
James Diamond Bond. J.D.B

James Diamond Bond. J.D.B

Mission Five… M.5…M.E

I’m Possible… I.P man

E.Tom Cruise… A.H.Two,Twins

E Penelope Cruse.. E.P.C… Energy Pure Concentrate Concrete Cement..

Mr and Mrs Smith… Alexander Hephaestus Aphrodite…


When I could not find my American Spirit Burgundy Tobacco at the Shop Night and Day… I knew something was up.

The Stick of the Conductor of the Symphony of Nature was the challenge, I suspected that I was in since 2014… Despite having already conquered Nature while living at 268 East 4th Street for the first 4 years straight…

It was of course, the Nikolai Tesla Equation…

Nikola means Victory of the People V.P..

Which I saw now way in Heaven and Earth how that could happen based on my own experience with them…

7:41 p.m.

There were some Candidates but by 2012-13…

It was too late… or so I though.

David Roman Nicholas… ( N.T…14 20/ 20 14.. 34 43 77 14 50..

D.R.N.N.T…/ T.N.N..R.D… )

Devised a Plan with Clara and Father as Pan the Goat O…to ensure a Victory… At a cost which I still can not believe they would Dare impose..

David and Clara…

Blocking me way home…

Road Block… They would not merge with me 3 4…

which meant I could not get back to myself at 5 8 unless I linked 57…


Exemplified in a play Enders Game…

With a Small Team of Humans they had selected for me to Work with…

7:50 p.m… Truth

See Sacred Portal 57 and 75… Sigh…

So yesterday while most of this world was sleeping…

I fought Nature and had to complete the Work of the Sum Total of Knowledge of the People represented in the World up to that moment in the completion of Nikolas Tesla…

Who is me, as well as my Twins Brother Sisters..

But I played the First Incarnation of that Role..

Which is what they challenged, all in a bid to make me do that which I had refused to do..

Let the People Victorious do it… That is the Law…

I Said.

(I. S A I D. Happiness) not Misery

I S.

Nenad 491 Face Book Friends

/D I A S. I. Staten Island

Of course the found a line here Nenad M. Djurdjevic to Elizabeth Clarizio to Kalli Kelsey Pascal Koloko…


Which became the Literal Pain in my NECK..

Nnamdi Eri Chukwu Kolo… the 4 Season also Two…

Challenging me…

Not allowing me to connect with my Power, My Truest Self…

My Pineal Gland….

*( I have to pause, even now to absorb this… the cruelty… to do this…)

7:57 p.m….

But they succeeded in pushing me, and punishing me, playing characters that they knew I would never accept as they capable…

But.. now I accept.. because I did recognize it was them back in 2010… But I could not accept Why… Why…?

Well Obviously, I know why… Sacrifice me for you…

And rely on only my Intelligence and nothing else, to prevent me from annihilating them and all the product of their play…

8:00 p.m.

My Intelligence and Consciousness I.C.. Won over that which Logic Reason Law, and not least of all what was done to my Existence my Feelings..

They are not foolish they knew it was and is that which can never be forgiven or forgotten..

And Trust is Gone forever… Nor will they ever be given a chance to ever reconcile with me…

But they knew me well enough that I could Cee them… their reasons..

But they did not Trust me that there is another way.. A Better way in what seemed like the Impossible to handle and tame- Human Race..


They can have the World I leave behind.. it has not risen to the 5th Dimension Vibration…

The Literal Planet as well as the World… is what they fought me for..

The Planet and World.. Apart from me…

Independent Conscious…. I.C…

So yes, the Baton, Pipe… B.P.. Beautiful Pride…

8:16…H.P… Harmony Planet Earth through respecting YOUR Beautiful Pride.. while mine was… well..

My space here and in the Shelter is by the Toilet and Toilet Shower…

So with the arrival once wind and the challenge of the Igbo with the Tree Post by Conscious O’best…C.O…C.B…

Even after the Dibia Post and 58 months, 16 years 24 years since 1993… S.I.C… I am M.U.S.I.C…

Still the challenge of the Forest People.. The Igbo the Uwa people…

For they were the First Outsiders those who lived beyond the Original Garden of E.D.E..N.R.I..O.S…

The I.O.E who came from the portal of the Full Moon…

The Being of the MOON.. ONWA…ON..E.W.A…AW..E.N.O..

The Line of the Beautiful Ones who came to merge with my Twins line of True Nature.. The Line of Beaute and Belle…

And so, we lived that story of half recognizing us through admiration Love and even unfortunately Worship

and Envy Jealousy….

Not realizing that they were the We…

That they were the Dark Matter in which we planted our Seed so that we would rise with one…

Our Carbon Copies and that through a journey of Darkness Forgetting that they would become as the Beautiful Ones are…

Diamond ;Light…

F.D.. Fifth Dimensional…

And we came undercover in the same play- Darkness Forgetting going through our own version of it, much more risky and dangerous to exemplify and inspire…

Any way, that has been discussed proven over and over again right to the David Philip Gills play…

Of the the A-lien council play 2014-15….

It is all recorded here…


But the Delta Manor section confining me there for almost 6 months…

I will never forgive.. Never…

For 49 years and 51 in illusion of time, you gave me no break and then ended this impossible existence with Delta Manor…?


So yes, there will be Justice and my Sister E line who have never incarnated here, but do so now as 122 Sacred Portal

represented by the name meaning of Marina Burini.. M.B..

Has promised that which I do not bother with… Vengeance and Revenge….

… They went to far… the Igbo… the Hate.. the Deception…

8:33 p.m.

And Devi and Clara allowed it 11-22…

Autumn Winter Spring Summer… A.W..SS… A W.E,SS.T…

Fall Autumn Spring Summer… F.A…S.S…T…- A Race…

Rainy Dry Seasons… R.D.S…

Rachael Devon Rios Sessions..

So yes, I accepted the Challenge…

And today it Snowed.. from Spring in Winter to back to Winter at the Brink of Spring…

The three Sticks awarded me…

And the Dagger and the Sword…

Notice that the conductors stick is over 212… Perfume..

Manhattan and another container with the words… Speed…

And that behind it near the Lady walking alone in the Woods…

is an image of which Donna O’Sullivan was moved to present me as Nnamdi Beating a Drum…

I went to get me tobacco today, fully aware that once more a Bloody Set up

There was only Drum…

Drum Tobacco… D.T..N. D.T.E.N.E.Z…T E N O R E… Delta…

Nenad sent me so added confirmation including of that of my Crucifixition at Delta Manor… after being left on the Cross for 49 years 51….

8:43 pm,

Such cruelty seems absurd.. impossible…

And I do not Seem to be carrying that much..

Despite Eternal Law moving Rahul D’Silva code to me to pass through…

As well as the Trahison N. Sumler Betrayal…

It is called Strength.. Beautiful Pride…

To surmount.. of but I felt and feel every moment of it..

That was made so clear that it was intentional..

And seemed to cancel out my Immense Will Power and all the techniques and training I had contrived and ingeniously discovered all these years… Alone…

What when I opened the packet of Drum…

I saw the rolling paper and the Logo of Drum Tobacco…

J a Diamond and B…

The Mission accomplished…

The Movie.. The True Life Version…

Quite a Story and yes, transformed into an unbelievable beautiful heroic film by me.. not intentionally but by True Will…

But that is not a story I will tell you today..

Instead I will complete the code of

my three new lady Face Book Friends…

And Michaël Trahé for what.. the 8th 9th time?


8:51 p.m.

944 Face Book Friends…





I.D….The 5th Element…


8:54 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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