
Inra Red the Measurer of Time is Lava turned to Ember then to Earth.

Inra Red the Measurer of Time is Lava turned to Ember then to Earth.

Which is the ground beneath our feet..The Present

Royal Blue is The Transparency Air Atomospere Sky Blue water Blue.

The Future Prssent.

Breath Air/Atomospere Water Wind Energy Expression.

Be A.W.E.

Red plus blue..

makes Ultra Violet..Purple. Space as Cosmos Universe…the Past


My Host put on two films yesterday.

One The King was about a groupier Ex con turned into a Teacher of Chess to Children in the Ghetto.

The Basic thing was protect the King. And how the Queen and all the pieces on the Chess Board is about protecting the King.

And the other was called the Activist.

What was striking was that both of the movies main Chatecter and Director both the names Brown

And the last one the Activist Was Directed by C.E Brown.

I have three F.B friends with the name Brown.

Dark-in Brown

Eric Brown

Kimberly Brown.


But my mind went to Kimberly Brown a Teacher and Activitst reflected not only in her life but in the Fathers of her children each great men of the past who to me as Energy are so alive in this play.

And of course, my hosts quoting to me the story ny Oshoo about Transformations and the Tarot TT (Windows Portals of the Mind..)

and he telling me he had read both books in her house years ago…

Brown and Brown…

and Dark in Brown.

No Black.





Cafe Bean.

The Coffee Brown seed of Harmony planted in the Brown (reddish soul..Infra Red read able to measure (Infravred Embers Lava Red turning black- Dark matter…then Brown.

And Ultra Violet able to read Ethereal Matters.

Earth Brown

Universe Violet or Royal Purple….

Which is a combination of

Blue and Red/Read.

Embers Lava Black Brown.

B Lu E…Being (Lu-read/red in French Past Tense) E


Being Read/red Existence

American Indians A.I

Native Americans N.A.

read Existence/Energy?

Red. Read…

Infra/Infer Red Read

Ultra Violet. Lu Read in Past tense.

Infra/Infer…Read Energy Brown in the present tense.

Ultra Violet…Read Energy of the Past.

Combine Infra Red (Earth) present

and/d.n.a. Et Link it to

Ultra Violet (Space Universe)


One understands that the Ultra Violet being Royal Purple is really the combination of Blue and red.

And if Infra red is the present

and yet Ultra Violet is the Lu past…(space)

that means not is only there something missing (Royal Blue) which makes the Space World the Past..

But that the Brown reddish Earth is the measurer which records time

(science is using infra red to measure the expansion of the Universe and also is how they are able to determine that the Universe Manifested approx 13.7 billion years ago…

But that the Earth Brown Contains red clay and the Atmosphere/Sky moves from transparency to Blue.. just as water…

And if you combine the Brown Earth with Infra Read…

and the Brown Being of Expression transparent which becomes B lue of Sky and Water…That means these two Brown Earth Expression

(B…E.E.)and Blue Air Water Expression (B…A.W.E) outside.

Reddish clay inside Brown.

transpatent Breath Air Water Energy inside…Being

(we are mainly blood and water..Red and Transpatent Water Expression=Air= Moisture (heat and air H.A= )water.

Blue would then be the Atmosphere the air we breathe the water as knowledge which quenches our thirst…it would be the future present..

And the Earth which yields food to fed is nourished by the future present.

We can survive without water for three days while food for weeks…

The Future Present sustains life and the Present the brown Earth.

The Light of the Blue Being Exists outside of time but to in space…But He can see from the Present..the Futute present because he embodied it.

But its combination called Ultra Violet or Purple created Lu Read the Past.

Thus, not only is Space as Universe Night Cosmos the Last but that the Unseen that I have being seeing interferring are naught but illusion of the past..not present in Brown infra red Meaurer of time.

Nor in the Future Present…

Thus, not only is space the realm of the past but it has no oxygen or air to breathe because only the Being of Expression of Air Water Energy can create an atmosphere and protective Full Circle from Radiation which comes from the mixing of red and blue to create Ultra Violet Radiation..Harmful to man…

Instead of Air Water Expression which is beneficial to man.

Thus the past is a combination which creates Death while the Present seprrates the Past from the present…Earth Time in order to reach the Future always present in the air we breathe, in the Atmoshpere we Create, in the Knowledge (Water) we share. And the Beautiful Expression…creates the Air we Breathe…

I live in the Atmosphere of the Futute present. I Read the F.Book.

Most of the true humans live in the present Read please.

And those who live in past do not exist.


And tho

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