
It’s interesting that I should chose this day..

It’s interesting that I should chose this day..

Fathers Day, 6-16-2019 .

F P.

Father Perfection ..True Splendor

To post these Jimmy Cliff songs.

I was a boy when I first heard Jimmy Cliff played by my mother’s younger siblings in Dayton Ohio Dec 1974.

But you recall what I posted about inner music quiet and outer music as Sounds which you recognize as the same music as a voice within..?

This voice was not really my inner music, but rather as far back as that age, being able to quell the uneasiness I had always felt, about a journey I had to undertake

One might call it the voice of my spirit..

The same Espirit who would come out in my Prose and Poetry…

Who caused me to write Take A Ride With Me in 1992.

Where it showed took me outside of this world, to view it from afar, what was happening to it, and how bad the World would become and what my Espirit showed me had to be done and how it would have to be cleaned scrubbed, and only then would the corruption done to Words by defacing Meaning would rise…

Beauty Truth Justice Love..

I knew even then as I let pour forth my Stream and River, that I was aware that I had been spirited away, no longer in my world or even present here…

It was the same recognition, I heard in Jimmy Cliffs songs.

A few months after that visit to the States, I came back to Winnipeg and wrote the Story and Awakened Memory of my being dropped off in this dimension by my E.T family and the mission of the Transformation of the world

I can see now in Hindsight, that I was aware of the Journey’ s Tribulations that would come despite being a 7 8 year old boy.



Bob Marley

B.M in Nigeria with Peter Tosh.




Laura Walsh was born 2-16..



C M.e. T..

J is Beautiful Pride.

I am not sure, if any of you are aware, but this is what I have also been demonstrating, how we know…

How we have a blue print of Existence in us.

And how by simply looking back in Hindsight, at our Pathway…

The Signs outside, music songs people all were reflections, Echos of what we already knew felt, understood already but from deep within..

And that the outside echo of certain things, called us to Awareness Memory by pitting to Words that which had been in Silence Quiet, but which our knowing already, existing here, present..

10:42 p.m

In the P.T

Perfect Timing

Of the Point

That every thing Exists, in the Point of the Moment

Here Present as the Now.

We all know that no one who exists, lives in the True Past of Future because that is an illusion a ‘record, a library..

We exist only in The Moment

The Point

And Moment to Moment

Present here and now.

And to deny this, truth

By living in a past which you can never fully recollect, or a Future which you can not be certain

Because every thing manifests from the Moment..

It is the Moment, not through Time,

That we Exists..

And that Point called

Expression Moment.

Energies Moment is the Fact of Now.


Strawberry Fields of Forever

The 16tth

The Strawberry Moon.

Remembering Moment

Expression Awakens Memory Momentum Energy, giving us direction and purpose

Guide Father

Good Father

Marlon Brand O


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