
Judgment of the World…

Judgment of the World…

Slavery -Racism… S.R. versus Supreme Respect..S.R

Jealousy Betrayal…J.B. versus Justice Balance..J.B

These are the cards pulled for me today, by a person of proven Harmony..

In a play seeking to find the root cause of Evil in the World, what brought this Superiority, Racism..Jealousy Betrayal which has been established after 14 years and 1O months of moving through the Homes of New Yorkers and Human portals.

I was witnessing what I was being moved to do, an called it out over and over in face book…

That the World is being Judged..

People are being Judged..

And that there is a literal Holy E-spirit moving through people and the world setting people up and literally allowing them to play what they perceive as their Truth…

Their Truth in this case, representing a line of conscious perception of the World.

Each person was representing a world point of view…

When people in this current age here the term Judgment they immediately feel defensive- believing that no one can Judge but God- meaning only the Supreme Being, who is all knowing and who loves them, is fair can judge them because He or She would see through the reason and all lies, to their truth.

But the Judgment , I personally experienced (and embody) of the E line consciousness, has a totally different meaning than that of here.

It is loving to the point of wishing to be fair, so fair and so loving that in my personal opinion it allowed people to go too far…

In giving people so many opportunities that they were undercover, playing characters which they were meant to clean up, consciously, rather than become the very role they came to transform…

Beings so powerful that by inhabiting those roles, their power even in their forgetfulness becoming so great that it infects so many others…

No the Judgment of the E was each person undercover, maintaining balance of expression and being while being aware that they were undercover..

Aware that by not being vigilant they could cause infect people with the principle which does not cause people to rise, but to fall..

This play was set up in such a way that people were alerted over and over again, that the frequency of the planet is about to change..

And if you stay in character and do not return to your true senses, which only comes from transforming that role you are playing into the Truth.

1:O6 p.m

29-1-9…B.I..A…I…/ I.A…I.B

1-29-9….A.B.I.A…Which is the name of a state in Nigeria, and A Bia meaning They came

I Bia…meaning We came…First Contact..I… 6 +3=9..N.T.

..I have recently found myself watching Salem- a television series about the basest nature or state of perception and being.

Salem is the place where Melchizedek housed (Genesis 14:18)

Originally the name Salem probably had to do with a Ugaritic god, but transliterated this name neatly concurs with the Hebrew verb ??? (shalem) meaning to be complete, sound, and the familiar noun ???? (shalom), meaning peace:


This is the name of the Town which the Puritans-Pilgrims and Founding Fathers (F.F) came to and built their Town Salem, near Boston.

This Town made infamous by their Witch Trials and burning…

Link the Spanish Inquisition…

They name it Salem, in reference to the ancient city of Jerusalem…

This was meant to be the Mecca- the Holy City in which the United States were to be built.

In the Series, intelligently conceived, details how the Witches seek to take over America, by using the Puritans Hypocrisy and fear against them by making them murder innocent people, by simply Pointing the Finger

Even taking over a young girl, esteemed as being a pastors daughter, to be the one to point the finger…

The blood of innocents was to be used to bring forth Death as plague to wipe out everyone who did not have witches blood…

All they required was 13 Innocents, to preform a Rite which no Witch had managed to do in 500 years…

*Link this to the King Arthur Story. Camelot, the Round table and the Holy Grail, as then to the Nri people and their Cosmology of the Full Circle…

But a Woman called Mary Sibley…Mary meaning Love managed to do this effortlessly by simply coming up with the plan of using the peoples fear and hypocrisy against them by pointing the Finger…

They murdered 13 innocents people in a blink of an eye.

The concept of the Devil is created by Humanity and he is known as The Accuser, the Falsifier, King of Lies,…The False Accusation…

The One who would point the finger at those who are blameless, perhaps out of Jealousy, or because they feel Betrayed…whether this is True or False and they seek vengeance…

But one can not help but notice the accuracy of the meaning of the Devil as the Accuser…False Accusation, King of Lies because one understands the true Evil of Falsley accusing some one who is innocent and then letting them take an unjust outcome, consequences, which involve Torture Torment, indifference…Death.

