


11 39 Facebook Friend arrives as

Kyle Murphy… Who has moved literally from his Big Brother he met in South Carolina and stayed there for 4 years…

Moved by the Wave to Delta after his Big Brother was killed at the age of 39…

And saw the portal home as Galazy 1101 IC… 11O1 I C

/ 1O 11 C I….

And he moved through the Evil Perverted aspect of the play scrip and Wave.. ( yes he was the one wearing the Sioux Torquoise T-Shirt which is what Jace Horsford bought for me and which Kyle, noticed that around the court yard is the color Torquise)

-From Z man X man Thantos to 24=X… 24.. To 6th Sense..

12:06 p.m…

To F… Fact.

F…A.C.T….E.. Express….I O N… E.

I Observed all this… His extraordiary Harmony of the E…

He moved likes a large Cumulus Cloud. C C.. 3 3…

12:12 p.m.

I went down stairs after writing the last post… you will see what I wrote at the end….

I said it would seem that I am waiting for someone to to CMe43… What I am realling Doing Representing…..

And afterwards, I went down stairs to the Court Yard…

There was Kyle….

I moved past him because though I was no longer mad with him there had been a quiet dissappontment…

He was is the first to know the code of the way home…

My Father. or the one who had played my father had sent him ( My Bio Father was a Violent Man and death by Violence despite that being the Illusion of his Nature.. Nnamdi my brother he kidapped with my last brother Boom Boom was the his true aspect reflected in Quanma’e Lewis and while the bridge is Jace Horsford and Randall Michael… – who is very prideful and does not ask for Pride… Luicifer as the shinning one…. but he is also L.U… ( 12/21) C.I… ( 39).. F.E.R… 6 5 18… Iron Man..

I M….

12:21 p.m right…. L U… C I… 65.. Portal and Being represnted by Billy Hung and 18.. my bed Number and the code of letter R…

Robert which is my alignment… to Robert Kyle Murphy..!!!

I walked passed him, tired … but he floated towards me…

He had begun his own work…

He uses the code on my face book page to recollect the play and then began his ownn work..

And yes, I had noticed how he naturally did the work at Delta Manor with other….

I had to complete my conversation with Jacquii Q… who is also the line of Beauty as he proved yesterday… He draws as I do male and female body, loves architectire.. his mind a House of manu room which he moves through and only got stuck on a view of War of the black and white .. B W… Which he did not believe in but which he saw as no other viable alternative to what was and is literally happening in this reality…

– My response to him last night was I kill the all Black and White the both did evil and they will never stop warring with each other in that Cain and Able story…. a lie.

I am John Wick… J W… 10 23… 33.

1133…x 2

Cain Eden… C.E

Billy Hung…. B.H.

11 39…C.I… Kyle Murphy

Quanma’e Lewis saw my face and heard my tone and saw my face and burst out laughing…Man your face is so serious

12:33 p.m.

Anthony Bienke just liked something… thank- you for backing me up.. B.A… I am not joking that I am the Beautiful Assassin…

12:35 p.m

L C E..

I listened to Kyle… and I just felt pride beautful pride and frustration..

Here is the Answer… he knows exactly what to do, how the play works. I do not require to give him any instructions.

And yet why had he not acted, spoken out…. Expressed.


The Sky is Mad at me… He said, looking up at me…

That was the music he began to listen to.

You do know that your harmon is so precise that everything you look at reach everythng around you reflects you.. gives you instruction direction.. orientations.

The Sky is Vast…

My big brothers used to say the same thing

I tried to contain my impatience,

You do know I was mad at you for a while I murmer …

‘I know’ he replied.

I looked at him, he was ( is) wearing a Burgundy Micheal Jordan Baseball cap, and a yellow T shirt with 7 bottles…

Yellow Gold is the 3rd Color and represents the 3rd Planet.

7 is the Ti Pi…

Before I could bring up the code of 8..

He said but there is one missing he said.

the extra bottle Becks!’ he said…

David Beck HAM…

Being of the Transformer… P W Q B.. J… R…..

E.C.K… Emeka Chukwuemeka Kolo…

Harmony A.M….

David Beloved… D.B… 4 2….

Room 4 B….Bed 018..R..

Dawn Anthony Jace Billy Robert.. ORION/NOIR O..H.

D A .. J B.R O….B ER T… Bert means Bright Light in Germanic…

Being Emeka is RT… Right/ T R… Evoltion Awaening 2018… Now IS TR U.E


MOE.. Age 43 ( Meaning Of Existence)

came over .. he relayed to me intel at just how observant he is…

He also said to me… Emeka Don’t go to Jail

He was speaking said that he was talking about Elvis and Lorenzo and that he said he felt at some point I would snap…

That they were the two people he felt who irrirtated me more than anyone and could cause me to loose it.

I was amazed astounded by his observations of me…

But I not not snap.. I respond and code and.. and I know it is a play and what they represent…

That is what is the source of that anger he sees in my energy… not that I will snap but what I know they are representing…

Robert Kyle Murphy is the one last link…

1:01 p.m.

I demanded.. asked him to fullfill his repsonsibility to post his knowng of this .. on my page…

I made him promise and he sent me this request…

This is what you were waiting for… it was for some one to get it.. this is why they would not let you go.. he said..

Perfect Clarity…

Yes… I was waiting for you….

and you were waiting for your Cue… from Big Brothers Script…

Nnamdi Nnoyem moving in Balance 10.. 1O in ID MAN…E…rep by Emeka Quanma’e Lewis… I said quietly to myself…

I am going out to get to take a walk…

Suddenly Tired

1:05 p.m

1:06 p.m

11 OO 56…..11 1

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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