
Jonn Blackwell suggested we watch this yesterday…

Jonn Blackwell suggested we watch this yesterday…

Jonn Blackwell suggested we watch this yesterday…

I recalled having watched this at Albert’s home,

recently, He had insisted I watch it, stating that it was me and my story…

Perhaps, I mentioned it on facebook…

It kind of disturbed me…

So when Jonn suggested we watch it before I was reluctant..

but yesterday I watched it…

Of course, you will recall my posting the code

Chris Forrester yesterday, and how he was the last Face Book Friend I made on my way up here on the 19 of July, and how I aligned him to the truth I walked upon as being Chris Franco…

Adding the evidence of Chris’s Expression, my meeting him when he was age 9 with Nikoma in Chelsea where I lived with Nikoma for a while at apartment X…

And met him 13 years later at age 21…

same age I met Evan ALexander Judson…

And his posts of 5+4=9…54…as well as 36 C.F.

I walked Chris Francos path not Finding Forrester…

I moved through the Christ Wave, Voice Anointed Words Explanation…

of the Franco… Free Person…

I did not live that story except with myself or Father as the Unseen compelling me to write book after book…

I had no coach or fortress where I was encouraged to write…

I had a Lady, the Editor of Vogue and Conde Naste Susan Train,

but she was an editor..

I had James Wilder a former Time correspondant who looked like Sean Connery in Istanbul and who was 4O years older than me, but he was more about reminding me that I had a duty as a writer, to address the World- Make them hear you’ he would Roar…

And Allen Ginsberg, Chinua Achebe, I had great validation but no one took me under wing at 16 and helped me as I helped them…

I had this story in perhaps in my meeting with the Child Man in the beginning of Creation who was the living embodiment of the Illusion of Fear and later not taking responsibility… Pride…

But I was His Sensie, even though I morphed from a Black Panther into a Boy which was the Pause which transformed an intent to destroy the weaver of lies and confusion out of fear, into the Man Child I stayed a while with and then recall, sending him into The Story, to see if he could understand all the lessons given to him about how there is nothing to fear in Existence.. Except the itself for the horrible way it had interpreted the Truth…By turning it into a Lie that everything revolved around him..

And that he was the Man and I the Child..

Who protected whom…

yet I had learn’t from that difficult illusion transformed into the First Human Child to enter the Story of the Break Down of Everything…

Sent to learn his A.B.C …

Yes Abrahm Melchidezek…

The real version was Adem Melchidezek…A.M.

The Abrahm M story..

Abraham Madu Code… Was the Beginning of the first illusion a Baby Child Man…

The Story of Birth to Baby to Child to Man… Wise Child Wild Man.. then back to the E Source…There was no such thing as Old Age..

Only Alpha Omega…

And A story of Christ O Franco….Freedom…

I spoke many times about the Story of Jah Fire

Fritz Venneiq

Michael Frazer Lines


and the Cee..

Code name Cecilia Wiebers..C.W….3+23…26..Z

Beautiful Harmony..

I experienced pieces of the Finding Forrester story…

but through Adauriel Forrester..

Which means God is my Light, Congregation of God, (Family)

Ada First Daughter of God (Light) is Claire-Clarity, Clara Star Child…

Susan Train…Editor Conde Nast Vogue Paris France 1993…

Then Yes, my Father NNamdi used his first Aspect of the First feminine Born Feminine Principle Light =L=12-3 C Clair, Clearance of the Air, Light to Cee…My Sister Self Clara Cecilia Star Child the Evening Star…

And his Masculine first Born…?

Why it was E, as both his Source Father Son and Holiest Esprit


Evanescent Luminosity…U.N.NA….

Father Moon

Mother Dot-Tod..(Death)..

The E principle is the Everything and the L principle brought Light to see the Family of E.G-ODE…to his Door and

the Road they took to drive Him home….



F-F.A.C…E.. F A C T S


Fiction Aligned to Fact

Finding Forrestier..



Jah Fire as the bad tempered, Hot tempered Man Child..?

Twas never a Fact, just a Truth which had to experience this School..

The First Born Jah Fire was Warmth… a Boy, youth of incredible Warmth..

my Younger Twin…


And I was on my Way to meet and link with him

when I paused to transform an Illusion into a Child and so He could experience the Truth made real by what really is the Truth Of Existence and this time with full experiencing of the cycle from Birth to Baby to Child to Man.. which side of the fence would He this time choose,

It and all its descendants…

To of of Truth or False…

As it was in His begiinng, when He chose to Express False when he knew the Truth all because he thought he was to be abandoned by me in favor of my twin…

the one who came before him…

Because even now he is is not born…

He was the product of a Dream..

The story of Death and destruction in the World..

Not realizing that it had been me coming as A Black Panther to cut It out of Existence with one massive Claw-Paw,

until I saw why it expressed Anger and Fear of the Dark..

And so this time with Expression Light and the Congregation of a Family have brought Light and Love to the World…

And still you have tantrums!

Hum Bug!

8:O9 pm.

🙂 Boo!

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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