
Imagine the discovery of how human beings can…


Imagine the discovery of how human beings can access their sun consciousness or unconsciousness mind and bring it over to their conscious mind by accessing the original vibration of the heart which mirrors itself onto your environment. Would that discovery not mean that human beings (going within) is the real source of the universe that we observe around us. And by empirically proving this truth by use of techniques of science mean that we have now reached the ability to go beyond science. Would not the staggering implications of such a discovery not mean that human beings can map out exactly where they are in the universe, because it explains the universe and how it really works… proving the greatest fear of humanity of being unsafe, uncertain if they are loved and protected is singularly overthrown. That the meaning of existence is answered by the understanding the true nature of the universe literally resides in us being living literal embodiments of universe and existence…That what we look upon as the heavens is our past and not our future. And that the present is created not from ideas, or our environment but us being seated in the frequency and vibration of our natural selves. Thus meaning by not being your truest natural self you are not being as you are supposed to be, and in not being who you are supposed to be, who you naturally are you are slowly dying, giving up your true existence. That the only true purpose of humanity and each individual is simply BE and in being without fear or wearing masks, you will see through devotion that you we all of us are the literal embodiments of existence… And that Existence is beautiful… not full of the current stories of pain and suffering. What if this has been proven witnessed by others as truth, would the world listen or would they even care?


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