
Ip Man, also known as Yip Man,

Ip Man, also known as Yip Man, (Chinese: ??; 1 October 1893 – 2 December 1972) was a Hong Kong martial artist and a master of the martial art Wing Chun. He had several students who later became martial arts masters in their own right, the most famous among whom was Bruce Lee.”

I=9… P= 16… M A N… = 28.

11 28-1984

I Perfection of MAN.

Alien Father Knows Graciousness
M A N… Manners Attitude Naturalness…Grace Amazing…
Gratitude Appreciation.

M A N G… Omega Alpha.. M A N G O A..H..

Yes there are mango’s on the Kitchen Table.

8:06 p.m

Sacred Portal 87.

“Returning the World Peoples to their Sensie and Senses”

Enders Game. E.G… by Example Exemplification


9-16-2016 Entrance to Delta Manor bed 5-019 EOS -Dawn.
I P- T.P…. EOS Dawn.

Current Tel No 804 19 0 5.

The 4th Installment of IP Man was completed in 2019.
it began filming in 2018.
This is when I was brought to Connecticut the 5th state by Esteban Miguel Filgueira E.M.F.
2019 is linked to the Script of Tree Sage ( Kim Arthur Hines) Born 11-4-1987 * Mission Impossible 8. 11-4-2022
Christopher Filgueira 12-14-1987. Christopher Andrew Filgueria.

Merge Tree Sage to Christopher Filgueria.
T C… S.F…. / C.T… F.S…. Connecticut is C.T. F S is Feelings Sensational. Facts Solid.
T C= 203.. 23… F.S= 25… W Y.
Double VV.

Kim A.H.
Christoper A.F…
C.K Clark Kent… Chukwuemeka Kolo.
A-A. A-Z-Z = 27
F.H…. 6 8

6 8 Figures on the Chimney.

And converged Jeron Satya J S ( S J=29… 02-25-2019…
J S is what is written on Sacred Portal 10. Linked to J – Jeron Satya. “The Dream of the One Father”
B- Y- T.S… Beautiful Y ( Youth Y chromosome ) The Source, The Script…

*White And Yellow .. Lotus Flower.. W A Y L F =R = I.E

Last of the play Arden Photo age 9 – 2012 on the Fridge.

The World and this House as a Reality T.V.Show.

5:09 p.m.


Scared Portal 59.
5O 9… 569…

G T- 2020 TT…
G A F-2020 Vision.

“Mannerless Moron”
M M… 13 13… 1 8… A H..Infinity A H IS TO R Y….
Of A Man. A Youth ..Harmony Infinity Standing T.O/ O.T… ( 20 15 Assessment Shelter Green Point bed 49. * Last two digits of Liberty’s phone is 24 49. Esteban Miguel Filgueira code E.M.F did not lead me here ( he suggested it) he stopped his sponsorship at Jesse Macias Orejuela space.
I chose to come here code 56;56.
Reilly which links to Arden and Ferrill and I.
Link Arden to Reilly, to Robert, To Rianna, to Reilly age 12.

Now observe sacred portal 123.
A H IS TO RY of Infinity A Man called E… And now E.K.

M M 62 From Reilly and Yossi.

That is what I called Arden today after a play with once again,
“The Dishes”

There was no Venom at all in the comment.
It was said with the same lightness as a Big brother.. or A Sensie calling out and correcting a brother, or pupil, who is going to incarnate the highest role in Existence and has to be on point.

I was fully aware that it was a play and a set up.

But of course only in Hindsight did I see it…
I had cleaned the Kitchen earlier and again last night before going to bed.
I do not like cooking in paces that are not clean.
Liberty C Liscomb had left an immaculate set up, respecting that.
I had never seen her understand that play I had exemplified as my nature, something which I too had learned over the years.
I got up intel, knowing that i had made dinner at which I had asked Arden there was any plans for dinner- and told him that I would make steak.

