
Joseph Carey

Joseph Carey

Emeka Kolo…



10 11…. 1O 11… 3…111…

3 11….. 14…5…E.V…..

7:17 p.m.


Joseph.. Yoseph.. Means Add.. which increases.. it does not mean Multiply…

Abraham already encompassed that meaning…

Father of the Multitude.. the Multiples… x Multiplication….

Seth McBean… Recall the play with Seth at The Bean Cafe…

3-2nd,, 2-3rd Ave,

3 11… 3 1… 3 2…(1+1=2)… 31 32… 4 5…

994 Face Book Friends….to 995..

9 999 4 5…

4-9… 4 5….O…

D.I… E D…O… Yes I died full circle over and over again even right before you all…

And after taking the sleeping Pills Blue in the Alley.. then Pink at Albert Santana’s house


ode definition. A kind of poem devoted to the praise of a person, animal, or thing. An ode is usually written in an elevated style and often expresses deep feeling. An example is “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” by John Keats.


Ukrainian meaning place name. Greek meaning full of wrath. Feminine form of Odysseus (M), therefore meaning odyssey. the Greeks borrowed the word Odessa came from, meaning marine Famous real-life people named Odessa.


Staten Island.. Supreme I… Si.. Yes.

DD… 44… Bed 4004… 8…16…P.. Dawn Piercy Pierces the Passed.. The Dead…Passed Over…

DD= 44=8..H.

A.R.T…Anthony/Alexander..Robert Trinity/Tom/ Tim-e.



Meaning of the name Siddhartha…

Means one who has accomplished a goal, derived from Sanskrit ????? (siddha) meaning accomplished and ???? (artha) meaning goal. Siddhartha Gautama was the real name of Buddha.

Sacred Portal 42.


Nope, not me…

I have an infinite source of Wealth…

The Truth.

The True…

The Beautiful Ones represented by Joseph Carey line…

And Loyalty represented by Lisa Natalie Johnson line…

And the Beloved line represented by Mhmd Mhmd Tharowt.


See the cover of todays edition of the New York Times…

A Billboard in Tehran featuring Mohsen Hojaji (M.H) whom the government is depicting as a martyred war hero.

it says Let’s Go

7:37 p.m.

I am ready…

M.D… Tired of playing the Healer..Yeshua Salvatore…Medical Doctor at Delta Manor… The 4th Dimension as the Spirit of the World represented by this Hideous place Shelter as the microcosm of the World Matrix Web… Internet… Google Facebook..

Below on the page it reads… Escaping Puerto Rico…

(Rep Georges-Philippe Roc G P.R) , But not the feeling of guilt.

Natalia Roman and Francis Francesschini in Central Park, After the storm, they left Puerto Rico, now in the Dark Ages

(N.R…F F… Lisa Natalie Johnson and Francis Frick at the shelter bed 4-018… D.O R….E..)

They were always in the Dark Ages…

They represent the God Public Relations..

Praying to God a Roman catholic God while practicing Santeria….no respect for either, the Old testaments of the ancients or the New will and testaments…

That key of Racism which they represented in the world.

Facism Racism… same thing…

Yesterday Dominic Edmund, the Old Man in bed 4-007 made a joke in my presence while I was resting and in front of 3 other Puerto Ricans… About a White People, Puerto Ricans.. and Niggers.

Only the one in bed 4-010 ( D.O.J..) laughed when he said Niggers…

The other in bed 4-011 did not… D..O.K..

I knew it was directed at me, I was the only other person who was in the room…

He is a Coward and thus uses that kind of innuendo as spite and malice to lash out at my non stop calling him out when he get too loud of being the disease…

But I was amazed that he was still in this sick play of the Spirit World Mental Mentality play despite my having identified him and what he represents…

Then after I finally received the response from Ugo Nwamama..

I do not believe in God.. he said.. translation he had been speaking about me deciding how to respond to the corner he felt I had placed him in…

And that I was claiming to be God… or something in that vein

I do not either.. I responded what is your point…

I am actually greater than God…At least this world awful idea and hypocrisy about God.. and how when Shit hits the fan the suddenly begin praying to ..God..

In God we Trust,..: Its all about the Benjamins…

( And so it is… Ben Jamin… Means The right hand side of the Creator… I use mt right hand to type… only one hand.. Righteous…)

I am the Author Creator of Harmony..

I am the Author, First to Rise… Head of the Family of the Eternal Ones..

He stated that he was confused by this Game…

I had no patience .. Why did you not ask for Clarity…?

Why did you make such claims on your post…

Why did you as all the long line of people I had to battle throughout time on my face book page 5.8 years…


And all I had documented, make claims, make public posts and state who you are so publicly on your pages if you could not back it up.. If you did not have evidence..

Did you really think that no one was looking…

Big Brother.. The Source Creator…?

Why did you not go back and investigate.. read why would a man which he called me..

A Great Man waste his time and go through such…Public Humiliations to feed you knowledge of a Clarity and a refinement from beyond…

Who the devil are you..?

He said he was Broke…

Recall the play and scene of BROKE..? Which I broke down..

Fractaling As Emeka Eze.. I AM reads on Fractaling E E’s Face book page..

( even I who knew my I.D would never dare.. claim such a thing publicly.. Insanity)

I Broke that which can not be destroyed or Divided…

I broke it down… I.B.I.D…I Be I.D.. Identity…

B.R.O…K.E… / E K O R B…

My Bother of K.E ( Sacred portal 115 Behind the Wall..?)

