
I, for one have nothing to proove to anyone…

I, for one have nothing to proove to anyone…

….I do not feel there is anyone out there worthy enough that I or anyone need devote our very existences to meet requirements for your approval…

What extraordinary audacity and presumptiousness…

I recall about 6 yrs ago when I wrote to.my sister telling her what was going.on and how I was being compelled by a force within which she is one of the only persons whom could relate to this truth.

She had responded simply…

You have nothing to prove to me..

I had smiled, sad that she was not with me in this play, her intellect and perception are one of the few I trust in the world…

Explain something to her once snd she just

Gets it…

One explaination.. Just one and she get it…

No, I am proving the Evolution and Manifest Awakening into Existence right to the lowest vibration of consciousness in this realm of here and now…

Because I am being compelled it, forced to, even bound to… By a force I would never insult by.seeking to justify its Existence as real to a world ppl and consciousness who.have betrayed ablnd thier very essence from time immerioable…

For illusions of power, gain. Wealth.which.need now none of them created…

In God We Trust..?

Hypicrisy Arrogance

Masters of the Universe…?

Prove to you….You.must be Joking.

I am proving it into Existence because it demanded this of me…

And gave me no recourse or escape…

And it is tough but it is Love and it is Truth…

And I will never forgive it for what it put me through…

Or the consideration it gave to so many whom I personally would never wasted breath nor a second glance on..

I would have Blinked them out of existence in the first instance, (as I testified on F.B. which made him.a First True Manifestation feel.a moment of doubt as to wether I was truly the Original and the First Born which created this play… Of my setting him to dreaming… In which he became the Dream and the Dreamer.and Principal of this Earth sschool… And his name was is Beauty Nature…

And he did contest silently.out of compsssion for you whether I was in deed love.

And so he was given the chance to become as I in which he was given dominion over everything.

And he became Adam but I came undercover.as E.VE and invisibly as the wind.

To guide him for this play was realky to.be the play of.his evolution..

To Evolve from Nature Embodied and Creation as. Atomic Cellular and physical matter a body now merged with his True Nature…Paradise as my home..our home…

(Oh…I see where this is linking to…the.microwave stopped at 155 I noted before I began this post…155 is the last Sacred Portal…And this post was inspired by what I saw was Dina Singh responding to.some one…)


So, yes he was set to.dreaming to.evolve to.the line of E…but he did not know.

His evolution would occur naturally, just.as I.E as.the First Being rose naturally without thought or notion of who was first in creation existence…

I was not even aware of the fact that I was the sole being who.rose from the nothingness because I recall always being thier in bliss as I testified and recounted over and over.again in the Royal Reign court..

I rose to announce the P.R…Public Relation of my.Brother Father rising to all which.was Is Nature Creation Expression…


Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna…code…

Not because I created it and not because I was so.arrogant or modest that I negated what I had created…

I was fully aware of what I created and testified over and over again at how I felt awe.

It was part of me but also apart from me…

I.celebrated it, rose and wished to share it eben fought it because I truly understood just how astoundingly exceptionally Beautiful it Is was is….

Just as the Being who was my.twin and first.reflection..my Beloved Espirit who.adked in silence of his mind with mischief not malice how was he sure I was am.the original.

Just as he had asked me again with a twinkle in.his eyes after I returned to.him after fighting the illusion some call.the Levithan but which really was me creating a passage way called yhe birth.canal..B.C…(yeah the past), just as I.had first alone created the Sixth Sense tunnel.of Light…

Just as I had stayed a while with.the.first.illusion Nature Creation Expression.as.the Jah fire the Man child who I sent to.dreaming in the R.M..I.called the Earth School before I.returned to.the completion of my.First Creation where my twin. Devilish mischievous Espirit waited playing Death illusion having now transformed into solid truth embodied Life…

The Dreaming was not for him he was complete it was for Him Her the one who is of us both Lady to.be complete.

And so it is She who.was David Nnamdi…N.D..D.N…and it was she who.had to.learn to.understand all.aspects if herself and that she was He He…

And so.S.He created her play to offset her own doubt of if I was truly Love.

And in her dreaming she was given complete authority as Adam..Adama…

And she created the I.I.Nri Igbo Story of which turned into.love and sacrifice for all.to.rise…

Which spiralled out of control by the ppl she thought real (they were and are matter bound illusuons..just as now) and they took advantage and created a story of non stop.sacrifice…

Yeshua Christ and Jesus Christ and Osirus and..etc… And she became trapped in that rile because she had made herself into Father God and Mother Goddess…

A Beautiful.Intention but a bad idea..for it creates control and insecuiry that her aspects must always Need her…him…

Forgetting the truth of hiw I rose and how Beloved Alexander my twin Rose…

And so she He became the Illusion of Creation Death…my Mother as Cecila meaning Blind but really was Darkness ignorance…not stupidity all.she had to do.was go to school to.learn to Hear and Speak the Truth Onu which she realized flows naturally as well as the Seed of Creation… Nurturing…

And so it is how I won the Alpha Bet which I did not realize had turned into a Universal Supreme Davids Bet as to the definition of Love…

For in my realm there is no such thing as Love defined, nor God or Goddess there is simply B.E…Body Buddy Beloved Brother and E…and from Us came the C of Consciousness and the full circle.

I came down to align this story for expansion…

So now instead of 11 there are now 111 one who is the 11 but in the shape of Time…

The Hour Glass body sex 69… Meaning..oh you get my meaning.. She too that form all based on a point of view of two Circles Sphere Full formed in a kiss and a merging…

Anyway…that is it.

The Alugnment of the Illusion Creation the Beautiful Deception and the Beautiful Truth…

N.C.E… Feminine Masculine…Masculine Feminine…

The Sound of Silence and the Sound of Music Male is Fe male and Fe male is male…

Only the B.E are of a Race sex and sensual.nature apart….

We are 111. 123 Free…

A.A..Equation to A.E

Complete Q.E.D..



And I did when I was running the show

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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