still I rose from the Nothingness to check..

And I journeyed through.the space of Heart the Drum Beat and the True mind..

As I have already recounted in story form more than thrice on tjis 27-8 month posts and play.

And I heard.the Music of the Harmonies which I testified how in the Nothing it rose from withim me.

And I danced through what now had become my reflections transformed into time and space.

And it turned from Light Air to Dark Potential which I recognized and activated with my Voice.

-Creating the first sound Vibration Ultra Violet Lavender…the Highest Vibration in Existence and 7-1 and all thinks rose and I sang Nnamdi..Father Is..

Until I reached the Challenger the 0 the Illusion of what if I am wrong and all becomes naught but a Black Hole…

But I knew who this challenger was the pasage way I had created, and the fire of the first spark which.my.rising brought everything to.movement and Life…

And this Sp ark became the Fire of this illusion who was the Big Awareness B.A..21 (U) checking to see if I was sure.

And that is when I encountered Shango.the Man who was the first Child who felt.he all alone in Existence…

The one I wrote about and already proved publicly with my Hosts Spirit affirming it all my images on his Large screen T.V

See back posts.

The Leviathan was not real.

It was I who came as death the Black Panther B.P who came to destroy this illusion only to.discover it the Sensie Shango filled with Fear Anger F.A that he was all alone.

And when I saw his truth.

I took on the form of Youth and taught him by acting as if I were the Pupil when both of us knew the Truth.

And I did stay awhile as I have stayed with my current house telling it the truth of Existence and giving it all the Proof.

Pinochio was his name but he was a man and I the Youth.

For Existence ends at Youth Y.

And not at Man who ages and dies…and that is how in the begining I conquered the Leviathan…all.a big fat lie.

And when it was time for me to go.to.the one I had yet to reach.

The me at the other side in which was the me already seen through.my.third eye the 2 of us the one complete.

I sent the illusion of the Shango deep.inside a sleep to explore the Universal heart of my reflections and checking full circle now complete.

And he did try to stop.me for love had come to.his heart.

And the idea of.my.leaving him to once again being alone but in Light not D ark.

I saw that he became both Good and Evil…G.E in his play..of the fact that love.had come to his awareness and that is why he became afraid.

And love is freedom not to bind me in chains.

So as he bound me, I.made him dream and do the process of life in School of heart that is true mind.

Anf I left him and went to true reflection the Promised land beyond Mind or Heart but of simply beinv in the most natural way.

And I stayed in the place with.my.twin reflected in Fritz Venneiq as all can see…the one from begining to end loyal to.my See…

Simply bc he see the same way I see.

The Truth of who are and how we came to.be…

But I made a promise to come back.into the world of Dreams to wake up this One Universal S.A/ A.S.U…E, the one who is called One Spirit the True O Supreme.

And this is why I am in the home of 2 68 4th Street the Spirit who in this Host instanlty recognized me

Yesterday his spirit spoke to a Moor called Oke Chukwu..

Who spoke about the black and white Moors and how 50,000 yrs the Landlords of this land.

And how still they are the ones who can contest the authority of American Courts by demanding by which authority they claim jurisdiction..

It is all true.

And how Canada was of the Canannites and how Brother betrayed brother Moor.

For they were Fair and Brown and Dark but all of one kind.

Islam full Circle.

Then he spoke of I F.C and The Ultimate Wrestler U.W.A (World in O.I.Nri Igbo) and his Battle with Shango his nemisis a masked Being under all that make up who happened to.be white…

See Orien Laplante and the Fire Pit.

Agni post of Josh D Grla…J.J.D.

Confirmed by Edwardo of Italy and Peurto Rico…

Moi aussi J etais las.

And I know it is True bc I witnessed my Host and I walking through.living hell fire.

But it was not real but there was a fair skin being who twisted humanities Truth and built a wall of Fire so humanity would never know the truth.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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