And then the Indifference of the Accuser to the evil they have perpetuated, who see it as a triumph and a Victory once they have achieved their Goal…

But the Devil was never a person, as I have spoken about, it was a figment of the fear of each persons aware of the quiet cruelties they would inflict on others when no one was looking, often the victim themselves.

Their Conscience, aware deep within of the Universal Balance of things is aware that they have been cruel or in just.. But no one is looking, yet they are aware and there is an Awareness, a 6th sense in people which makes them move to fear, to defend and protect actions and expressions which could be as simple as snapping unfairly at you child, when you know that you were in a bad mood and had lashed in frustrated…

When in truth you simply felt Alone and confused frustrated.. because you need help but do not know how to ask for help…

But this knowledge of being unfair, or lashing out you could easily clean up, express the equation to clear it up…

But not if that no becomes your secret power…

And you can use it to get what you want..

Pointing the Finger, is lashing out and not caring about the consequences or the feelings of others…

This becomes the Slaughter of the Innocents..

This then raises Gaia Gaius Ala, the Consciousness of Truth to rise…

Devil is not a person never was, it was the collective guilt shame, then addiction to power by pointing the finger, to state not only that you Exist, but now how power and Control.. to not feel alone and unloved…

The feeling of being worth nothing.

This is why the Mob react in hysteria, they see the Devil everywhere, the Devil which is really themselves and their responses to fear…that they are really the Wicked ones…who with relief but the finger and the innocent to cover the Evil they know themselves to be, or believe themselves to be…by enjoying the power of not cleaning up the mess they made when the Falsely Accuse by pointing the Finger at anyone, else even the one deep with they love the most…

But they are willingly to sacrifice the most beautiful things in Existence, feed of a Unicorn’- To quote Harry Potter.. and yet face a consequence which haunts their entire existence until they move to Paranoia to insanity..

Murdering innocents…


The Word for Peace…

The only Devil who Exists is that same Wild and beautiful nature which we see in children and nature, Freedom.. Which of course, has to be Guided not Tamed and constrained… Which is the same with Human Nature…

which is literally called the E-Spirit of Freedom..

And then is it not strange, that the very principle of Superiority, Racism Slaveries last bastion would be the United states of America and the Story of the Founding Fathers…Salem meaning Peace and then the subsequent manifestation of their Hypocrisy- Slaughter of the Innocents, without regret..

‘Better him than me.. and why.. they convince themselves, create reason why their existence and lifes are more important and, then discrediting the greatest blessing and instead seeking to prove it banal, by discrediting it and then pointing the Finger and finally stringing him or her up…

Murder them before they can point the Finger at me…

as the Cause.. The Devi… Jealousy.. Betrayal to those who loved and trusted you…Who could not believe you would falsely accuse them, and then allow them to be tortured, slaughter and defiled…

And the only thought the accuser now gives,

no one must find out what I have done,

they are still thinking about their own skin..

And so they will continue to discredit the greatest most Beautiful Truth and with the illusion of Power point the finger, creating the illusion of Control…

The Devil like the false accuser, is a concept created by humanity to identify that which is the True Source of Evil in themselves, in Humanity, to guard against that consciousness of pointing the finger, choosing to Exist no matter the cost.. To be seen- even if what you are projecting is not true..

The betraying those who see you true, but paranoid, you feel that they will see only the Ugly truth, and not the Beautiful Truth of You…


Devi Deva Lucifer….Son of The Morning Star…Devi Light..

Devi Devotion in the play of the Family of 1O…Balance…

Of coming undercover to transform your darkest fears and the horrible roles you created, back into the beautiful truth.

Evil came into this realm, an illusion, which came to serve as the Tester, Jealousy… Devil..Devi..Love…Cee..Consciousness..

