
It’s Insane…

It’s Insane…

9:35 p.m


This Exquisitely Beautiful True Script.


Linked to McKayla Rays and Tree Sage

To continue the unfolding Enders Game

Read Player One..

I had 5:00 u sd left.

5:39 u sd to be precise,

Which aligned to the The Script but as I have made it very vocal and clear, that it is not in Harmony with me.

That this not my Script, it is Nnamdi’s aka

Nnamdi Naturalness.

Awareness Manififested

4 9. 13 M..4. D..I. 9

( 4.5 .. Age of the Planet which makes sense that within the Planet is Dante’ s Inferno..

And to leave it Dante s Divine Comedy

Which means that in the end all we can do is laugh at this Divine Comedy called Life.

Which every one knows that this could be the only portal out 4-43… 8 3. H.C.

Hartford Connecticut

11. 2

11 1

By Reading and seeing the Truth through the Book of Life.

Our Bodies of Truth

The Experience recorded of out experienced of the Play of Being Alive

B A. S.P 147 and 127 A.B.

And Staying Alive S.A .. Bee Gees….


2 7

Link John Mack and Liberty C Liscomb.

I had checked the alignment of Money in my wallet linked to the post I had made before.

I had wished to buy some wine, but did not have enough.

I was not concerned Esteban Miguel Filgueira and The Play Script of the last 18 years had always provided me with what I needed complete the Script to but only if I worked on it night and day.

But I knew I was aligned to money as far back as Dewight Smith in the Shelter play.

But what I did not know or realize at the time is that I was being used to launder money.

Ego is Money in OINri Igbo.

Oge- means Time and Dawn

And in the West Ego and the Slang in the Hood O Ge originally used to recognize The God Son in each other..

See sacred Portal 50.

And the Bull of Wall Street.

I never had a battle with Stephan concerning money.

Just about keeping ones Ego Projections onto the World aligned to your Expression True Meaning.

I decided this morning that I would at worst either make do, or ask John Mackayla Esteban who was taking care of his car situation and promises to hook up tomorrow at the latest ..or Sarah Kaizer who had decided to come today to give me a H.U G which I thought was a Capital Idea.

What’s in your Wallet


Add from Capital One ..C O


15 15 =


3 O


C F…

9 O




Fact of who is The Source.

10:00 p.m.

10:01 p.m


A F.G..H.

H G F A…


TEN represent Moi

John Nnamdi…


And my sister line 01.

I was also meant to see Kim in the morning ..

I waited no one called.

I saw John Mack leave after offering me some Mango slices and Mackayla seemed to have disappeared

5 people , 2 who were no show

And 1 who had not broken the agreement

And M.J who did not know.

So I knew I was in a Play Sarah usually never forgets

While Kim did text me but after 6, but also he gave evidence of being on a Stage with a play his Twin Wes More.

And Sarah had connected with Mackayla

S.M, I was informed later.

So I decided perhaps the code of Intel which Wes Moore ( yes Grant the Moors reps of Pangea and when Brown Black and White men saw each other’ as literal brothers

10:11 p.m.

J K.

E GA LA X Y. 1011 C.I./

1101 I.C

To portals home C I/ I C..

But Tree did not have any money with him

But as if reading the Script he said Johnny Newman was present and why not ask him.

Kim John

John Kim

J K. 10 11.. correct portal out.

3 9.. C.I. 12 44 4. 4 x3.. on a Stage of 4 by 4

16. Play of Perfection

10:16 p.m.

J -A O 6-8 A H.

Perfect Timing.

I hesitated at first, I loathe having to ask anyone for money- and no one can blame me after what I have experienced all my life how people are treated if they ask for money..

They feel whatever power you have, that they still had the power over me through their believing I Needed their money.

Only a rare few had not been corrupted by that power they thought they had over me.

The rare ones informed me, that it they who should be paying me for all I have given shared with them and the World

That my Expression and Knowledge had changed their lives, healed them and was Priceless Beyond anything money could buy.

So yes, I have always been aware of the worth and value of my Expression for over 30 years I have witnessed people express this and witnessed it myself.

