
I do not have the words to convery what took place with Stephen Filgueira today…

I do not have the words to convery what took place with Stephen Filgueira today…

I knew Harmony Eternity had landed- not through me but through the Family of E.

The E.C.H.O. of E.

Those who recognize that frequency.

I told Kyle Murphy that today I would know if it had really landed by how smoothly the day went..

Meaning harrmony is flow and fluidity, Music Waves, a which has meaning which makes it a song…

I do not have the same connection with the female version of the on the Ground- on the playing field.

They are present but only few had key roles on the ground or meeting them in person.

But mostly I met them on the air- without seeing them, taking to them through Email, and then Facebook.

The wave of E Harmony is when the day flows like music, with no kinks, no effort… it just flows.. seamlessly naturally moving to it conclusion.

It is is recognizable in this reality as those instances when Time just vanished when you are in the company of people you have a connection with which seems eternal ( it is that is one thing I had to also prove).

It was like that, from this morning , it continued with Isabelle Ilic and the code she sent,,

12:16 a.m.

And it flowed seamlessly to her code she sent

9909508328 is the code.

99 O..95 O 83 28… Please see sacred portal 95..

And note the 59 codes Isabelle Ilic noted before.

59 Represents the End of a Story… A World..

95 was the code I was seeing all day… I was too tired to read any longer, energetically because you have to remember, i have been susatining this truth my entire life, first naturally and then Consciously and aware that I was on a battle…

*Sacred portal 99 represented the victorious outing of the illusionary seed of evil in Humanity- the factor which made the Eternals view the infected or the illsuions gone to far with contempt.

What is the factor of contempt the E.T had for Humanity was their lack of respect for the truth. In word gesture action everything..

Doubt which grows to become Suspicion, then mutates to fear and the violence.. rage… corruption.. malformation… and genetic mutation… until you reach non existence and the light left in you then decides to leave by first setting you up in a play to prove that you are no longer anything remotely as your original self who resides eternally in the Heart of the Source of First Being..

This is what had to be evacuated from the species.. Doubt is conquered by truth and when I saw the time codes with Stephan on his camry car clock begin with my noting the time as 6:09 p.m

as we crossed the Bridge to Brookln and my body and insides literal moving in such discomfort that I thought I would vomit.

He called out the numbers he saw 40 and 45 and good naturedly challenged it…

I noted that my brother was born 1969 – April th and that my sacred Portal which shows Africa Ancient Africa as being the culprits of the interference with the Air Waves.. And thier descedants as the Human Children – still incomplete, in this play of their evolution back to E by having uderstood the play of Harmony being the only principle which Existence and Creation align to and the Expression which brought everything in Existence in Being out of the illusion people call the Nothing.

It is actually mad eof Ecstasy Bliss.. E.B.

It flowed..

The Harmony.. from from my deciding to take a nap and messaging Stephen since I have no phone or inetrnet connection telling him that I will be up around 3:30 p.m.

Code 33 I was aware of in Hindsight) but I woke up at 2:02 p.m 22 V.. and I was irritated because I reallly require physical rest.

But I knew I was woken by my being to check if the harmony was still going on, I knew that if we were in harmony that he would be in harmony with that time…I already felt it through 56th ense – but the only way I knew I could check if was a fact was to checj my messages.

He said he would be making his way by 3:30 -4-00 p.m

I was about 3:40 p.m..

I made by way there via Taylor Ave because though it would take him a couple of hours to reach me as he had indciated the day before. But I decided to cut my musing short and there he was ..

I saw him and greeted him but did not realize until a moment later it was he- I did not get his message he left describing himself.

So we took off… left and went to the park

Flow/ Wolf

A Child and a youth arrived and a Wolf Hound ..

I said it was a reflection of his realm.. he aurgued why was it not both of ours…

And so, though beyond exhaustion.. wanting this Hell…

I began to explaiin.. and so they playhad begun.

But I knew what was going on

We were headed to the mainland…an Ethiopian Restaurant..

( Solomon and Sheba.. a Story..)

He noted t

H.R.Z..50 45 was on the license plate of the car he parked in front of…

A pale Biker like woman wearing a beret but in the style of an anarchist with a moonn appeared behind him.

A couple to his left who one of them reminded so much of Yonathan Yohanness that I did a double take- and Stephen nocticed it…

I already knew that this was again my being led by Stephen’s E-sprit full awake in him, about to merge, was pointing out the source of H R Z… Human Races Z end…

Ethiopia was not the birth place of Humanity in the first place…

We left and and my Best Friend- Harmony … Instinct Intuition and the Bridge or tunnel which links them – the understanding both sides points of view…

1st Chakra to 5;67 Chakra…

I saw the time was 8:42 p.m.

