July 23.
G W double U ( BC) A.D.
The Sacrifice of one (anyone) for the Greater Good.
I am still here.
Extraordinary how far this play has been allowed to go without someone standing up and saying
Fuck this play script!!
If what Emeka is saying is true…(and I have given 28 months evidence of it being so by being forced to expose my entire life where the codes and plan exist)
Then to condone what has been done to Emeka or anyone, to condone Evil beyond any concept of the word in order to see if the planet will awaken to a joyous new era, means that the very ppl who tolerate the sacrifice of another for thier gain can not be worthy of Evolution.
It is obvious I am still in the play.
I have not found a means to.leave it or this venue.
I know exactly where we are in the play script
I am currently working on landing the Truth in the Beautiful Present represented in this play by David Philipe Gil…
I know that we are unbelievably still.in O.I Nri Igbo portal of 4th Street representing the Afor Oye Eke Nkow Igbo Market days…
I.just saw a post from David where he used the words Eke Eke…
So I know that his Espirit has let me know that we are at the third market day.
A year ago a Seer in my.Mothers unusual Church who I gave evidence not only are aware of my being not in this world Consciousness but live in the 5th Dimension while being stuck.in the 4th Dimension called the Spirit realm or realm of Memories.
And even sent my mother a message to give me last year…
Which is documented, that I was set to go even further in the journey to a place Beyond.
Some one told my mother that I was a Child of Nkow…and thus protected.
I find all this basic crap bc I know that I have not been protected but used by a Supernatural Force to push me forward.
And that even the code E.O to EE 55 to David Emeka is a code of D.E (4 5) that instead of my leaving with the arrival of my Family of E1…
That instead the most unimaginable betrayal has occurred.
If one notices Edward Eceinco has been testing me non stop.
Not intentionally.
And Eunice Oviawe-Jones post have been a non stop stimuli of tests and questions to me.
Meaning that instead of focusing on the Beautiful Present.
The Doors of E.O portals and EE portals even to E1 which Nikoma Rios Espirit testified to almost 2 years ago…
Then arrived in perfect timming recently to Espirit Summons linked to Space Odyessy (S.O…the Fith Note…meaning my portal again affirmed) has been blocked.
Again by the use of the human fleshy consciousness of Jealousy Competition Envy.
This has very little to do with the current players but a Spirit.
Thus, if we are at Eke eke.. Emeka Kolo E…
And yet I am still being stimulated to weave….which means explain and weave..E.W.
And EE keeps on with his Yoruba Ifa stories then we see that in the Fourth Dimension we I am at on 4th street…
That there had been an Igbo and Yoruba battle going on in the refusal to accept the Truth and each still holding on to stories of the past which have no relevance in the beautuful present…
And are still holding onto to.my pyhysical body (powered only by something which is real…the Brothers Fathers..Mother Sisters) who were given the power of this Domain by the 1 so they could understand the Truth of Existence
No other force can do this to.me and my body.
Hold the Truth from manifesting in this reality.
And my body which was loosening rising has tightened again, feeling the reigns of something holding my body here in the Past O.I.Nri Story and Yoruba story…
Still challenging testing seeking a way to prevent me from unifying with myself as I pass through the 1234 to fifth Dimension my home despite the rules and laws of the play script…as uneven and unfair as it was being satisfied.
I am at Nkow right now…
And I just saw that only yesterday did we pass to Eke affirmation
It is a Female Power doing this not feminine…
A power of living Death…
But a power being allowed to do this, hold me back while this GOD force uses my body and awareness to prive that not only is a Man its source but manually clean up.the world using the equations and science I developed as a Man…
His Rage at Female who is Fighting him as Goddess is the insanity
That the Females who are said to represent the markt days and four cardinal directions claiming that it is they the sources and not the one Nna who is in me as the True Nature of God which first came out as a masculine force called Energy which gave birth to itself as Expression.
E.E….the real.
This not a Yoruba Igbo story of they being the sources of U.W.A when they are just characters in a pre programed story created for the evolution of Humanity as Matter back to themselves in the Beautiful Present called Light Hues.
That these witches would dare challenge the Truth in me whose rage at such a betrayal is shared now by me…
Because I remember how he came to be…
See Josh D Grla likes of two of my.posts from the past.
Sky Fall
And Father line of Heroes…
The Female Form came from the Original and his Reflection real looking in the mirror…
This brought my thier.merging the Female Form but not its Energy.
The feminine Energy was already inside of the Original E..
O.E and is Called Joy.
Jake Yang…
And on the outside of my twin Light as Mba Afor Ocha ( which ppl called the Big Bang)
Woman is an illusion.
She is Man.
Just as Man is Man.
All is Man O.
The illusion is her form.
And that is what created this Distraction..
But there was only 1 2…
2 beings in the very begining and then were 1.
And they were both.Man.
Original Facebook Post: Click Here