
It’s 1:49 am. – This is my thir

It’s 1:49 am.

This is my third attempt to post this.

My computer went off, and not it was not Jae and Internet.

I saw that my computer was running out of juice, and then ensured that it was connected and continued.

Then I paused mid-way to the film which I was watching to make a comment.
And to my surprise my computer shut off, saying it had run out of juice.
Unfazed I had analyzed the situation.
I was commenting on what I was watching on the film Dark Web: Cicada 3301… a film that I have a feeling that Stephen Johnson would enjoy immensely.

Earlier I had begun to look for my Lighter- Orange.
I sighed not in the mood for such games anymore- I already knew that play- I do not lose things or even misplace them to that degree, of having to pause and look everywhere for it- I have been too well trained through the years.
I had been stating this for years- it had meaning, it would turn up of course, but the pause changed the outcome of things.
I went to the stove lit my cigarette, and while watching or reading the intel on the screen, my mind eye’s sought out as to where the bloody lighter could be.
I was still wearing my shoes I had recently returned in and had cooked my diner, so I reasoned we had left Okwu Mmou and that I was being instigated to buy a lighter… but that did not make sense, the lighter still worked and that change of color – frequency always happened when it was time, meaning the lighter was empty.
So, I sat pondering absently, while watching the movie and listening to Jae move in and out of the bathroom, perhaps she was sick I mused.
Suddenly the characters on teh screen began talking about colors, and their power to communicate through frequencies- secret societies using it as a tool.
I stopped, smiled still casting my eyes about for my lighter, and a moment later, there is was on the seat of my chair obscured.

I knew instantly what it meant.

Sit… seat.. my Throne.

Sacred Portal 45.

I continued watching, inwardly groaning that I was still in the play and all I wished to do was get away from it… I thought of taking a walk, but oh yeah, my body no longer allows me to walk beyond the C V S and to the Pegasus fuel station.

I watched and then, I understood and decided to pause the movie and tell you the meaning aligned to my own experience.
I began writing it and after the 2nd paragraph, my computer just died.

I checked the output, using the phone, the govt phone Kim had given me to use, reasoning that if I was being “attacked” by frequencies directed at me- not an unreasonable conclusion because my body was twisting so terribly during that entire play- but I was ignoring it, even as it twisted me about and threw me about- refused to take the bait.

It hurt something awful, but hey 17 years and recently with all I knew and know- the best thing to do is stay calm and act as though it was nothing.

So, yes my mind hand moved to Stephen Johnson, and the 3 times he had tried to read my post and it had vanished- and my own response to him “Ndidi Amaka” Patience ol’ chap, it will come back on.

It was a test I had been through many times.

I went to my Phone and decided to use it meanwhile, allowing my computer to charge, while a little distracted by the fact that even when it dies completely it does not take that long to charge for me to put it on.
And it did go on and was charging but so slowly…

My phone was at zero charges.
I had reasoned that no matter what was behind this ( refusing to name it or give it power) that if it was to stop me posting what I had begun to post, it made no sense, all they had done was stop me from watching the movie, and the movie was not the important thing or even the access to movies.
It was intel and the play is over, I am about to leave, I feel it and it is decreed.
It was all about the post-the expression.

The phone finally reached 11% and I found I could open it, thus confirming that something was happening which was unusual with my computer.
I went to it and changed the output plug-in to the left side and tried to post.

I began the 2nd time on the 860 22 number of Kim- Tree my mind naturally moving to the Spirit realm and how I no longer was able to use the EOS number on my other phone and had on arriving here, been made to use Kim govt phone.
I hardly used it, but I did note when I was being made to each time the internet was cut off.

My first post started at 1:31 am.
I knew that time via my sacred portal 131.”Siamese Twins.

Then that too vanished.

Undeterred, still calm despite it all ( I have had practice for the last 20 years)

2:20 am right night now.

22 O.
Yes, my minds-eye do move to Esteban- Stephan that was the last amount he had given me 220 USD. And he had bought this computer- of course, it was not him, or Jae but the powerful beings and representative of the spirit play versus the E -Spirit I represent and made a rise in them- all of you by acknowledgment and praise.

I had also noted that I had six cents in my pocket left and that earlier I had dropped a dime which is still starring at me on the floor.
Dime and 6th sense Gotcha” I had said absently- a play of 6th sense, I had said absently and went back to the movie.

The second time I began the post it was 1:43 pm.

I knew who that was. The was Chike Nwosu line and also the time that Anthony W Beinstein had contacted me inviting me to join the Illuminati.

