
I found myself watching this movie yesterday.

I found myself watching this movie yesterday.

I realized that it was Korean as I watched I could not help linking it to Beyond a young Korean woman I met in 2011 dec at Akil Apollo Davis place…

And with the Korean woman whose expression of apology to Olu, was the perfect example of taking responsibility for ones expression.

And as I watched it, I recognized my own journey.

The play of Korea.. Tao.. Tzu, was all K O Rea..

( Earth Goddess)


The 7 tests

The 3 Guardians and the goal of attaining 49.

The main characters here are two brothers and their Mother.

I recognized the similarity of Myself my brother and my Mother.

Since she left this plane, I have not allowed nyself the luxury of revisiting our story, and journey together.

There waa no point at this moment, I was not even able to go to her funeral because of my condition.

I had to focus on her re-birth and solving the last of her riddles..

And sustain the knowing that this E Cee and play is real, despite a life time of this realities overwhelming and overpowering influence which made the reality I am compelled to bring to ppls awareness as real.

I was angry as I watched and was so moved..

I did not wish tears to fall..

But they did.

I was not weeping but a damn broke and though I was fine.. and angry at being manipulated to watch this film and recieve intel from my mother and grandmother this way..

I also felt indifferent to the tears .

The Pain Hurt…

31 years I was absent, and not by my will.

All I had wished for was that she understand the truth of my absence and the truth.

I was amazed at how good this seemingly mushy story was well done.

And I recognized how different and beautiful humanity can be and how truly lost in the West.. and how it is effecting the world

Filial Piety.

F P.

I also saw Dragon Ball Z Evolution

It was awfully done.

But I had met Goktu, the real one who was there when I went to Miami…

But the concept ..again with the number 7

Ardend favorite number

month 7 is when I came here

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