
I have been watching the movie

I have been watching the movie on Netflix
Starring Robert Downey Jr.
And Jude Law.

Sherlock Holmes.

S.H. E.

II always touches me the Mascile yet Femine Love Companion shop and brotherhood between the Two men.

Its quiet.here now at 219’217 South Whitney apart from the faint low drum beat in the background from below at 217.

I wonder now, if with my solving and Proving the 1 369 Nikola Tesla
Nnamdi Arden equation. That I would at last be allowed to leave here and this place with.Dignity and Peace, and leave 217 to leave them to thier own Persistent beat of their own Individual Drum Beat.

I am now at 49 86 Facebook Friends
Marina Frances

All must be aware today how my post moved me from 4985 Facebook Friends
By my Being Doing, Doing Being.

24 /42.
6 6. A. 36. 360

8 8… 1.
22 88. 1-1.

Only 4 Facebook Friends before Facebook Limitations End this play by force.

10:26 pm

And I will be so glad

10:27 pm

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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