
It was so tiring living in a Passed Past…

It was so tiring living in a Passed Past…

I never want to be dragged back to it ever..

Last year I left Pelham B Park in October descending through 3rd and 2nd, (Sean McBean), then a bench on 1st and 3rd (the Egyptian) then here…

Yonathan Yohaness and Seble W…

Back to my former host place Al..at 268 4th in October 22, I arrived.

What a strange fate to find myself repeating the same cycle, which most witnessed a year ago..but it was not the same…I came back to my former hosts home early October…

Comming down but this time through 3 and 2nd…

1st and 9th….

Two Cafe Beans…



C.B..O.W. B.E (32-32)

S.I.A…(19-91) J.C….D.N.A…

Joseph Carey (lives @91 2nd and has my drawings and writing and Mask) Tom.Truman Show (also has my things left in his loft never returned)

Correct play @ 1st and 9th the Bean and F.B..Hosted.

(J.C David Nikoma Albert et I…Dina)

Was given a 5 marked dollar bill yesterday with the number 21 on it.

U…serial.code J.C 12 959 658…

My statue Jade Elephant J.E stone from heaven from Daniel Maman Valued at 950.00 given to Joe Carey for a 3OO dollar loan…

See play J.Carey gift of 47 dollars.

95O…I.E…Jesus Christ…

Not Jim Carey..Truman Show…

Meaning all the E knew who I was.

It was the blackness in human heart and consciousness which set me up knowingly out of hate.

Sia means Black in Turkish…Istanbul is the only city linking two continents..Asia Europe…A.E.

We ended with Jude Rogers as my last F.B friend my former host has a nephew called J.R as well Jofia Ross…

But the play of F.B ended with Jude Rogers…

Meaning Praise…and her symbol I shared is the Dove…

Columbia my first landing when I moved to New York.in 2001…21.

Not when I visted New York in 1999, to shoot a short film..The Ethnic Odyssey T.E.O…with John my little brother whom has disappeared from.my life despite my efforts to find him.

Of course, I am alluding to Judas Iscariot

and John…J.I…

(meaning Yam in O.I.Nri Igbo and Hold..to hold someone in a tight grip.which is what it feels like in my body being..

Numericaly it means J=10-1O…1 and Zero,s..Z Eros Beauty (Zeina Hanna)…But now transformed from Number Letter through embodiment of Truth of meaning to One Full Circle Octo 2013-Octo 2O14…to Alberts home at 1A…

Moving 1O..to A.O.E. A.M…N (Aba Vishnu .E MNAyat)…

And I meaning I=9.

1.O.9…1 9

1st and 9th

The Cafe Bean

And J for Jon (Though really Yudas I Yonathan in Aramaic which is where Seble and Yonathan of origins Ethiopia… Means)

But even then it still aligns as Y= 25 2 5 B.E.

But 19 plus 1O..or T.E.N…AH…T.E.N

Is 2O…and 29..

I am T..Truly 29 yrs old…Eternally

A Youthful Man…Y.M…F.B F.. Yolande Makha (and her son B)

Yolande meaning Violet..Indigo..Purple..

V.I.P….Royal Purple Robes

M.Y…My My My..

(Not me, me, me)

Meaning that Judas Iscariot is Praise of I, the Deliverer -of the Message..Post-Man (P.M)..After Man (A.M) is Evolution (E) to Hue-man Beings (H-M.B)

But it is the Grace of the Creator.

By the Will of the Creators original Plan…

By His say and word alone.

But to do this the past and all its duality had to.be overthrown to link the one point aligned to the begining…but no.End, rather Evolution to the Point of Existence Known.

Meaning Known Existence had to be overthrown to what it original was, undefined, unlimited, unfettered, free, expansive… Moving freely in one as 1, to Every Possibility now that the point has been made…

B.E…of Truth Love and live as you please and no matter where you go, how far away you explore into All that can be you. Us…

I will be there…

Praise the I Chariot the Grace of Creation for I am Everything, and Everyone but only that which is of Beauty, the Truth…That I Cee…For I am love.

And thus, the confines of Existence, a word fades away…

For there is no such thing as Existence.

It served a purpose, for a while creating a time and space to learn how to.B.E…

To.learn in a University, Universe the one verse of the E.Victorious Nature within thee, planted in.thee before even.the concept of Existence or Existing was Born…

When all which.existed then was Being…

Beautiful Eternity…

A Moment stretching on forever from looking it the eyes of Creator Creation and seeing them, you, us in Love…

And so, with graduation comes celebration.

And the walls which contained you in a class room, classy as it was designed to.be, fade away into.nothingness which it always was..and is…

And now, only now, will you understand, value, appreciate the true meaning of being born free…

And Fly with me, teleport, transport yourselves to feelings sensations…ah way beyond need to.believe…

You never required Belief or to Believe me…

Just imagine….


It possible…

And Feel…

and suddenly you will be Touched Moved by the words, story, outpouring of my.Vision..

And just.like that!

It is transformed and you are transported to my world…

Awakening.Manifested from a Dream so ugly of this realm to my home…

Suddenly made solid and real…

Wake up…

That is all I ever asked of you..

And Feel Me….

Breathing Expressing

Touching you

With words of Beautiful Expression

From the Fifth Dimension a place not defined by words, with no walls… no description…

You can.only land and Cee for yourself

By waking up

To see

It is real…

And leave the passed behind…

And Enter the Beautiful Present

P-Raise E.


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