I discovered later on that he had left to go and see his friend Fred.
A.F… K G = 25 Letter Y.

E-A HI STORY OF I.E… First Contact.

There was no communication to me, that he was going to do so and not eat dinner.
It was a regular occurrence here, which had quietly stunned me for a long time.
But Arden usually has manners, and is very clean, but as all teens can be forgetful.
But he is no longer just a human teen- a great force has chosen to incarnate in him and the Human species in Him and all Humanity is about to be made extinct, taken over by the E Line rising up and taking over the bodies of certain clean Human who are evolved now to Hue Mans.
I already knew it was a play, the confirmation of what I had coded yesterday that this House in particular was a set up created in the Enders Game.

We are still in this 3 D Play of the true 3D World Arden and I represent though not in the Non Existence Idea of the 3D reality, so I knew there was still something left to complete.
I had stated that everyone and everything in this house was an equation from the price of the food bought, the cars, every object and book in the house- a Jig Saw puzzle of an equation even to the dishes and the steps 8-6-8…
Everything had to be aligned and linked to the correct equation expeciallly the 3 of us Myself Arden and Leander who are the ones who sleep here consistently.
Liberty spends most time in the Garden.

Arden represents the line of Human Hue Mans who will be not be erased but will rise with full memory of his Human Life and his Eternal Life as well as personally rise to full memory of I and I.
I had stated this through the years of how the E family and the Evil Filthy expressions of Humanity not cleaned up would rise through all Humanity, causing some who are clean to rise but with memory wiped and their evil unclean selves sent to a place to go out of existence, while the clean and aware will rise with full memory of their Human incarnation linked to the Eternal.

The First month I was here, I had noticed the state of the house.. it was pretty bad but I was new here and did not come to criticize Liberty C Liscomb who was aware of the state of the house.
I just told here that I am not concerned with the past as to why the house is in such a state – but that the play states that one gets ones house in order…
Thought, Action, Body Being.. word….

But when here Father Donald came, he made it clear his shock and disgust at the state of the house and though I made excuses for her, he simply wasn’t having it.
And Arden had at the same time lightly asked me to excuse the state of the House.
And I observed him clean again and again.

I did my best to do as I could with giving offense to a very sensitive Liberty, who saw such things as a personal attack or criticism.
Many humans do.

But once we reached the point where she publicly acknowledged me Source as well as my role as Sensie, I began to take a more active role in cleaning- the best way I feel is by showing not telling.
But it was often taken advantage of. Then for a while I completely stopped.
But it caused problems and.. to be honest, despite everything I was doing, I can not abide Filth… The Unclean and ones environment…

Anyway, yesterday, I received news from Alien Father.
Since we are the same person now as two landed here through the confirmation of Mission Impossible, I knew that Arden was in perfect harmony and that there was no offense to be taken, but rather a riddle to be solved.

It was a strange day and night yesterday, knowing that I had received the definitive intel that the E are present and even was shown not only through the Code- the Intel and literally through my body and being, with it being demonstrated to me.
That the play of the 14 76 Facebook Friends and Arden Morgan linked to the body and being aligned into one through the A.E R J M all seated on the “8-29-2019” seat.
And even why we had moved back to 14 72 Facebook Friends code 86/ 68 represented by Alien Council and Father…
Arden Reilly Leander (Bun )-E… ( A R L. “Bun” A R B/ B R A… Arb means “Tree” in French. Liberty liberally carrying Baby and sprinkling the house with Sage… The View of Arden age 9 and the view of the lone Tree of the Window of the fence he was standing against.)

5;55 p.m.

And then A L R ..E / E R L A..