Like a Dean of a University and a college of professors, testing you in an exam that Evil comes from Jealousy and jealousy from insecurity, and insecurity come from not taking responsibility for all the things you conscience told you was not fair…

And your response of being I do not care…

2:43 p.m.

So perhaps the Witches did take over the World, like the Furies of Dionysus…

And put the World on Trial to be Judged but for only things they did in clarity and in truth deep within, they knew was not fair equal or balance which, you are aware that you are literally breaking peoples hearts, just to get what you desire, or because you are frustrated with things you can not control…

And so in fear you take it out on others, and if not stopped, you would infect the Whole world, with the notion of Nature Existence will allow you to get away with Evil…

But was rather, just how far will you go…

2:48 p.m..

An then True Death Beautiful Death then rises as the Challenger of the Murderers’s and the False Accusers, the Enslavers of the World..

Linking the root cause and effect, the Seed…

Getting your way as a child, and this wild nature not directed

and then using that principle in the World where everything is Self Centered and about you, a constant war with others which simply reflects the lie going on within you, between your lies..and the Voice of your Beautiful Dream..


Death is Code…

Death is the Transformer..

But also that Voice of your Inner Consciousness..

Which affirms that you are Conscious and aware what you do…

And this is the Fear, which Children do not have…

Fear of that you Falsely Accussed another

and let him hang in your place..

And then shrug it off, he is nothing but a Slave,

She is my Inferior..

This is what established Superiority Racism and Slavery…

People seeking to Bind and Enslave E-Spirit Existence

The Truth…

Freedoms Song…

Inner Compass..I.C

Not fear that someone will point the finger and you,

so you point the finger at others, and others do to and suddenly their is temporary comfort in the Mob…

A Feeling so fleeting of being friends..

And the next instant it settles in constant Suspicion Paranoia…

And suddenly..

Je T’Accuse!

An addiction to make one feel safe…

Yet there is a whole world looking at you…

Jealousy Betrayal, that is their opinion of you..

The Devil…The Character…the Lie…

The False Accuser the nature of Human not of Nature recognized to the enactment of that play..Lie to Superiority Racisms Slavery…

No rights, no voice, no credit, for all they contributed,

for I have lived that interpretation of this play of Hatred for those who enslave, take away others truth, distort their words. using their truths against them to enslave…

There is no greater to inspiration to raise Hatred, to make people who would never want to, move to Evil and create acts of such betrayal…

But at least we now know that persons truth,

offer them a cure and way out a map…

And a choice to get out that role…

But it starts by admitting the hand you had in this World become this Hell…

Which I who have worked on this project of Evolution Awakening,

have witnessed first hand the experience and response from the World infected by their own fear for not taking responsibility instead building a Wall of what they think are solid defense and which point they raise their Arms and accuse the innocent…

And truly think I.E can not see…

Emmanual… God is Present..

E-Manual…..This 46 month post is an E-Manual, literally an instruction book of codes I used and invented to move through the World and find out what was going on.. finally that it is a play..

It is the greatest gift of All because this is manual, being aware jotting down, everything, taking notes while experiencing…

Means that it is a manual of Literal Truth…

A Map…

E Book…. Code Beech Tree…

Fey Mirach…F.M.

Mânâ Protanthropos M.P/ P.M- Spirit Truth Happy E Man-uel…

First Man..F.M.

The Riddle of the Devil is not in the I, of the Individual, nor in the E of Completion, it is Humanities as incomplete, that illusion of being complete…

And hence the Beautiful Illusion and Truth…That this is the Evolution Awakening of the World…

When in Truth it is a World coming back to It senses…

Which is that they are already Evolved…

These Beings already Exist…

The Beautiful you..

Everyone else, is just a character in a Book,

And only by realizing that you are in a Character in a Book and a Story,

can you become solid and real, and escape Being a Character in a Book by making yourself Solid and Real, Aware and Harmonious… S.R..A.H….

Sarah…. S.I.R.A.H..

