
I had posted some U-tube videos which speak about the quest for the truth…

Hello Everyone,
I had posted some U-tube videos which speak about the quest for the truth- through understanding Nature. There is much more information out there for those of you who are curious about ancient Kemet and the mandate to scientifically explore the nature of existence by studying nature, or using nature as a base and an anchor to understanding why we are here. This inquiry from my research was not because these people felt lost but rather as if they already knew that we were here to fulfill a purpose as demonstrated by the trinity system of religion and the idea of resurrection. From my personal research, the investigation of nature was more about filling in the gaps as to how resurrection could happen. That the idea of the trinity which I call A Awareness, B, Being and C Consciousness could only be understood by D- Devotion to understanding the four corners stones and principles of life (D Being the fourth letter in the Roman Alpha-Bet adopted almost universally today). Devotion, David, De- avid research into the understanding of the 123 or ABC, could come about only by understanding the very fragmentation of that which consciousness or the C first observes when one wakes up or becomes conscious. What we first C, when we wake up, is Nature, our environment- we see this through light. Then we become aware of ourselves… thus the two A awareness and Consciousness is united by Being…”being naturally in nature” (which I call the expression, or the break down of the conversation with God, Atom and Energy- the original God talking to his reflection Atom until it had a complete understanding of itself to form the full circle of understanding).
This being natural in nature (illustrated by the idea of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden) does not mean being naive or innocent as depicted by the Bible story but rather being Natural. And being natural according to my research is our natural inclination to be curious about our environment. That is why in my work about 2012, it is fundamental that human beings come back to their true selves and take off the masks (which create fear and confusion to others) and be who they naturally are. This condition of people adapting to artifice and artificial nature and artificial intelligence has caused a great plaque in our species. The Collective insanity as depicted by James Cameron’s film AVATAR. Where, in my understanding, mankind can not evolve from because they are all insane.
The insanity lies in not being able to be our natural selves, our truest selves, which is the basis, the beginning, and the building blocks to investigate and refine and then expand upon our true natures. The expansion of our true natures, I have found, leads us to not only the truth of ourselves but the Truth of our existence.
Having left family and friends behind to find myself chronicling in my journals “Talking the Silence,” the worlds in Nigeria, London, Paris, Istanbul, Vienna, Israel, New York, and the thousands of people I lived with or interviewed…the same theme was subconsciously recorded by me..Why could people not be their natural selves, their true selves? A great many people explained the reason to me… And I understood. But years later, it became understood by me that this inability for a system or society to not anchor themselves in true nature and nature, has created a world in pain and a whole planet, which is literally ill. So ill and in denial of this illness or quiet insanity. that a plaque called evil has invaded human consciousness.
The summation of my life’s research points to human beings having to cleanse and heal themselves by returning to the frequency and vibration which brought them into creation and consciousness. And from my research, 2012 represents not a date but a timing in which the play condoning the illogical has reached an optimum point and thus begins its own self-destruction and decay… Like radioactive decay.. cancer which could destroy billions of people… armageddon.
The key of understanding the ABC … Then the D. devotion to the pursuit of truth through understanding nature and our own true nature leads us to E. The Fifth Element… Humanity evolved to its true intention, by understanding why we are here, which is to be the understanding of the fundamental importance of the well-being of all. Without the well-being of all being the truth, grasped after thousands of years of exploring all possibilities of our natures, to settle on this universal summation and conclusion, there can be no going forward for the species or anyone who refuses to link to this very truth by putting self-interest first.
Existence is bliss and this is inclusive of all.
Edited word count 1/3/24: 796

4 thoughts on “I had posted some U-tube videos which speak about the quest for the truth…”

  1. Original Comment by Lisa Capeilleres:

    Wow, my friend. You are really not having much fun in this life it seems. It is a shame for there are so many wonderful things to rejoice for in this world. Yes, there is plenty of misery but if you look at the history of mankind, we actually live in one of the most prosperous and peaceful eras that mankind has ever lived in where there are a lot less wars than there used to be, where we can take time and enjoy our family instead of worrying every day who is going to come and scorch the land, rape our women and kill our children. My discovery to living well is to enjoy and have fun every day with my loved ones and appreciate what I have for life is short, as I discovered growing with loosing my only living grand parent, favourite uncle and mother by the age of 11 to only mention a few. So, I do not have time to ask myself why we are here or what is our purpose, all I know is that I do not want to repeat my parents’ cycle and better myself for my husband and my children in order to break all the previous cycles that have doomed so many in the past and to bring up our children in love and understanding but also to be realistic and show them that life is not always going to be good and that there will always be haters who will want to bring them down but that is what makes us strong to survive through it all and die with no regrets.