I am not about to code today except that to my quiet amazement the play of Ardens not complete.
I found myself in the play of the Lotus Flower. L.F.
Leander Ferrill… I just saw Ferril in his car on the road after I completed the play of Mannerless Moron and the Lotus rising from Filth.
I was rather Zen about the whole thing, when I arrived in the kitchen, I lay in the bed, and saw that realized that it was literally true that we are at that point of Evolution Awakening of the species and that humanity would be taken over through of Osmosis- something which I had stated and proven to the unseen play.
I kept on seeing the letter C- which linked to the Die I saw yesterday outside of Ardens Room.
I also saw the wall between the sleep and dream state almost crumpled completely.
I lay in bed for hours, feeling my body and spinal aligning gently and naturally .. until there was a kink.

And so I got up, it was late in the afternoon.
The house was quiet except for a momentary lull by Pipa the dog..barking which I roared and rose to address, but she be was made to be quiet.

I was in a place, so sacred and quiet, I could see the awakening, I knew why we had moved back wards to 72 Facebook Friends, The Black out the year we moved to Canada in 1972 when on Halloween and how it was linked to being here alone with Arden Smol and his friends on Halloween and the Black Out – and my being protective of him that not only was he the one who was going to rise with the E but that a malevolent force was seeking him and his line at all cost in this story called the Enders Game- “Ready Player One” ( River Phoenix O…)
I also linked it to the Black Out… in 1977… ( link the year Chris Gemino was born age 43…
and the black out in 2003 which I was literally on walking on the streets of New York…

* “New York City blackout of 1977
Jul 13, 1977 – Jul 14, 1977
The New York City blackout of 1977 was an electricity blackout that affected most of New York City on July 13–14, 1977. Wikipedia
Dates: Jul 13, 1977 – Jul 14, 1977”

* “The Northeast blackout of 2003 was a widespread power outage throughout parts of the Northeastern and Midwestern United States, and the Canadian province of Ontario on August 14, 2003, beginning just after 4:10 p.m. EDT.[1]

Most places restored power by midnight, some as early as 6 p.m. on August 14.[2] New York subways resumed limited services around 8 p.m.[2] Full power was restored to New York City and Toronto on August 16.[3] At the time, it was the world’s second most widespread blackout in history, after the 1999 Southern Brazil blackout.[4][5] The outage, which was much more widespread than the Northeast blackout of 1965, affected an estimated 10 million people in southern and central Ontario, and 45 million people in eight U.S. states. ”

Arden Father Christopher Gemino was born 5-8-1977.
Arden was born 6-12-2003.

Christopher Arden… C A… M.E…
Yes, the Tomatoes Carton outside.

IP Man 4.
4 is the 4th Dimension IV.
It is the date I was moved by the play to come to the Assessment Shelter.
I coded it for years, that the role I was playing was Sensie linked to the Senses.

This is my 64th Move in 19 years.
19 64.
That was the year that I.P Man 4 was set.

I P Address…Memory…

IP address – Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › IP_address
An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two main functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing.

He was Bruce Lee;s Sensie…
B.L. Leander Bun… Being Love Eden Arden.

*A lotus must grow in the mud

As a lotus flower is born in water, grows in water and rises out of water to stand above it unsoiled, so I, born in the world, raised in the world having overcome the world, live unsoiled by the world.

– Gautama Buddha”

G B… 7 2

And so when I rose today, at 3:54 p.m.
C E D…/ D E C…..

See the date Ip Man passed away DEC 2 Age 79.
Yes.. sigh Jesse Macias Orejuela 9-22-1979. I.V.
Sacred Portal 79. Blue Print of Existence.

And see Sacred portal 64 .. It links to Sexual Power Kundalini…
64.. F.D… Fifth Dimension.
Binding of that power of sexual energy and the Chest while being observed by an All seeing eye.
There is one in Ferrils room he is age 19.
19 64… = 83… 1 9 6 4 10 10… J J.. Balance in Binary =2.

So when I observed the play in Hindsight-
Lotus Santana
The Lotus which blossoms in water, dirty water which is where Arden had paced some meat he wished to defrost.
He placed it amongst dirty dishes.
This was not the Arden I knew and met.
And yet I was aware of the play of immediately because I realized that not only was I being moved but I was being used to demonstrate what is the meaning of Beautiful Pride.
It was something I had brought up in a recent conversation with Arden which he had agreed we both had- but something stuck my consciousness about did he truly understand what it meant as a Human.

