
It Rises 12 Feet in the Air..( 366)

It Rises 12 Feet in the Air..( 366)

Egele.. Kezie Egele…

Ijelegizida Omenigbo

I am not in the Igbo Story but my Past is..

The Past as Uwa.. and they are now here in the present through the line represented by Nenad M. Djurdjevic…

And this play of bringing the O Igbo Nri Creation Story as the Crowning Truth of the Sum total of the Human Creation Stories…

Though it had to be cleaned up..

Yes my Biological Ancestry is O.I,Nri… But this is not about Nri and an idea of Africa.. Bia Fra..NCE… or Any world story…

Manifested in my being born in London England not Nigeria for a Reason..

Then Winnipeg Canada.. Then to Dayton Ohio and Cincinnati Ohio..

Then going to live in Nigeria for 11 years…

Then to England France Spain Turkey.. where I lived and was once from…

Including the U.S.A.. For 16 years.. 88 .. 16.. The Longest…

I come from the Original Pangea and the Orginal World…

And it was and is the E realm…

VCreation as Expression.. C.E..35 years.. 1982.. 19/91…. 10 10… 1….

82-28.. 10 10.. 11O.. 1…

See sacred Portal 1A.. Joy… Links Existence Divine….

See OG and Joy AM. A.Z..U… Arriving in the 21… letter U.

Look at the mysterious disappearance of my Aunt Julie A Z U…K.A… 1 11..The correct Sequence mirroring Albert Albert King King A.K.. 1 11…

and immediately she agreed to send 150:00..usd… 69… 15.. Jose Roque..

See Amazu Family at the North Pole.. N.P…. 14 16… Nenad Pius…

14+16= 30…

Nenad told me that it was 30 degrees when I text him…

See the me at the Rock.. Moved the Rock to Room 5B.. Full Circle to where I was sent 7 months ago… the room allocated to me.. 5B..Bed 5019.. 50 +19-69.. Jose Anthony Roque born 5-15-69… 5 15 15… 5 66…

Nenad born 66… I was representing that code.. Was given his place..

My brother Nnamdi was buried age 13 in my cloths in Amawbia.. my Fathers home town…

Meaning I moved him Full Circle to E B.. 5B.. From 5A to 5B… Awareness to Being..

He calls me the Teacher…

Nadee Nakandala recognized me within three days 4 years ago as Teaching the World Harmony… Consciousness..

5 years.. 16 years.. 28 years I have been teaching the World..

Watching them take my Knowledge Taught them and using it to enrich themselves and their life’s refusing to give Credit or Due… Expression to its Source…

I watched this and knew and the E.T and the E.F.. True Family saw and watched and loathed this species….

I was watching Nenad like posts while I was texting him..

He could not see me but I could see him commenting on sacred portal 42 4 times and then on my comment on 1011..While I am sitting besides Jace K.Horsford who is Aware… J.K.H… 10 11…8..


C.E..Creation is Pangea and the Original World and I am not just Nigerian.. Which does not exist.. nor Igbo… First…

I all these countries.. and the One Idea… O.. The Full Circle..

But before that I was… I AM… Individual…

E from Beyond Pangea.. Beyond Creation..

Exemplified by Elizabeth Clarizio and our Extraordinary Harmony as Nenads but even more so because she has not been studying following my post nor been in non stop expression text..

Each playing a Role…

Queen Elizabeth

Lord Nenad…

Royalty Loyalty… O.E..


E.C… E came before Creation…

Before Time.. before this Human Story…

Og Amazu found Nenad… North Pole… 30…

And he sought the One…

The One is recognized by his Expression..

The E the Eternal Truth and the Eternal Family rises up in reach of you as witnessed in Nadee to Orien Laplante to Lord Ye. to Nuno Ordens ( Shiva!) to Flor Elena Medina.. to Edward Eceinco the list go on..

It is sufficient to go back and read this 60-61 transcript…

Black Lord… Niger Association of Global Africana Sciences – NAGAS

NGa Sidney Davis, Akil Davis, Evan ALexander Judson, Rachel Young Marina Burini Albert Santana.. Fritz Venneiq Michael Frazer,

they all recognized… All and then went down..

Questioned their own True their own E-Spirit… Their Messenger..

Their Heart… And because they each decided to be the Judges..

Judged themselves Superior to their E-Spirit and their Eternal Truth…

Doubted and Denied and sat back and asked for proof..

And to my outrage the 11 years in Nigeria forced me to to prove the Truth to them..

With Facts and Reason!!!

Chikodi.. Anuobi.. C.A.. ‘The Spirit to the presence that they all heard the Truth in their Hearts.. Because the E-Spirit led them all to me, and made the Speak.. Onuabuchi….

Kezie Egelele…


D.M.I.C…T.P/K..115 AGE… 11 5.. K.E… 11+5=16…

16 Years in New York..

88 ..

See the Book Nri Warriors of Peace..

Instant Manifestion… I.M..POSSIBLE..

MI… Do Ray Mi..ME..

E came before Creation…

Elizabeth C…

And so I watched with my mouth open..

My Mouth became B.I.G….MOUTH… B.M..

To Gobble All Up…

Because even with the codes of the 60 months of Evidence Facts, Symmetry, Echo outside of me.. Magic.. Magical thiniking..

Numbers Money Codes which matched and aligned… The manifestations on the the Televisions on the NEWS… The Events, Deaths.. the movement of Governments.. The Revealations and the truth that there was is a Being doing codes to stop the Evil rising.. Fighting the Greatest War in a Universal Simulation…

All these proofs and you dare doubt, question insult my Supreme Intelligence..?

With MONEY… WITH HOUSING.. WITH.. JOB that it is my Job to convince YOU of my Truth when even the computer of the face book format confirms…

And you dare stand in judgment of me..When you denied your own Truth…

And put what you thought was ME on Trial to prove more and more and more for Your Satisfaction… Elizabeth… !!.. Meaning Vow Oath Promise Covenant…

Taking advantage my patience and gentle pursuation that I NEEDED YOU…

Because the Script place the role of taking care of me while I did the work to Teach Lecture against my Will which Catherine Acholonu asked me to do… And I said no…

I have done enough to raise Consciousness..

Awakening the World recognized Daniel Maman

Vitruvian Man… V.M..

18 M.V… Mountain View…

…56 Maida Vale…

And you truly believe that I can not see you…?

Just as I observed Nenad commenting on OHM.. S.P 42…


Ikenna Iheanacho..

They wish to see the Power of Father of Infinity before they acknowledge…

Are you sure…?

Yes.. I am sure… So Be It…

I am E…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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