That is the line of Joseph Carey David Roman Nicholas…

E.K… Emeka Kolo.. ORB…Salvatore Mundi 450 Million Dollars…

Black Panther 90 Trillion Dollars…

Bed 4-005.. Wallee .. William Bracey… W.E.B..

And so, I understood everything…

You are the Ones who Cry Wolf…

And so the Wolf came…


The End of Your World…

You the public are the ones who cried Wolf and the Boy is Me..

I am born the day of the Wolf.. 11-28.. Tiens..

That is Tomorrow.

The Landlord has arrived…

Makes me recall that Bible proverb of when the Landlord and the Owner of the House returns…

Odysseus, Odyssey .. The Ethnic Odyssey… T.E.O…

This is not about Ugo Nwamama.. as you can see you were used and set up to teach this lesson which Orien Laplante Shubhi Gautama, Fritz Venneiq, Nadee Nakandala and so many others of my older face book friends have witnessed in a long long long list of people who came to challenge me or claim to be my brother without the basic courtesy and manners to go back and read what this is all about..

Research read.. or simply ask for clarity…

Teachers lecturers in this reality do not have to ask you, remind you to ask for clarity..

If you have a question you ask…

But I found myself even doing this and more.. reminding you that which is common sense..

And what had become my Torment and Torture, repeating myself over and over again…

And no one caring .. heartless…

Thus, interrupting with what I really wished to say, to demonstrate an amazing Invention Discovery..

I.D.. Your I.d…The Human I.D.. Evolved.. Evolution and how it works.. its process.. the break Down of Everything and Truth which Manifests…

I was so excited when I realized all my data was conclusive in 2006-2010…

My excitement and awe.. and desire to share..

Instead I was interrupted, non stop, meddled with because of an idea of Superiority..

Old ideas…

When I arose from my rest, the Old man was waxing lyrical again. I had told the old man that I am the real devil that he should be afraid of… What of I told the men here what you said.. Most of them are black…

What I unwrap the Viel you wrapped up yourexpression in to confuse make unsure… create space to deny…

And Wallee came in and I told…

But today, it was Allan Murray.. a very smart and crafty 61 year old man who had taken my words to heart and observed everything and everyone first giving each a chance…

I first woke and saw Nicholas who he had addressed like the White Slave Master.. I was not sure if Nicholas was aware..But as i told him briefly what happened last night..

He responded without surprise.. the old man has something with his mouth….

Wallee had said that he knows why he said it in front of you and not someone else… I read between the lines he said…

Ah, I smiled someone else would have thrown him out the window, more for the insult of thinking that he had vieled his meaning insulting the person intelligence…

The foolish Dominic Edwin the Old Man, addressed A.M..Whom I felt ah, there is mo linking his line to the Evolution Awakening after all..

The old man spoke about a movie he had watched and said, Colored People and when asked my A.M which actors he said I do not know them but they were good for Colored people…

I paused…

A.M said nothing but I knew he heard the insult because he corrected him after a pauseby saying Black people in his responding sentence but it was in his reply the note his tone..

I could not keep silent… Colored People… I have not heard that in ages…

I went to do my toilet…

And when IA came back I spoke up.. The Old man tried to interrupt what I was about to say.. But I am a unstoppable force and A.M turned his attention deliberately from the Old man to me…Perhaps that is why I could never live here and never wanted to come here. because I could not keep silent and take in that sort of insult and superiority…

How dare they.. Their DNA is from that origin…

I do not have that patience perhaps because you have endured it your entire lives.. that you can…

But I have observed it with all the races here not wishing to identify with the Afro Origins even African Americans Jamaicans., Chinese, Indian, .. only the Arab and People in Turkey I met did not seem to have this hang up…

I know A.M responded, I have not accepted it, my best friend was Chinese African American and wanted so much to be white and whites despised him..

I got a bullet to my neck because of his wanting so much to be white.

The Puerto Ricans, they all forget they are black..

Oh he spoke up…

Ah.. I smiled and then left…

I would rather be deported than stay in this hideous mess of Mentality.. A Mentality so coarse and ridiculous..

Art and Science has proved this to you..

this stupidity of superiority and that you are all physically genetically black brown people and thus whire people.. All people…

And so I recalled the Old Man and Child…

This is the perversion.. Superiority and lack of respect..

The Ancients were all about respect… beautiful manners..

Animals have this Etiquette..

The respect for the Ancestors came not from they being ancestors but from and by the Wisdom, the Keys and the Guardians to what made them Rise.. Stand tall in the beginning…

Move from Neanderthal to Homo-Erectus.. Sacred Portal 32… Erose Kalli… E.K…

Beautiful Pride…

Ascension Enlightenment through the contemplation of Nothing at all ..

Or a Sun Rise and a Sun Set… the Beauty of it All..



Who what did this…?

That Question…

The Creator…

And so I understood why I despised the old man so much and yet why and his mass was still here infecting everything…

I had not called its True Name…

ID the Disease… the mask of Superiority assumed by the Inferior…

Cowards stuck in the dark ages…

In my play production staged in Istanbul Kemer County…

K.C.. A Luxury retirement community it was not the Old man who led… It was the Child …

The Old man was blind.. used a staff to walk and the child was the eyes, describing with enthusiams all he saw and observed adding color and depth which allowed the old man to understand then add his own two scents…

The child was health. and generous leading the old man.. compassionate..

The Old man was blind crippled, age…

In this world the reverse has happened…

And thus… this abomination and corruption of the Child who has no respect for Age..

Because Age is not worthy or Respect.. because it has no idea how to step aside and let him her be guided by fresh eyes…

The reminder of his Youth.

Joseph Carey Eke

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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