
In honor of my 845 Face Book Friend…

In honor of my 845 Face Book Friend…

Hippolytus Ebisike H.E. (8.5)

According to Ancient Greek Mythology Hippolytus is the son Theseus who with the aid of Ariadne went down into the maze constructed by Daedalus (whose son was Icarus.. Of the Wax Wings which melted when he flew to near to the Sun and plummeted to his Death… Daedalus Icarus D.I. ..E

Sacred portal D= 4 I= 9… 49

49th State.. Alaska Nome..

The 4th Kind.)

Anyway Theseus which means The Gathering

Went down into the Underworld to slay the Minotaur- the son of Poseidon as the Apis Bull and the Queen.

Hippolytus means Freer of Horses or Sets the Horses Loose

Ironic that in legend, his manner of Death is to be trampled to death by horses


And Horses represent the Human Spirit as Wind Breath, as well as the Cauda Equine Horses Tail…H.T…. 8:20… Hippolytus Theseus?)

C.E the end point of the Human Back Bone and Vertebra.. Which fans out above the buttocks in a tail like formation.

Thus, the Horse represents the Nature and Body of Humans.

I am a Sagittarian..

Representing Half Man Half Horse..

The True Belle Bete

Beautiful Beast.

The Hue man Being according to my own Truth is represented in the Animal world as the Black Panther.. The Big Cats…

Which of course is really a description of the nature and personality of the Essence of Man.

The Horse is Mans Best Friend for it carried Humanity and went to War with him.

Just as the Human Body is Mans Best Friend.. And carries him and he who is Spirit Air Wind and the Adventurer…. Wild At Heart.

The Dog is Descended from Wolves

Theseus is said to have killed his son who was falsely accused of rapping a woman.

Thus one can see that Theseus who means The Gathering, the Coming together really represents also the birth of civilization, and the false accusation by a woman Phaedra, who tells Hippolytus that he is Loved by her mistress, is that idea of the Spirit of Humanity being falsely accused and killed…

Theseus Hippolytus Eros

T.H.E… The Beginning T B.. E


See that play…

Theseus Phaedra T.P

20 16

Betrayal by a Woman, False Accusation

FA the 4th note the Heart) after telling him a secret. Gossip.

Thus, destroying the Peace and Harmony of the Gathering Freely Of the Beautiful wild and Human Spirits Beings and Bodies.

* Sounds like the Matrix and The Blacksmith is not the Bad guy.

It must be InHuman Virus called Fear used so effectively that it spreads like the plague so every one is having a great battle with Fear.

No one Really Speaks, up or really transparently on their Minds…

And not on Face Book…

Instead they share their Worries judgments fears, hopes are based on fear… And everyone Lies 🙂

With a smiley Face.

No true freedom of Expression of a Self Examined Soul.

People step forward unclean unkempt covered in grime anger

Spirit Horses not groomed exercised.

Shackled, people come to shared and show their shackles their chains their anger grief and illusions

Zombies and ghosts

Haunted and Traumatized.

The Horse is not Free

But the E.. The Black Panther Is

Theseus then meets Ariadne whose name means Most Holy

And goes into two more Father and son stories The Maze of Daedalus the Genius Inventor.. Also known as Hephaestus the God of Invention..

H.D… Also known as the Black Smith.. B.S Sacred portal 5 in my Albums Brooke Shields… The Stream which Shields…

As well as a King whose wife lies with the Apis Bull as Poseidon and begets a Monster..

And imprisons him in the bottom of a Labyrinth.

All these stories legends and myths I have demonstrated were and are perverted versions of the family of TEN the 55 Expression Creation line E.C -Creation Expression.. C.E


E 33 E


Eternal Family E



Recall the code number 33

2013… 33…6…

I completed this play in 2013

KEW Gardens Billy Hung


But was sent back down infront of you all instead of passing through the Star Gate Portal

I was sent to the Holy of Holies

A past story and then to Nature

I went back to live in the Forest of Pelham Park where in 2010 I had been brought to with Fritz Venneiq


3 3 back into the story of Nature.

See Chike Cyprian Nwosu and the 33 play…

6 years ended 4 days ago.

And obviously because of the code

845 H.E

Harmony April 5th 1969 Nnamdi

I could not help but solve this code

Of Father and Son..

Brothers Twins T.. E N


6 letters..

In actuality Phaedra is Pegasus Father of Horses linked to Hippolytus Hephaestus Harmony..


8 8 8.


And in the E version of this story which took place in actuality with the arrival of Ariane Oates A.O

Theseus became myself as Thesis and The-See-U.S.

And my going down deep into the Maze of the Human Sub Sub Consciousness

B.R.C Assessment Shelter A.S.

Delta Manor Mental Health Shelter..

1:13. P.M


Using the True most Holy Expression H.E.

Of the Stream of Consciousness

The River which Runs through us

To Link and Chain reaction to slay the literal Beast.. B-East and Med-U.S.A which has been poisoning the Fountain of Life.





Beautiful Expression A U. Ti Full

And so Nnamdi is my Son

Not the other way that was a play

66 69… 3 6

67 68… 4 5



Ancient Greeks and Ancient NRI

G.N… 7 14… 7 5. 12

N.G… 14 7… 5 7. 12

1. 24 6

1 6.. 7

I should not be here at Delta Manor

The Horses are Free

Only the Shadow Illusions are here

There is no Minotaur here or in the Human Sub Sub Consciousness

Just me E

And an Entire Mountain of Bullshitters who know exactly what they do and did to Beautiful Expression

Lie Twist

Defend Offend Pretend Gossip

Venom to the V.E. N.O.M

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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