


I understood the message of the Espirit world or the true Subconscious seekingto extricate itself from the warped consciousness and subconsciousness of the A.C.. Awareness Consciousness which is not real because as I have proven, awareness and consciousness come from first Being.

Devil Ekwensu Aka log heli and the tempatation of the one Dreamer who was notthe true Yeshuah Christ..

The Sun was never the first born, for the Sun has a blind spot, a black hole. a part of itself in all its innocence that it did not see.

For it thought to led the people to the the Beautiful Realm, the true Realm of Existence, but to lead a people, to presume that you must lead a people to the promised venue is in itself the arrogance in himself which he did not see.

The Devil Ekwensu Akalogheli in Chikodi Anunobis book is already Deapair, he realizes that because of his nature, his true nature that he will never be able to go to that beautiful place, that true place, so he when one who claims to be the son of God, the Light who can show the way comes, he tempts him as we have seen through out this account of the Jesus Christ Story from its very origins right to the version still worshipped today.

The D.E.A Tricks the innocently leader ( Played by David Philipe Gil in this play, that he can not enter into the promised venue without taking all the people with him. And then he plants the seed of despair in the people who turn into the angry mob who o everything thing to destroy this one who thinks that he is better then they are…

But this is not the true story of meaning.. it was the one usurper who thought that he was the light as the Sun and the Son who could not see that each person was and is an individual who each could only enetr the Kingdom of God by understanding themselves, and by thier own desire and individual effort…

That no one wants to me made to feel that they must follow another, all they required was a blue print, a map, and an ability to know how to read and each would be able to come to that place they way it was always destined to be.. Individually, as individuals and that the onlytrue responsiblity was to help them See Cee through the correct consciousness- that all had the ability and all were as Existence and all were Chosen and all were annointed.

Just as I stated in my realm we do not have Kings or Gods we have light beings, light not as path finders but beings who are light, we get High and we fly because we see all things through lightness..

The D.e.a is meant to be th ejealosu Envios nature of the Body as Death, who is really Des Pair.. The twins.. E.O Playing the illusion of Life and Daeth but who really is the illusion that called the Body as Matter/ The Body as Nature which must die and evaporate, Gravity illness sickness..

But in truth the Body is not Death, nor is it the Devil, or me as Ek wen su or Aka Log ( as in Captains Log Star Gate) H eli ( the rope which does not bind as the story to Bind all OINRI Igbo ppl to the mission of bringing the world to Anyawu- the Sun and thus Death, but rather the Rope of love which Links, which Jason uses in the Labriynth, the wool of the lamb, the robe which weaves the Tapestry of Existence.. so beautiful as I have shared here in Face Book..

AKA LOG HELI is not really the Monkey Snake, as Leviathan, played by Nikoma or Lucifer…

He was the one who tested the Sun who presumed that he knew the way, the Sun as the two eyes when in truth the sun is just a symbol, of Hell and warmth and the illusion of duality, the illusion of because it is in the center of this solar system that he is the star.. And that is where Jesus went wrong,..

The Real Jesus is symbolized by the Moon, the one who orbits the other comes near, is cool light and gies undercover and then comes out for all to see at night.

The all seeing I.. the Symbol of Love who is close by and whom we should never take for granted because its luminous beauty moves the SINE waves of the Universal song and IS the tunnel of Love and the Birth Canal..

David as the Dreamer is my Son in illusion but my son is Lucifer Naturalnes as depicted by Nikoma Rios in this play- who was moved to stay loyal to me no matter even when he could not understand. And D.E A, Are all me as the Beautiful Devil who tests the ilusion who says that he is my son, and my sin.. Who asks people to follow him, to believe him but why..

I loved the Jesus Christ character, and I knew he was based on someone real but there was something missing, something which even stated… Explaination of Being. which he said his brother the Holy Spirit would explain.

One could have have understood everything from the Jesus Story, just by listening to his words and by understanding his example and not the David Story, but the cruficiftion part.. instead of what he really did, transforming illusion of death the body into what it always was and is Energy Light..

The Body is Transformed by Being,

The Physical Body in this world was transformed into a coffin.

When in truth it was the Beautiful Devil. the Illusion of Death, the Beautiful Devil E.K. W-en su, Aka Log H ( Harmony) Eli (Rope) JaH…

And if you all recall Elijah never Died, he left this world on a space ship, chariots of fire.

Thus, the very Jesus Story was a riddle. which the very first creation story distorted the original truth in order for the one who thought he was the son of God could be tested.

And there were so many Icarus characters who wanted Glory more than they wanted Harmony…

Only sharing is the way to make Existence rise…

not by being leaders of Men and women..

Okay, I could have made this really short but each time that which is within me wishes for me to expansiate so that everyone out there can understand.

No, there is no Woman inside of me, though this play created the illusionmof a woman being inside of me the man… what is inside of me is E.V.E… and what is outside of me is E.V.E and who I am is E.V.E

and that is the riddle of the Satan Devil Ekwensu Akalogheli ( Lucifer) solved.. there was no such thing, it was all created by Nature, your Nature as Evil.. it was all in your imaginations and then you had to go so far to make even Evil real…


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