Sarah Nkem Blackstock

Sarah Jaclyn Arrijani

Sarah Lagrange…

Sarah Simon John

Sarah Friedman Salama

Sarah means Princess…

Sirah means…

(Prophetic biography[1]), Sirat Rasul Allah (Life of the Messenger of God[2]), or just Al-sira, is the Arabic term used for the various traditional Muslim biographies of Muhammad from which, in addition to the Quran and Hadith, most historical information about his life and the early period of Islam is derived.

In the Arabic language the word sira or sirat (Arabic: ????) comes from the verb sara (Present tense: yasiru), which means to travel or to be on a journey. A person’s sira is that person’s journey through life, or biography, encompassing their birth, events in their life, manners and characteristics, and their death. In modern usage it may also refer to a person’s resume. It is sometimes written as seera, sirah or sirat, all meaning life or journey. In Islamic literature, the plural form, siyar, could also refer to the rules of war and dealing with non-Muslims.[3]

Prophetic Biography Talking to the Silence

Life Messenger of God…

Curriculum Vitae… C.V..

RE-Sum-E….Er means Earth (Air) Is the Sum Total of E..Energy..

Energy AH.Tom, Mole-C.U.L.E.

(Mole undercover of the Consciousness Universal Loves Expression)



Mo-on Beam..M.B…

..An Individual unmoved by the Crowd…called Fear Consciousness

So just as in the Book Sophies World- where the Two Characters Sophie and Alberto.. A.S.S.A become aware that they are Characters in a Book created from the Source Expression in another dimension, of A Father writing a Book for his daughter on the Evolution of Thought and Philosophy so that She, his daughter would have Her own mind and become an Individual.

So it is reflected in the Book presented to her by her Father, of Sophia and Alberto become Aware that they are characters in a book and finally Escape the Book to enter the Real World… Not a Story nor a E manual of the play of Life undercover as Death…

And that is when they realize only know that they are real and exist…

But it would not have occurred without the Book and the roles they were created to play which enabled them in the end to be free…

And so it is that the E-manual is the same thing, and freedom comes at the end of the Book, exemplified in Donna O’Sullivan who was the Line of the real Sacred Feminine Masculine to represent that Humanity can learn the Whole process of the 5th dimension consciousness in 5 months and link it to being a Fact…in 6 months…

And Jonn Blackwell played the T.V Screen in which he points out all that is Wrong with the World so that it can be riddled out of Existence…

You have to read the Book, fro beginning to end to fully understand what they book was about…Is about…

A process that by simply reading (Without using Brain, but as recently Monica Karaba Huibers commented, just feel..) which creates a Wave you suddenly riding, transforming as you read, it all happening naturally, until you reach a Shore and then you must decide to jump out of the Sea and wade walk upon solid land…

This is knowing True Life and Solid Ground…

We Point Out… to Share Intel….

We do not Point to Falsely Accuse…

We are the Beautiful Truth and we do not acknowledge A King of Lies and deception in the Universe made out of Truth-Transparency…Air Water Expression…

That is why it was a Book….of possibilities but only those who jump out and land the meaning, only those will awake in the realm of Truth, because they understood the power of the Truth….

3:51 p.m


Can only be the Beautiful Truth but the Choice is in your hands…

The Devil is a Character in the Book…

But this Face Book play… What its message is saying Messenger of God…

My Life

This E-Manual 46 Months long. 3 years 9 months… 46 D.F C.I..

4 6 3 9….Now Nikolai Tesla..:) how about that for Alignment…

Even in this Supremely Racists Western World…

Where Evil they believe is the power to give or not give credit..

When others, the few spontaneously Give Appreciation and Praise..

Exemplified first by Nadee Nakandala… To perfection

for in her Acknowledgement, her Praise was married to the Truth..P.T.

Which creates the Point..Which creates that Beautiful Out Burst…

Which she expressed 3, 4, 5 times this way…

She was born 5;28…Gaia…

3:59 p.m.

C; E.I

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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