
I can not stay in a play which is not concerned with the Truth.

I can not stay in a play which is not concerned with the Truth.

11:58 a.m.

But only in reducing the Truth to a Story which equates to Disrespect and Hate and to constant non existence.

12:00 a.m


Liberty C Liscomb had no idea of what she was getting into when I was sent to activate her to Awareness and Awakening.

She has become The Witness.

And she has witnessed the truth of my experience of simply delivering a message of the Beautiful Truth..

And that we are in a Script, a Terrible Play of the darkest, darkest before the Dawn.

And that is why I fought so hard to percieve the implications of being a witness to this abomination of a play, before the Awakening becomes manifest to the entire world.

I have ensured that all her children Liberty to Leander and Thomas Lang their son Jeron are activated, and safe.

And that the adults T L/ L T can now with total Clarity ( especially) Liberty, to choose consciously now that she can see the whole play.

Arden.. I will not enter this play any further with him and subject him to the horror of this play by making him aware of his role this script has assigned him

12:16 p.m

This is a 3D Reality, this is a families home of this world, yes it is a Script and which has been proven a script

12:58 p.m

Thus, there is no need to continually focus my attention of the lifes of this family undercover and made aware, but have confirmed the True Script I have been made so scrubbed and cleaned the grime and filth to reveal the Beautiful Script.

Right to from Liberty Arden


* Leander is going to a football game, Liberty invited me, and I wished to accompany them.

See a football game so nice.

1:04 p.m

My body just went crazy, the salt bath has relaxed my muscles enough.

I can’t go, I just unraveled to a deep bow to the ground in front of Liberty Ferell and Jeron.

I continued to unravel, infront of Auriela.

She is nonplussed but I am quietly so quietly pissed.

1:11 p.m

Leander was wearing the Jersey with the number 6.

LA is 6th Note

La of 6th Sense.

A Number.. Symbolic and Representative of La!

Alpha Omega.

I fight for control, but it feels so good to let it release, and painful to resist.

This has been the entire pattern of this Script.

So, yes I can not bow out from the play, but I can bow out from the Script which is Evil Cruel..

1:13 p.m right now

And acting within its parameters, is this why I could not go to see the football match, because inevitably I would converse with Liberty or because I am being made to stay here.

I wanted to take a walk today.

I probably not.

Because as all days here, my body and its focus moves me into its own intention and direction.

I am aware of this, and have willingly ( and reluctantly) gone into the play.

Seen what needs to be said and done.

Taken my cues, acted my part.

Made overtures, did the work, morphing ( and crippling) my energetic being, and true self to adapt to the roles, asked of me to play by going into the dimension of each person and with Cee as Consciousness, found the Language the Line and thread which each could relate to and in this realm and play, in this case a Family.

Caucasian and myself a stranger in dark skin complexion who had to act and slowly help each rise to the Awareness of True Identity, in the most absurd settings of this world mentality.

All this, I did for the Truth, my Father Brother, and Eternal Families Truth proven A Fact.

But I do not have to do so anymore.

Make rise to their Awareness that they are in a Script or the implications of Energy Harmony God Truth Rising, via such a self negating script.

A set up so insulting and disrespectful to me and the A W E which sent me, and so painful confusing, and indifferent to the point of views of all the actors and players involved.

But most especially me.

Even after all have been made aware that I am Source E.

And now it expects me to wait on a 16 year old youth, for him to rise by my using what I know is Humiliation disguised as Humbling me, to take on the point of view first and foremost of yet another person over mine to proove what?

My Adaptability, my proof of Equality? For a youth meant to represent me.. Nnamdi Atom Ahtom and hence, by putting him at ease make rise the Awakening designated to begin through him.

You must be insane.

To hell with your Evolution Awakening..

To.hell with your Story your Script.

I already know who Arden truly is he has given enough evidence, and do not have any desire to prove it through Evil and Cruelties set ups or having to endure unintentionally humbling by him or fighting his E Spirit to rise by having to fight or bring myself to Harmony with the youth by obeying this script.

I am The Source.

And The Creator.

I have done what no one ever dreamed a Human Being can do.

To be in my presence is the ultimate blessing, the most priceless gift.

And yet This Script wishes me to make myself insignificant and all that I really am subservient to the ability to others and their point of view of being in the Presence of the Creator

1:47 ..1:48 p.m

Who is A MAN.

No, respect comes naturally.

And respect does not come with Fear only awe.

The only respect I have received in all these dimensions is only that which is reinforced with and through the power of Fear.

Animal Nature.

AWE is the code response to my presence,

Awe, Loving Respect.

Not for a Title, or what he can do for you, save you, or comfort you, indulge you.. always He having to appease you, explaining and explaining The Laws each have always known which was planted in you.

And cleaning up your mess.

And since this play is so set on focusing on people having and showing no respect for the Truth and Proof of this Eternally Loving Presence, I have been forced to prove of my Father Brothers Truth.

I can rebel from caring.