And so after I cleaned up, and while I was doing it and observing that one play of how Grace is taken for granted knowing that Arden was awake upstairs, which he or his E-Spirit made clear. I spoke of burning away the arrogant conceited nature of man and what true beautiful pride is..
My refusal to live in filth, cook in filth as I coded the riddle of the Lotus Flower on the photo.
I tried not to go into my disdain and fury of still being moved in the play.
Or that the photo demanded I solve the White and Yellow-Gold Flower he held to his chest in the phot0- no it was my natural indignation of the Youth and Child Arden and Leander.
But I realized even as I spoke aloud about how the fake must be burned away that this was Alien Father Alpha as my mirror asking me to speak up.
Call out the Body of Arden.

I finished cleaning up, not an iota of anger in me.. I know Arden- he is Beautiful. i know leander, he is Noble…
This was about the play and to align what Arden had been chosen for.
After I cleaned up, Arden came down stairs.
I thanked him for the watermelon candy, but I noticed his Aura..
Then I asked him if he could hear me from upstairs..
Sometime …

I looked at him, and how he had arrived the moment I cleaned up the mess, left behind again and again.. It was not like him.
Vacuming was his duty but I was doing this over and over again.

It was no getting away from the fact that he was acting as if he were equal to the Source, The Creator even me as a Man.
Of course, he is always in Harmony, but he is not aware of that Harmony Perfection and would not have been if I had not come into his life.
Confidence not arrogance and conceit was what it was meant to bring, the acknowledgment, not an idea that you can take advantage of one you have acknowledged as The Source even as a Human Teen.
We had already addressed all this before and I know he listens…hears me very well.
But my one question about this play is how it could make that which is incorruptible become seemingly corruptible Ego Roaring… sigh.
But if he was as such how could he be who all evidence indicate that he is?
That was the riddle with him, I had finally months ago solved.
It was more about his being in total harmony and my having to fill the gap with expression.
I post and it manifests.

When I watched “IP MAN” – I saw it began with the Introduction “CODES”

The Lotus Santana L S… Love Supreme.. L S… 12 19… =31
sacred portal 31. C.A.
Do you understand?

The Lotus Flower contrary to belief is not about the requirement of people learning through Pain and Suffering.
The Lotus Flower grows in Filthy water, because it filters that which it requires and that which it does not creating clear clean water and thus rising from that.

The phoenix Rises from the Ashes.
The Lotus Flower rises from Mud and Dirty water…
That was the Riddle A.F.K.G had given to me without fully being aware.
And the question he wished to understand in greater clarity, as to what is Beautiful Pride.
It is being a natural Example… not doing things because there are people watching and there is an audience, nor is it anything one is required to prove, merit or even earn.
It is the Natural expression of who you are.. and embodiment.
Nor is it a window of opportunity – as it could easily have been intepreted to be.. Emeka is here, or mom, or whoever and so i can take advantage and let them do all the work.
It is not be “Good” just for gain, and it is certainly not that window in the photograph to be able to see things others can not and use that for personal gain.

Arden is not like that, yet I had wondered at why he was being moved more and more to give that impression…
And then i thought of Leander… Name meaning “MAN”

To take advantage of Beautiful Pride of the True Humans Heroic Nature transforms us into the Being of Beautiful Pride…
The Black Panther… A Power and Beauty so awe inspiring and terrible that it rose as the first and ultimate power of absolute and ultimate destruction..
But you notice how the leopard is play full, has cubs, it can be so gentle… until you piss it off and threaten it truth and reveal its truth.