Meanwhile, as I was about to try for the third time, I had that subtle niggling feeling to go and check on my computer which I had finally left in the Kitchen ( hells kitchen to charge) I fiddled with my phone a bit longer ( I am stubborn like that) but the feeling got so, that I got up and voila, left the plug in – the computer was working.

And here I am.

Chike Nwosu. C N 3.14 Pi.
143 – N C./ C N.
The portal of the Afro friend of Axi in the movie, I had noted was number 14.

It did not take a genius to put two and two together.
Class of 82 is when Nnamdi Passed at age 13 letter M.
Marina M.
She had seen Nnamdi on my Altar in 2011 and had gasped out in shock pointing at the table “Nnamdi” was all she could gasp.

2:33 pm.

Look, Anthony W Beinstein A W “E” B”
He lives in Charlottesville, North Carolina ( C N C).
There is a painting here, over the cistern with a drawing of a Spider and of course “Charlottes Web” And above its still, in the “Swirling Colors” again depicted in the cupcakes in the movie, is a painting which I also pointed out to Kim- Tree the first day I was here- he paining shows a portal, a birth canal, a tunnel of love – Ear Lobe-an Ass Hole-Arse Hole with what I said to Kim- Tree was a mother and child and others waiting expectantly for something, someone to emerge from.
I had indicated that it was also the Yeshua in the Cave where he had been buried emerging from his journey to death back home.

I had been trying to post about a play that took place in late 2006 or early 2007 about how my computer had “magically” opened up to web site of a secret society who called themselves the Guardians of the other realms, and how they had left this realm and vanished in the midst and that they were as old as Life on earth itself.

2:42 am.

They had spoken about their ability to be everywhere and control everything. That they were looking for what they called The One.
They had been or areas they said. the ones who had the sacred knowledge and had retreated into the mists of the unseen when humanity had been become what they saw as corrupted and thus no longer worthy of the Sacred Knowledge of the ages.
And they had taken the knowledge and retreated and then from that space, had begun to search for worthy candidates.
For what?
To find the way out, of the maze.
They spoke of how they could move people in this 3D realm without them being even aware and into the unseen realms and pathways to see if they were worthy of being the one.
They would lead them without their realizing it because their reality here appeared the same, but their lives were now transformed, interactions everything because they were now in a place they called the place of no return.
Their web site made it clear that to enter and pass through that portal that all must abandon hope, and if you did not find your way out, they were indifferent to what they knew was the insanity and your very being, being torn apart by your own frustration which they knew would transform into madness.

They had many candidates they had chosen- and none had succeeded.
I found that they had somehow got hold of my Creation Story as well as my Article The Elegant Nomad,written in 2004 and the latter in 2001-22 and placed it on the numbers on my page aligned to my birthday and the year of birth I had assumed then as 1966.

It was after that- that I found the late Catherine Achuluonu on Facebook and that play began.

There had been witnessed, showed it to Albert Sanana and Micheal Frazier before it too vanished from my screen.

I an aware of who gave it to some Shaman Dibia- Tory- he latter confessed on day as he came upon me sitting outside on a park bench, overcome with guilt shame and remorse no doubt- I had been taken aback by his confession but not very surprised.
I was in a different story, and all the other stuff I knew was not from or through them, it came from much further back and those entities I already was aware of, for Pete’s sake I lived in Nigeria for 11 years and had seen the spirit world when I was 9.

What did suprise me though was the malicious intention and actions of people, and his line of Viking singers who loved me – yes the ones who confessed that some of them had conspired to rape me and called me The Golden Boy.
As far as I was concerened they were not all that if they need to find someone to find they way out and were willing to do whatever it took, sacrifice so many gifted and talented people to a life and death of horrible madness and suffering.

I posted about it for many years here on Facebook, but I stopped when I realized that as usual that you were not listening- lost and out of your minds searching for the truth… and meaning of existence- obviously moved by them- you Ancestors.
The Generation Curse.

T.. G C… E
20… 7 3 5.

Yes, 73 Usd in my wallet.

Yes my body feels less constricted now.

its 3:08 am
That was the time of the second message, from Anthony W Beinstein and I said this time politely No.
I am the Light…Illuminating Light.

Anthony Mercado
A M.

3:09 pm.
American Gods. season 3:09 pm.

Liberty – C, and Jeron
Mother and Child.
C J.
Charlene Johnston.
and Angelina Jolie
Doppelganger Twins.
Arden God Mother and Mother.

3:11 am.
C K.

L U C K Y … My ass.

Lu “Read” L U-C Y.

Charlotte’s Web,

Char means to Burn
Lots Wife.
W- E B.

Flushing Queens down the toliet.
There is only one African Queen and her Beloved.

3:14 pm.
C N.
Good night

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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