
It always seems Impossible until its is Done.

It always seems Impossible until its is Done.

Nelson Mandela N.M. N N A M DI

Nelson Mandela d Traveler 2016 23 17 565.

This is what ABE (Rose) from Ethiopia had in his hands…

8:48 p.m.

8:49 p.m.

When he came in and sat down besides me and began speaking about what he had read on my page. Which I had asked him to investigate.

He did, and what he said was music to my ears, and then we spoke. He said that he had never heard a point of view like this and that it was something added, which allowed him to see, with new eyes. It brought Clarity and Opened his eyes to a different way of seeing that he had never encountered before.

July 4th 2017.

7-4- 1O.

Hello, I am not sure that I can begin to describe what just took place.

First I will simply say that Abe. who is a Falasha, which is he means that he is literally from the line of King Solomon and Sheba… He recounts the story of how Queen of Sheba who carried with her the Ark of the Covenant with her and moved through Egypt, taking with her many Israelites and then Egyptians and finally setting in the North of Ethiopia. And then how they were the true Israelites, and how the Coptic Jewish religion was born when the Country finally adopted the religion. He spoke of how they helped found the Royal Line and then were oppressed. And how they settled in Sudan. And how the Mossad and the C.I.A airlifted them back to Israel through Operation Solomon, then Operation Moses and then Joshua.

( code S.M.J.)…

There is so much, so much which happened even as we spoke, and which links to the OINRI Igbo story. And why I was circumcised by three Jewish Rabbis in London. Which is the story my mother told me. It links and links and I am so Tired.

I can not really speak much about all that this means, but the Ark of the Covenant is fulfilled. On my way back to the Shelter today, I found something which I knew identified as the Ancient Israeli breast plates that the priests used to wear. it was partially buried under a Tree. I do not know why I stopped to pick it up especially in my state. But I knew that I had kept the Promise and went further than I ever believed I would go. But I knew the Beautiful Truth and that ABE, had given me a message that it is Done.. The Impossible is Done


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