
Intel from Liberty C Liscomb

Intel from Liberty C Liscomb

Intel from Liberty C Liscomb

As those of you following the decoding the script of Revelations on my page for the last 8.2 years are aware, the name Noah has paramount, especially in the last play with Libertys sons whom I met the first and last Geminio sons, the last and the 1st for the first times, accompanied by their friends Noah.

Noah actually means Rest and Repose

That didn’t happen but the meaning of her sons names did.

Leander means Man

Ferrill, the last means Valiant Victorious Man

Along with the latters girlfriends name.

Eqypt has also been the constant anchor manifested in this Script of my travails of the last 13.6 years

From Albert Santana’s home at 268 East 4th Street Generation X Gardens to the map I took from Sean Bono. of the Pyramids along with a potrait he had somehow captured of my brother Nnamdi, whom he had never met.

The Egyptian Theme and riddle continued here to Connecticut the 5th State in the U.S.A

To meeting Tree Sage ( Kim Arthur Hines K A H)

Bartus Anastasia

M.E. R. M.E Robert. (Yes moi. see the name meaning)

M E R. K A H. B A.

Anubis ( Leander)

Horus. ( Ferrlill)


Noahs Ark

NA… The word NA in OINri Igbo ( Equated to Hebrew Igbo) means And which means To Link to join and connect.


Alexander/ Arden Nnamdi David .. and John ( Grace)

Are names which this play has been solidly anchored on

And it spells DNA backwards.

The Pyramid forms a 4 sided Triangle which had 3 sides.

Hence my equation of Energy

E= C.M.e 4/3.

Which also by Chance equated to my Sacred Portal 43 Door of Life

And some days ago, I happened to discover black organite crystal shapped as a pyramid in Libertys Octagon Tent 98 ( O T. 15 20 Facebook Friends apex

98 I.H. Infinite Harmony)

It belonged to Liberty, and I asked if I could borrow in and placed it on my Installation Alter Science at the foot of the bed.

* As you know, that art science is purely inuitive and instinctive.

Ark of the Covenant, goes back to Israel and the Israelites were enslaved for a very long period of time by the Ancient Egyptians.


Ma at


Dark Matter

Building Blocks of


The Body.

ME R K A.B A..

Mer. Means Sea in French, C. Consciousness

M E R. 13. 5. 18

KA. 11 1 ( H =8)

B A. 2 1.

I would like to draw your attention to the harmonious numeric sequencing of the word Merkaba.. Merkabah

13. 5 = 18

K A. 11 1. = 12.

2 1.

12/2 1



3/3..1. 3 3=6.

18. 1.

A H A!

18 6. 24. 6

And I met Kim Arthur Hines via Esteban Miguel Filgueria E M F.= 24.

Yesterdays date.

K A H is 11- 1. (8)

11-1 was the Day John Mack came to see me.

Born 1997.

See sacred portal 97

Brain Cranium Light of Existence

97= 16

Ardens Age

Letter P .. code linked to me as Patrick Perfection of Infinity and Harmony.

When Infinity Stands Up S.U.

Su in O.I Nri Igbo means Knew

Or to Know.

Its not Sue of the Green House Soho where I stayed.

It is Su E

Meaning I recognize and knew it was E

See the meaning of the name Sue.. Sus AN.

Susa N

S . US A.. N N A.

Anna in OiNri Igbo means The Ground.. To walk upon solid ground


A B .. C is the Apex.


Point of the Four Sides, Planes of the Pyramids converging


4 3

Sacred Portal 43. Door of Life

The Riddle of The Sphinx.

T.R. O. T.S.

2018. O. 2019.

Which was played out with my arrival here in Connecticut 2018 November


John Mack

Tree Sage

1:55 p.m

Sacred Portal 155

15 5 O E. / E O

A E E.

A E/E. A rep Arden.

1 55.


Arden Jeron

Angelina Jolie

The Beautiful Messenger

1 55. 11. K.

1 1 A- A.

1. 55.

A 25.

Today is Jerons Satya’s birthday

He is 1 year old 12:37 a.m

A is 1

J is 10

Y is 25. Male Chromosome A MAN.

Total 36.

36. = 9


Do you recall the story of Lot and the two beautiful messengers?

A. J Y.

A. J A Y..A.


Arden came down to the kitchen, he was holding Jeron and we played a bit Jeron reaching for me then Arden.

They later went down atairs where I joined them and they played besides me and we all played for a while.

And I could have sworn that baby kept on yelling out Aya

The very sound which has been bursting forth from my mouth for the last 13 years.



Climb Higher I always felt it meant.


Ascension Merkabah to the Summit.

Not Zion.

But to the Highest Point.

E A. J A Y. A.H.

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