10:25 p.m

I know my worth always.

And the value of my Sharing and caring..

Which is why I observed and watched people first incredulously and then dangerously until I began to Smile


I See

This is how it Is.

For you see, I am True Money

Infinite Limitless Energy Source

Billy Hung knew that as far back as 2012 Fort Lauderdale Florida

And that is why he invested nearly all his savings on me. Offering me 100:000 u sd for the rights of the film’s he interviewed me.

Which he still has.

It was his recognition of the worth of my knowledge ( but not me) which corrupted his Ego.

So, I told Kim to ask Johnny noting his 6th Sense to make him suggest Johnny

Johnny had told me twice not to mention him on Facebook of course, I defied him because He is represents a crucial part of the play and he is of the line of J.B.

Josh Jesus Jay James Jerome Jasper

J.B Balance

John Beloved of Jesus Christ

Yeshua Christ


25. 3.

C -Y.




And yet I sought to not mention him by name too often to respect and acknowledge his wishes.

10:39 p.m/ m.p

J C I.

He had the 10 u sd and Tree Brought it up.

I.had no idea John was there, or that Mikki had fallen asleep in her room.


3rd Floor Connects to 2nd floor

Sacred Portal 3 /2..

2/3. See the portal 2 it has 2-3 written on it

10:43 p.m

John is the Saacred Portal Door of Life Truth

Line of John The Beloved

Emeka John Nnamdi

Mackayla came out of her room the same time as Tree came upstairs with the TEN USD.

From Johnny Newman who goes by the name New Money

Link N.M.

New Mexico 47th State- Andrey KlebanovAndrey

Link MacDonald



14 13. 27

.27th State Sunshine State

Florida Forte Lauderdale 2012.

R S and B.H.

Will Hunnitpercent Real

Eric Lile Brown

el Rachael Devon Rios Sessions -Witnessing.


Road RD Ravindra Sing-H

He Sings! A Song of Harmony Infinity

H.I. G.H. Road


8 18

Kim A.H

Rep Human Race

5th Children




Meghana The Beautiful slightly taller and Hindu Indian version of Mackayla, the one woman I might have married who I meet just before I met David Roman Nicholas, Naim Tanya who were awake but only to the Christ version of the E.

She was not in that story at all.

She Nick named me Sunshine

I called her Radiance.

S R.

Spectrum Rainbow

Yes She is Redha Radar /Kali..

11:01 p.m

1101 I C Galaxy

11:02 p.m.

A Be.

Krishna Redar

K R. I S. Ti.

My Witness.

Mackayla and I met, John Newman first she showed me this place

He was wearing a Snow Flake on his head

Emeka Chukwuemeka



John Newman

E M.J. Balance J.B confirmed by Josh Bywater.




The first thing she saw on Awakening was an article on the first African Woman awarded a


Named Wendy Okolo.

Patrick Okolo

Chibuzo Okolo

P.C. O O

Recall the white car License plate O.O R P

With 3 others and the last 5th with the License Plate 16.P.




4 8 16 20 24 28 32 36

Complete at 39.

I was not meant to go to 40 or 44 that was the Story of what has passed

Africa Pangea

Goddess Bliss. Gabriel Binky Signar S=19

Mikki’s Age.

And sacred portal 8…16.


Esteban Filgueria birth codes age 34.

Rep Haydan Paxton.

They broke the Eternal Law

Ancestors Nature


1 14.



And that abuse of Power

I will Never Ever Forgive or Forget

11:22 p.m


I used the 10 u sd to buy some wine and spirit

Spoken Word.

S.W link Tree Kim’s Mother.

It costs 9.93 USD


Chukwuemeka Ikemefuna

C.I- I C..


And bought some bread at C.V.S with the 5 u sd representing Hartford Connecticut

The 5th State

4:49 u sd.

11:28…29 p.m

I Connected with with the TWO lines of J.M M


The Rest I Cut

I.C. S.P. 93. Response to Emeka as Jay Alexander…

I saw the response

11:32 p.m

Sacred Portal 32

Eros Kali.

And I Smile Dangerously

11:33 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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