
It was to discover ourselves, the true power and superhuman parts…

6/19/12  4:46pm


Comment /reply to comment in last post by Krzysztof Solek:

Original comment by E:
It was to discover ourselves, the true power and superhuman parts of ourselves, to unite with it and rise with it…the flesh, our humanity as well as our divinity. It was the journey to link and reunite that which was never apart, never forgotten, never in duality. Only we forgot to recognize it, we forgot to call it by its most holy name, Beauty! And so the darkness opposite the sun (…not the moon) is our true journey to the dark side. It is the vortex and the abyss which does not really exist..but is simply a portal back to the very beginning of existence, of the order…how we were created. It is the last journey in duality, to find our way home… back to our selves, back to the memory of existence that lies in each of us. If we wish to exist then we too must endure and repeat, enacting the journey of the first memory of existence.

We find the truth of our selves, super selves, our future selves…now made present to ourself. The gifts of our recognizing while man can be frail, vulnerable and weary…our heroic selves join with the smile as the true Ankh and key to life. We walk the path on the rainbow colors of our most delicate and ethereal natures; colors and painting of our life’s experience, now changed through our quest for truth, the ability to face the truth of ourselves and why we are there in our darkest hour… And we walk through those colors, walking towards the silver, perfect circle of our experiences…now illuminated by the light within us, and experienced and solidified by our truth and will to manifest outside of us. We walk, until the pathway of the 6 colors of the rainbow, the first fragmentation of creation, manifested to bring forth the illusion of duality and the experience of understanding ourselves through the journey of life. And within life, through breath (in and out) is death.

There is no true death, there is only the journey of arriving at the portal of the true meaning of life. Death is but the little brother of the journey to understand the meaning of life. “Life is Supreme,” Nduka, was my mother’s last surviving brother’s name, loyal to me and my mother supreme. For the illusion of living and dying is but a pathway created to understand the true meaning of Life, it was all about living to find that you are not really living, it was all about dying, to find in that illusion of the abyss that you were really dying… none of those illusions were real, apart from the experience of being you. And so the six colors of the spectrum, the rainbow colors of the primary emotions and feelings which first created light, love and laughter, begin to meld into one color as your clarity magnifies..and you walk the rainbow-colored path way of memory lane. Seeing your whole life’s experiences as a beautiful story…and the colors so rich and deep before…growing lighter, as you grow lighter. The light that is your invincible soul, now proven divine by you. Activating the spark to bring that light from deep within, and become the twin flames of light dancing; they twinkle merrily in your gaze as you perceive the truth in the story of your life.

As clarity fills your third eye with the understanding of it all, the light of your third eye opens and a beam of light, pure white light, which matches your smile, is released, freeing all ideas of betrayal, and mirroring the path you now work on which changes from light colors to white, silver light. Still you walk, in the air, no ground beneath your feet…because nature–the four elements–has released you from its matrix and web because of the purity of your feat. You have proven to Earth, the first projection and reflection of that great war and battle to be. Earth, who experienced the first great battle to be, chaos…illusion, until only its beauty remained. Some call it God, but I call by Father and Mother, who are so proud of you…so, so proud of you who went to the end, beyond even stories of Adam and Eve. Going so far to understand the first parents, the first ancestors, the first story of Father and Mothers, who formed the beautiful Earth…. they, who never experienced duality, who completed the first journey and remembered that they came whole and complete. And so, like any proud parent, they raise you up with joy, in the knowledge that you sought to understand and respect and pay homage to your first parents; to understand the first story of creation before assuming your own name. For these are the first elders, the first parents, the Beautiful Earth and to honor them by understanding their journey, is also the only way to find and come into your true name.


Original Facebook post here

Edited word count: 1/28/24: 845

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