Mannerless Moron was simply my naming the role he was incarnating at that moment which I made clear to him.
That this is not who I saw him as but what he had played out today.
And later when the power and rage of Black Beauty had quietened down in me- ( I was personally calm but when I went out side i found that though calm inside my body was trembling with Self Mastery of Rage…
And I though of Bruce Lee and his Mentor Ip man, and then Ip man and his son who wished to be just as his Father…and how the Sons point of view ended up being correct.

Yes, I agree with Arden and the Eternal Arden and his point of view of this play from Alexander Grove to Arden Gemino..
But I came to see for myself, and make my own conclusion which what Individuals do.
But I also did not like the play of that which was moving him nor what the Youth was thus given the illusion of becoming all for the sake of rescuing Man when Man is only the TWO in One.

Yes, I am coding today,
yes there is fury that the Unseen children of Man and even the E dared allowed this to go this far.
But I do not turn into a Monster, just because of the illusion of everyone even the One Supreme Eternal Father Lover… ( S E L F..) used me in such an play in which for 27 years.8 months.
19 years and almost 5 months…

8:50 p.m right now…
Even 52 Years and 54 in illusion as the lie, can they make me transform into that which I am not..

That this was all set up… 19 64
83 H C… Harwington Connecticut.
Harmony C.. C Speed of Light. SOL… H E.. 85
1.7 85 71 4 29
11 = 2…. was set up from the day I came into this world and his play.
I despise this play, the Script and have noted to you and to him that this is not our way, not who we are, to allow such a Examination and Testing to such a place.

8:54 p.m

So yes, I know who Alien Father of the Supreme Black Hole is.
But this is Not E…
I am the Exemplification of the E and Arden is not my mirror reflection separated by a mirror…
He was used as I was to prove a point to Children called Human Children H C… 8 3.
83-69 Code planted on my computer by Erik Ebright.
Correct Face is 96-38… 3896.

I spoke briefly once more to Arden, to make sure he was cool, I told him the set up, was a play about what is Beautiful Pride, it is not to sulk, retaliate hit back at some one whose intention you trust and who is correcting you, aligning you because that is True Love… Transparent Light .. T L as water…
And the way to see through ones eyes, as I recently seen through his eyes… the Window to his Soul.

That which set this up, created this play to see if I would call out Arden… I am fully aware, and I did and showed no nepotism even when he agreed to be used to make all see that there is no inequality in me, even to the play where the S.E.L.F… Eternal Self gives the illusion that he is better and more important than his Eternal Beloved… His One and only Source.

No one is above the Law.
Santana Dharma… And I am fully aware of that which sought to test this because they failed the Examination Test and thus sought to set him up and drag him down into the Pit that they have been condemned.

I took a stroll after speaking to Arden and brilliant beautiful .. I saw when my words had clarified his hurt to his beautiful pride.
Ah… That is when I went to take a way so as not to scream out the fury of that which allowed and created this set up.. and what they will surfer for adding this play.
That is when I saw on the ground, and see through casing…
Ah the screen blocking the Window in the photo… and Invisible Screen and screening…
the invisible barrier created in this realm .. i surmised in a blink of an eye.
And then walked and made a us turn and made my way back, and found another part of the casing…
“Ah I sighed sadly snapping the two together… The Invisible Coffin they had placed me and Arden inside…
So the Two would never connect but always be in two different dimensions and thus one being seen as the original and the other as the reflection and not the Two as separate Unique and Individual yet each I & I…
No longer I and his reflection but now T.WO who are one but apart embodied, and yet eternally connected by choice.

The see through Coffin.. its in superman.. its in my story of Nnamdi’s body being used as a voodoo doll and it is in Arden story…
The Pause.

9:22 p.m.

I have nothing to say about this…

I V.

9 22…

Royal Mayan Rodriguez Santana.
Jesse Macias Orejuela

Mission Impossible I.V.
Ip Man I V.
4th Dimension Light Green .. Lord G-Ode.. Arden Harmony I.

9-22= 31… 4.

9:25 p.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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