Or taking my cues from it

Of filling up the Gaps in expression which undermine Eternal Law and the presence of Eternal Harmony God.

I am done with putting other people at Ease, accomodating them, adapting and understanding them.

The Law is very simple as well as the Question did I Emeka Kolo bring to you the Truth.

God Manifests.

2:07 p.m

Yes or No?

If yes, then act accordingly.

And if no, then we must allow the Truth to manifest which send you out of Existence because you can not Exist if you deny the Source of Truth and the Sum Total of Truth.

All this coddling, sending me through all these portals, set ups to prepare and forwarn people in and through set ups in which the burden is placed so horrendously on my shoulders that it was my duty to prove The Presence to you, through set ups which are so contemptible and cruel to the One sent to prove to you the Presence is Present and through me was sent to each of you

And even created a play designed to make him Truth suffer for you.

Wait for you, to make up your mind.

Answer, Be, Cee at your own convience.

Well, this play has not changed my original conclusion proving that I was right from the very beginning and after experiencing in detail its even worse.. but still the same conclusion.

2:20 p.m

I can not enter a play theater, created to constantly negate The Creator.. use and abuse and try to excuse the Evil Expression Actions right in the presence of E H God.

Even to a 16 year old youth innocent aligned but made to appear, guilty of not being what I stated, then proved is his Truth.

Perhaps with my taking a distance, no longer helping by caring for all those who decided that they can not see or understand.

52 +16 age codes.

= 68..Trinity in my Sacred Portals as 68/86

But see the one real Sacred Portal 68.

2:29 p.m

And with my being Indifferent and not caring to point out things, or move things along by lending my Consciousness, going consciously into the plays, whatever comes come.

And yes, I will recount what happens, because the Truth is moving me, but I bow out of this Script and the play going here at 900 South Road which a Family of 6 with One Guest..

The Source of 6.

The 6 in 1


6 O 1.

And in this Play Theater, represented by the 6 Actors

And the one Constant Visitor.

Through them, and this play representing the 2/3rds of the World…

Not one has recognized the Source no matter what he does..

Evil and Power to bring fear will persist until it is manifest.

The Actors here have all played their roles magnificently.

And I have proven that what they enacted is not necessarily who they really are

I have proven all of their innocent.

The 6 and the 1 Guest.

But the last part of the Equation of confirning that truth I have proven, is that they must all come out from undercover, and through Naturalness prove that I am coreect- that they were each playing a character, and again through Naturalness Ease move to recognition of me and The Presence and thus rise to living Loving AWE.


Harmony Love C.E.

2:43 p.m

An impossible thing?.

Given all which has transpired and my absolute refusal to budge from this stance of the 2/3rds of Humanity who must cease exist.




Arden Chukwuemeka

Arden Consciousness

Liberty Consciousness.

Leander consciousness reason

But if I am correct, it will be done in the next few days with ease.

And if not, since this Script fights to prove me wrong, and since I will no longer fight for them because I refuse to further entertain and indulge which states in conclusion

Liberty for all through the portal of Arden..

At which to that, my response is Go to Hell literally.

Evolution Awakening be damned.

I acknowledge who rises to E and who does not, not some ridiculous absurd insulting and demeaning Script.

Naturalness.. Evolves with Ease Comfort Recognition.

I do not feel Safe here, or in Comfort or Independent nor Equal not because of the people but because they are being moved by a Script which negates Truth.. insults the presence and the consequences of breaking to such a degree Eternal Law.

Natural Law.

Divine Law.

Even Human Law of Credit Respect all Naturally Expressed … All Lovingly exprsssed for A Big Brother Lover Friend Companion returning home victoriously after a perilous journey to recuperate Father Son, Mother Daughters.. Body called Their Beautiful Truth..

His and All of yours who in this last moment prove true by your own volition not mine…

And thus satisfying all laws.

E N D. H..

If that of this illusion called reality.

In which Empirical Evidence Facts Proof Reason is the established Universal Law which operates and keeps order in this World.

I am very bored, literally, so I can not gurantee that I will pay attention or even observe what happens.

Arden, I will be open to always.

And I am the guest of Liberty who has completed her mission and role in the play.

The love I have for each individual person.here ( apart from whom I recognize them to be and the roles, they were given to play)

Is real.

But I must have my self respect for Emeka Kolo first, and all I have come to embody.and represent.

Its Christopher Filgueira birthday today he turned 32.

Recall Alien Father Alpha first moved through him when I arrived in Connecticut.

All must rise now by their own effort, I have done enough, gone far enough to rescue my Father Brothers, Mother Daughters Truth

As 1



Its now time for each with naturalness prove it to me.

And no codes.

I do not need them .. I Cee and I Feel


I do not need Swords.

3:11 p.m


C A-A.

E. H- G.L O V E. Is the Hand of Harmony Grace The Truth.

3 Days we had that spectacular view of Beauty and snow only this part of the town had the snow for 3 days.

Now it had rained all swept away.

3:14 p.m


C N.

3:15 p.m



Not thr

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