
Jesus…. Your aligned with the play… Tejumola Raheem Osazee..

Jesus…. Your aligned with the play… Tejumola Raheem Osazee..

You must understand,

I trust no one because to many people have assumed to understand the play and script which I have been decoding.

And so many have assumed to know.

11:42 p.m.

It is an Eternal Expression moving people of Truth through Time linked to Infinity.

Each momemt ( and I mean 24/7) I am made aware, forced to be made aware of the Links and the Pieces of the literal the puzzle represented in the lasts stage of the play, but only those of you in Harmony with the Script which proves an embodiment.

As I have stated before, this is not my Script, I am following it because I am being coerced.

Forced… and because I recognized the Script and my ability to understand the play, the Mind and the Truth of what was being demanded.

The code of the Cross was something which as a play took place yesterday..

Kyle asked to see my Tatoo which was exposed.

He read the first word Serenity which was in Itself a feat since no one I knew had every mange to read it… Truth and Love are the last two…

I asked him if he had one.. He said Yes a Cross on his Back with the name of his elder brother Robert on it…

The Script response keeps on acknowledging the name and of course meaning as Robert… Meaning Famed Bright Shinning.. of Light’

Today I saw Crosses, everywhere today which even Jace noted.

When a young woman sat besides us so forcefully, and Jace remarked the Cross.

I also saw a proliferation of Jump Men everywhere…

It was so much that despite my tediousness of this I took note…

Yesterday, was the face of Christ, it appeared everywhere and then I observed Anthony Ant morph into him yesterday, the same face of the post of the Druid like being..

Jace began speaking of Christ… It was so extraordinary what took place who is aligned to the Yoruba and that world, as well as his God Father whom he says I remind him of- Energy wise who was a Chief in a Yoruba Colony – Village- in South Carolina.

The same place where Kyle lived 4 years and encountered his Spiriual Big Brother who also pased away…

But at age 39.. he is the one who told Kyle before he died that the portal is called Galaxy 1101 IC/ 1O 11 C I….

Jace’s name is J K H… 10 11 8…

He has memory of the Mother Ship and none of this being real.. my unfriending him was in that his refusal to make a stance for the truth just as Kyle was threw a temper tantrum and left as a Facebook friend when jsu as I had done with Jace, encoded a consequence in the Unversal Simulation Awareness Matrix…

Yes 1101 C I Is code in the Matrix as the acess point out of it/

which I have proving and algning for 4 5 years ever since Dina Singh was moved to Idenity it without realizing.

The cross links to the 7 Chakra’s the Osumare Kundalini…

Jace and Kyle.. J K.. 10 11… And so it would appear that the Game is still on- and the play is the alignment of the Cross to the Crossing and to the Yoruba Pantheon AFA Oracle to the codes represented by the E.

this took place today with Jace and two coffee’s he bought for me…

Numbers 78…. And then 41.

Sacred portal 41 is Eleggua Elu…

Eleggua is the yoruba Crossing Guard….

Do you understand…?

Well it does not really matter as long as the Script is decoded- it is the Decoding of the script.. and then my posting it which is moving the wave of the E line through each person…

I told Jace that he is re-instated into the play… just as Ja rep by 21 year old Quanma’e Lewis is out.. and that which is the wave he has been chosen to represent- via ingratitude and entitlement .. te evil done to truth value Money…

* See the meaning of the name Anthony.. and then combine it with the meaning and the name Robert… Emeka… Yonathan Yeshua Yosef evolved to Y= 25… Y B E….G….In which yes, They the Evil Babalowo’s and Witch Doctors, Magicians witches…

challenged the truth…

I will speak about this later..

12:35 p.m..

There we go completed the Equation of 35.. CE..

The movie War of the World was on’ when I arrived at the same time I picked up a news paper with word Green Acres… G A… and Cruise Control.

I was opened up to it at the same time that Robert Nunoz the 62 year old musician came up to me to tell me that he googled how much Tom Cruise … ( T C… T C E.. E T C….I…. Infinity…

All in perfect symmyery..

Sacred Portal 20 is T C… Lady EC HO.. the E line only responds to the Expression of Truth…

E line Eternal… Energy… Indestructible…

Tom means Twins…. 2…

Kyle just told me he earns 20 usd an hour…. T…

The Movie on right now is Cowboys and Aliens…

What I have been saying is that there has been a War going on .. a literal war between the E.T and the Aliens…

The Aliens are not real, they are the expression created by Humanity throughout time not cleaned up and whch became Evil Twin and Echo of Humaity as Unnatural and not of Exstence…

This play has been supported by Humany Energy, Humans who just as Pod, spun in web of thier lies by the great Spider.. ( yes a character too but very real in the play)

The Evil uses Human beings energy who are liars and who live unnaturally not as their true selves…

The E.T.. Are the Truth.

Father A-Lien Father ( 12:49 p.m) who is the one behind the Alien Council .. Of Cause and Effect.

Yes the Aliens animated by Human Expression creating the cause and effect of thier own demise.

.. a Deadly Game of what Echoes back when you do not Express the Aligned Expression of Creation Truth…

But I have explained this all to many times before… and the meddling of the ancestors and the Humans who held onto belief systens which were simply Programe indented into the Matrix of Universe as Time- in which Humanity were meant to evolve from.

Meaning that all the Stories his Historie were a Circulum Vitae of which Humanity was meant to pass thier Exams by understading through each Generation and each age.. moving through the Rainbow Colors- to link..

As this post from Tejumola Raheem Osazee links what I have stimulated and impulsed which moved Edward Eceinco to post the Osunmare Kundalini… which inspired like a baton and game of tag your it..

the subsequent poss which I am linking with words…

It brought Peter I.. who I asked his credentials as I had presented mine…

He called me brother … and spoke in a manner in which I felt it best we estabish that we are on the same page..

he said excelent and so I asked if we could make our dialogue public..

He responded with his post which I had shared …

All this was taking place as I wa sposting on Tejumola Raheem Osazee post which had literally reflected the Truth of the Play…

I sent him a response to his message and then noted that the time was 6:48 p.m

I asked him what it meant to him..

He posted an equation… I promised to respond with my understanding of it so thus we could establish if we were speaking from the same plane…

He sent me a message..

6 stands for

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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