
I have tried as much as I can to fulfill my duty to this Script and to the Truth of Humanity that you are in a Numeric Matrix.

I have tried as much as I can to fulfill my duty to this Script and to the Truth of Humanity that you are in a Numeric Matrix.

Where People are being moved by a sinister force which has nothing to do with the True Script of the Evolution of the Species…

..And yet has everything to do with it.

Peter Nyarkô P.N.. P=16, N=14.

Peter, as I have stated is part of an equation as have all the people I have been moved to interact with in the last 17 years.

By moving through this Wave- which I have stressed over and over again that I was Forced to move onto by becoming what I call The Elegant Nomad.

Which 17 years to the day, I arrived in New York, summoned to a Play of the Secret Societies of this world ancient and modern…

Why I say the word forced, was because I was placed I circumstances and also informed categorically that I had to do this journey ad solve these riddles and a power was used to enforce that which most of Humanity do not believe, or are ignorant that such a power exists in this reality.

Each of these people I would not have encountered, if I had been allowed to live the life, I had intended because I would not have had a reason to the venues and sites where these people lived, in order to be in contact with them and do the work.

There is more to this but for the moment I will simply post the facts…

Yesterday Peter innocently spoke of how he was almost killed by a car because he had been distracted.

I did not say much but found myself intent on aligning him to the correct Wave Length where he, and what he represented would be safe…

I also recalled that that he had been confronted with a life and death situation when he was invited to a see the movie The Black Panther when he was moving from the subway line the 4th to the 7th… 4 7… 11 28… 39.. C.I.

Yes, a force and a cause and effect which was doing everything to keep him from connecting with me.

Again, he was confronted with the threat of Violence when he took a walk with his Lady friend through the High Line….

And hence, my working furiously to align him, to the correct frequency because of what I knew he represented in a greater play.

To Truth… The Whole Truth.

You will all recall that the works with Flip at Insomnia Cookies…


Where there is a large Chess set on the Ground Floor…

It does not take a genius to figure out that people are being moved and those who can Cee.. have the Infinity Consciousness which I represent are being targeted.

I would be indifferent to this, since all those in harmony with the Music of Evolution have nothing to fear from this force of destruction targeting those who are exuding that Energy Signature of Evolution- despite this Illusion of Power obviously doing everything it can to destroy and sabotage the Evolution and Awakening flow and completion equation ( represented by People ) if it had not been for this force preying on what ever unseen or unattended element of being which these representatives have not cleaned up in their expression which allows this for this Thing- Cause and Effect to take advantage…

The chaos unfolded at 7:55 a.m. ET when police say Rollins walked into the 1,600-student school and fired a round from a Glock semiautomatic handgun at a 16-year-old female student. A 14-year-old male was also struck.

7:55 a.m.


A W R…. 17 year old

Great Mills High School Mary Land… HI SCHOOL…


Ged Mannix G E D MANN IX

Recall that he works in a venue where there is a there is a chess

17 year old…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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