    • Original Comment by Ndu Nze:

      Lisa Capeilleres did you say this?…So, I do not have time to ask myself why we are here or what is our purpose…well, if one does not ask these fundamental questions, i wonder in what bliss they think they live in. We live in the most prosperous eras, with less wars and all? Are we speaking of the this here planet Ala?

      • Original Comment by E:

        It’s strange that you would share this post…
        Lisa was someone I knew years ago, who was transitioning in her life..which included a large inheritance.
        My response led her to unfriend me.
        But as I sit in this cafe, the real reason and the “Elephant in the Room”- this “Super natural” condition aligned with this “Supernatural” play.
        (I swear my body literally feels and is linked to this weave- as I unweave and reweave, the muscles, fibres in my body untangle and re-weave…my body stretches, my posture aligns. And I can not believe how I have been able to walk, considering how twisted my body is.
        It feels like my bones are a loom- my shoulders and hips, with my torso twisted…
        Like a Loom..
        People who have examined have been incredulous..
        Neurologist believe something is interrupting my synapses and motor skills causing the twisting and spasms…
        But then there are the “invaders” and the guests..
        Other “Esoteric and Shamans” have identified light and an alien presence…
        I have sought to explain it as frequencies…
        It is because of this condition which no one could cure that I began…stepped into this play.
        Of course, I recalled “A Play” in the other dimensions before I was born in this world
        But when it became manifest as “Binds,” Locks, as if harnessed, I could not credit such being possible in this world. Because it broke the laws of physics of this realm..
        It is disruptive, intrusive…and has interfered with every aspect of my Existence.
        Then there are the voices and joyous and courtly gestures which take over my body.
        Times in public when the Espirits in me recognize someone’s spirit..
        Many people have witnessed this.
        It catches me often unawares and suddenly my body is filled with beings who move as if in a court of the romantic age.
        People love it, suddenly I am dancing obviously not by my.will…
        Alfie Ndubuisi Nze…
        Angela Marie Alexander
        Alexandra Martin
        Kerry Redwood
        David Philipe Gil
        Akil Davis
        Rachel McWilliams
        Jofia Ross
        Axel Anderson..
        Joseph Carey
        Seble Woubishet
        Dawn Marie
        Sidney Davis
        Soooo many people have witnessed this phenomenon..
        But none seem.to.address it or relate this as the “_Humongous Elephant” in the room.
        Marina Burini
        Lisa Levine
        All have witnessed close hand..
        ( Kerry Martin Agecoutay and Kerry Redwood because redwood keeps on coming up – even last night when ppl besides me mention the Redwood, as did Alexandra, as well as my seeing the “Redwood” in gigantic red letters on.a truck the moment I left 268 building..
        And a man, a Sufi and his friend were staring at me as if I were an alien last night.. And as I wrote this..A girl stood up. On her T shirt was the word “Glow.”
        Yes, that makes sense …cause the Sufi was staring at something above my head.
        Then his friend approached me to talk to me about a mantra which was playing, about how certain ppl are directly linked to.the Godhead…
        So Lord Redwood if you feel a connection to this pls let us communicate..
        Or perhaps the world”Mirror” is reflecting me.
        But my biggest question has always been the very reason I got into this play…
        The phenomenon of my body…
        Why does everyone deny it, forget it…
        It is the prime motivating factor
        Ana Leonardo Caixas you have to see it..
        After carrying it for over 12 yrs, I am still stunned by how much it is the one constant reminder that this is real.
        To be possessed by Beauty and Joy..
        And yet the Consciousness of misery, pain, Suffering caused by Denial and Selfishness as the expression of Lisa C above.
        Negates my very being and Existence..
        Leaving me once more stunned on the streets…
        After all the evidence, all the work of expression expended to link and prove the Truth of what is manifesting literally in my.body..
        Is True Manifestation…
        That is why I went to the Forest when I had nowhere to go..
        Because it causes New Yorkers to stare…
        Same on the Subway..
        It is not for people to witness but to take interest in..
        For this is what I could first discern by observing the pattern of how “they” Manifests through me..
        It is to get people’s attention.
        And suddenly, I get the Filled Circle…
        I began writing on Facebook, creating Art Sciences to explain the Truth Manifest already in my.BODY and Being..!!!!
        Evolution of the Species
        Evidence of the Awakening…
        It right before everyone’s eyes..
        36,months of linking on Face book was my Body and this C seeking to get everything and everyone’s attention as to what is manifest in the Body of E.
        I am on the streets because you do not wish to acknowledge the Supernatural event embodied in a person..Exemplified…
        That is why Death of many many has risen…

        • Original Comment by Ndu Nze:

          i am humbled, my troubles a trifle, i pray going away from 2-68 opens up other (porta) portals…i’m sure portals will be opened, cos THOU ART more deserving than all!

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