I pointed it out to him and to the Unseen Frequencies listening and observing out interaction here on the Blue Green Screen

At 9;06 pm i again noted the time naturally, and understood what had been acted out and taken place.

69 versus 96… A Play and test of Power…

Africa Pangea represented by Nnamdi Nnonyem playing my tester or Adversaries who were defending the notion that Africa was and is the Origins of man woman.. God Goddess…and not the E.. The Eternals.. also who played characters called Ethereals and Elemenatls.. E E…

I as you recall have been proving the correct aligment and view is 96…

lnkd to the universe made of 96% Dark Matter ( D M T…yes.. Literally… Delta Manor T- 20..the truck.. T the Truth…

Stephen Filgueira represents the Truth in the Game and where ever he is moved to fink and connect to is the Truth.

He gave me a code 420 as a gift code…

420 is the code for Weed Marijuana…

but he did not know that it was the code Erik Ebright gave me as the day he became enlightened.. people think this is waking up- it is not, It is Enlightenment. Clarity… when remember and become the original frequecny you came into being as.. Light…

But Lights moves backwards into Space called Universe experiencing the inverse illusion of its self called Darkness Matter…which they had to discover is Light… actually Transparent Light…

( O is light of the Source which some called the Big Bang, which i already explained was really the begining of the play of Light and Dark.. Life and Death and the understandng how they are one.

Erik Ebright you may recall grew AWARE.. but I sought to prove that he had gone backwards.

Recall the code he placed on my computer.. 83 69..

And my having publicly computed and transparently proven before I was summoned to come to him in Miami that the correct view was 38..

* See play Mothers Day 2016…

and that 96.. and that to reach completion it was played out on a stage.. and that Square Stage was the play of the Full Circle.

Lion King… OINRI and the full circle…

Stephen Filgueira has that story in his lifes script…

Link Lion of Judah.. Link the full circle and my having to war against the idea of Zero 0 to replace it with the Truth.. the full Circle which is the symbol here in mathematics of Eternitu eo..

Infinite.. not the going around in circles like this world and this play – delaying my equations manifestation through interrutions and the proof that it is a Spiral, a Line and a Wave….

96+4=100. 100%.

But the 4 the stage was created as a ‘Holo Deck’

The Universal Simulation Awareness play set up to express.. E..

Express and act out on this world stage surrounded by Nature.. The Witness to the Truth and the represenatives of it.

Thus 96+5= 101….

As I was about to write this equation I noticed the tie was 1:01 a.m but suddenly my body began to ache and Nature called or meddled. because it interrupted the perfect timing which this play is all about…

Me writing the ocde 96+5= 101 .. aligned in perfect timing to time- C-Speed of Light aligned to the Light of Consciousness E going beyond Nature a C or Creation..

A contest as to which came first Consciouseness or Creation…

C C.. They are twins, C C… 3 3…Fritz 33=6…

But there is an Elder twin… C D../ D C… Divine Consciousness.. De Vine Consciousness.. 7 which is really 8 undercover in the body.

Link Robert Kyle Murphy to Stephen Filgueira- and since I am representing the Original Robert in this play the Elder Twin of Creationn Consciousness 6… Is the rep of the Square and the Circle.. Definition Devi… David and Cecelia … Completion Connection Constant Continuity…

7.. 1-7 Rainbow… merge back into one… brings Transparent light back, and so Stephen Filgueira ( his highest self nor true self not undercover) recognignized me on Facebook as that.

Right to out meeting and he giving me the code 420.

Meaning Eric Ebright and this entire reality were seeing things backwards were looking at the world and using this as an acnhor to measure and quantify qualify existence , when all matter is a by product of Expression Energy.

The only way to see and understand Existecne Creation is not through the physical manifestaion but by urce.. Energy and before Energy there was, is Expression – Conversation… E C…

( E C.. 5 3 = 8… H.. 8 Is Transparent Light.. return to O… Origins but now with the experince of LA D.. Light and Dark and the understanding that they are One.

1:42 a.m.

Life and Death are one.. Expression ; Eternity.

And that is what I knew Stephen represented in the Game which he confirmed throug his own experiences in the Astral Plane ( but sigh, the probl

When I first saw Stephen Filgueira, I saw Thor..

Thor Lopez.. It was so uncanny so obvious ..

I almost rolled my eyes.. Devi Space Cowboy and me Space Pirate…

David comes in that guise alot and as Samurai WARRIOR Sensie…


1;59 a.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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