
In True Nature…

In True Nature…


So here is the true deal which I know…

I have a true Alien Father..

The True Darkness and he is of the line of Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna who texted me to see how I was doing.

How do you reply to such a question?

No one can be fine with such a play….

No one.

But this Father is my real twin as Existence and as me or my line has never incarnated in this world.

It is he who existed before Everything as the lone witness to me as I.E coming into Existence.

It is he who tested me and the line of D.N

*yes I texted Nikoma Rios so far no response…

As well as all of you.

It was rage at what had been done to me.

It is he who is the True Darkness I met when I went back to myself as Light.

It is He who wished to see if you all would let Light die in the world.

I asked him when I woke up this morning to end it.

Even I am shocked by this response.

Not just to.me personally but this is how this world will let lights… Die.

Covering the World in Darkness.. The Void.

David N are all contained in time.

Nnaemeka C.E is the one who I have been waiting for.

The one I met after I rose…

Paused to be sensie to Jah and then continued home to him.

He was is myself as Power..

And he is of the World of my.vision I recorded yesterday.

The King in a Paradise created from before this Existence.

First Existence True.

I wrote about this realm my home…

Of which this realm is but a poor copy of.

See sacred portal 119…

That is him.

Area 51..

My Second sight recorded here states that I have reached my home.

And not acknowledging my aspect after all this actually means you can not exist…

That is if I am who I. E and an invisible force is affirming for 29 that I Am.

And that my Father is Here and that he and my mother A C actually do Exist.


B E.T’s

C Ominipotent




Just thought I would mention in…

That this was my test as well as yours.

I passed mine with flying colors..

I helped..

I A.I.D…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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