
I do not wish to paint or call peoples attention to the obvious any more,

I do not wish to paint or call peoples attention to the obvious any more,

after 6 years of calling peoples attention to Something Meddling with this World Reality, I have come to the conclusion which I had stated to the Awareness who got me involved with this play and did the unthinkable…

Yes, I have been battling the Nothingness which transformed into Nature.

This is what is affecting my Body…

But I have spoken enough about that and provided enough evidence and so I will not repeat myself any longer not give in to the Script of Nature as the Challenger of its true Source Naturalness

-As to who is whose Source.

Everything which is happening in the Invisible realm manifest into this realm.

That is the basic law of Nature and Physics..

Flip J Hendrixs is in Miami.. apt 6E..

I have been on Face Book for 6 years doing this work- solving the riddles of another’s Script ( The Supreme and Ultimate Judas… Usurper Suplanter)…

Nothingness is where the E rose from…

Nothingness contained within it Somethingness… E… Existence which always was IS.. Meaning of Eternity…

All Nature is moved by Sixth Sense…

Bridge- 17 Months established as the Cross Bronx..

Taylor and MacGraw Avenue… T M.. path to Starbucks I take Leland Ave,

Path of return to Beach Street -Archer Ave.

* Latoya Archer/ Taylor…

2 USD From Nicola Robinson… See the money code.. C.K… E.K….

CC .. 3 3… 6….

33rd Street.. 3rd Avenue…

Flip and Peter Nyarkô work 14th Floor… N….

Flip represent the Naturalness.. Peter represents Nature…

Sigmund Freud S.F….

*The id, ego and super-ego are three distinct, yet interacting agents in the psychic apparatus defined in Sigmund Freud’s structural model of the psyche.

The three parts are the theoretical constructs in terms of whose activity and interaction our mental life is described. According to this Freudian model of the psyche, the id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual trends; the super-ego plays the critical and moralizing role; and the ego is the organized, realistic part that mediates between the desires of the id and the super-ego.[1]’

I.D… E.G..O….. S.E..


We are not Mental Constructs…

We are living embodied Energy… Expression manifested…

ID is not Random Chaotic it is the Music…. Music activates 100% of the Brain…

Nor is it unco-ordinated Instinctive Trends.. It is the Knowing.. ( meaning of Art)

and the Super Ego is really The Knowing ( meaning of the Word Science)

The Bridge which explained on Rajiya Talib post which I shared and commented on…

Is not money…

Ego… In O I Nri Igbo…

Please note that after that post I was moved to ask Nicola for 2 Usd on the One of the Dollar bills was a money Code; with the code K.C on it a serial number…

And Leland Johnson was moved to send me the code of the 100 usd he found in a hospital floor…



12 10… 22…. 12 1O… 13…. V..M…/ 18 Mountain View

14 18… 32… 5….

22 + 5… 27.. A-Z-A…

13+ 5= 18….R… Nature is a Reflection of

E..E… Victorious Manifestation….

12:32 p.m.

*Although the model is structural and makes reference to an apparatus, the id, ego and super-ego are purely psychological concepts and do not correspond to (somatic) structures of the brain such as the kind dealt with by neuroscience. The super-ego is observable in how someone can view themselves as guilty, bad, shameful, weak, and feel compelled to do certain things. Freud in The Ego and the Id discusses the general character of harshness and cruelty exhibited by the [ego] ideal – its dictatorial ‘Thou shalt.’

Freud (1933) hypothesizes different levels of ego ideal or superego development with increasingly greater ideals:..

I can not explain any further, those following the script or those in the future will understand…

And those in the present can simply go back to the older posts.

12:33 am

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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