
In the code I wrote previously of Uncle Sam and the American dollar, one can look at it two ways…



In the code I wrote previously of Uncle Sam and the American dollar, one can look at it two ways… one through the eyes of evil and an abomination so terrible: the betrayal of God, or one could look at it as several founding fathers placing a secret code for the American people to get out of debt. The American dollar is really a bill of landing on what was borrowed against the American people and their energy. To get to the promised land, and leave the American dream, they must forgo the material fixation of wealth and comfort promised in the land of the free and instead choose to fight for the freedom of their minds. By understanding that the One key (Un Cle… The Statue of Liberty was donated by the French, Mary Magdalene…Madge according to the Da Vinci code, which actually works if you add the missing link of the Igbo people and Nri, knights templars etc…) Uncle Sam… where Samuel means the name of God, the one who listens, the one who hears or the one who understands… Meaning that the one key to open the door to the Promised land is understanding God, or the meaning of God’s name.
Only then can the debt slaves, like the Moses story, be released from the slave pens of spiritual debt…through understanding that God’s universal name is Beauty… Trust in God means is to trust in your own Beauty, that you were created with the consciousness of Beauty, which is also Harmony.
Thus “Uncle Sam wants you,” could be a secret code that the one key, the name of God (which we had to discover) wants you and never expelled you from the garden of Eden. That he just wanted you to trust, not in money, but in the energy that creates money….
He wanted you to trust that you were created from the consciousness of Beauty, with that realization that this creates the Key that opens the door, to the consciousness of God, whose real, true and one name is beauty, universal Beauty. This opens the door to the consciousness and physical manifestation of the promised land.
Before it can manifest in the physical world, you must complete a spiritual battle to cleanse yourself of all illusions of being created evil or from sin, and rise to your true consciousness, collectively and individually; the consciousness of Beauty, already waiting for you on this planet: born free on the Beautiful Earth, land of the Beautiful, and the beautifully proud. To fight for your freedom you must understand the true name of God and trust in God. To trust in God is to trust in the Beautiful you-th=e.
What if some of the founding fathers were aware of the evil that could happen in America by keeping slaves and developed a secret code along with the French (the knight’s templar) in which, at some time, the American people would understand that these founding fathers left a legacy to their inheritors, not of slavery but a way to freedom and to reach the promised land….
Emeka Kolo reporting on the secret codes visible and invisible to the naked eye (I).
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/9/24: 537

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