
I Bring Out the Worst in People,

I Bring Out the Worst in People,

By appealing to that which is the Best in them..

Namaste and refusing to acknowledge anything or any other version of that person as real apart from that person…

I was willing to play a Guide, to demonstrate how They are Not in Their right mind, and how to come back to themselves…

Their Senses by coming back to their Sensies ( Intelligence Introspection.. I I… Intuition Instinct… I I) ..

But I wished to do it my way, of course since it was my act of generosity, but instead I have found myself in a Script from my Father Sons having created a Script in which I played this Role…

It was meant to flatter me, to honor me, by using me as the Example…

But it did not take into consideration this reality and how people would respond ( resentment and taking for granted) and to ask my permission if I would like to do it.

( which of course, they knew I would say no…)

It is like being given a staring role in a project, a labor of Love, the Ultimate Film and after having created a brilliant extraordinary script ( Breath taking actually..) and realizing just how amazing it is, sought someone to play the Title character.

And on realizing that the Script has one major flaw, which is no one in His or Her right man would agree to play such a role…

Because it required making that which is not only Impossible Manifest, but made Implausible by the insistence of using a Script so brilliant,such a brilliant idea… which should have remained that.. just an idea.

Because it was not realistic, that even if a person was able to achieve the end result of that Script after playing such an impossible role, the cost and the damage to the very Truth of Existence would be too much… and to the person.

It would change Existence forever and Trust.. not just for the so called Idea of the Hero who plays such a role and has to live with what was allowed to be done to him…

But also the public, who despite everything would have the empathy and the horror seeing such an experience done to another reflects an Existence so Evil and cruel which despite the great Heroics, the Amazing Nature of what a Human being can be and do..

Would cause them to pause….

And reflect not only what the person who was put through such an experience was feeling but how would they feel if that had happened to them..

Demanded of them…

This Script was an Idea.. a brilliant beautiful idea which should have remained an Idea…

Because for something to move from an Idea, to Inspiration AH… It requires the willingness the Free will and the Choice of the person who is to play that role..

It requires full disclosure and transparency…

I have only been discovering as I go along, unraveled by my stream of Consciousness and by my simply Doing..

But I could see and read and that is why I refused to come to New York, until I was given no choice.

And most who have been reading this script and seeing my expression even as I read and Draw… The sheer horror of my experience of it….

And made worse being forced in it.. your body confined bound entombed… Made to feel this to be a Houdini who is given the condition that for this horror – these possession of a Human Being and Body made real…for release.

To have no say, no function but your value and Their belief that if any one can play this role, You Can

Y.C../ C.Y… 25;3/ 3:25…

3; 25 p.m The time which I woke up for this plays expression.

Y.C.A.M…E…/ E M A C Y… E M A C Y… E M A C Y E.S…E

E.S.E.. Y C .A.M…E…. S.E…

It is this Script which I have been protesting through out…

and which I proved that there was a better way…

To evolve Humanity…

And that by imposing this Script on me.. or on anyone.. using such words as Destiny and Fate.. D.F../F.D… 4 6/ 6 4…

6 4.. Ah that was what was on my coffee Cup this from the Fuel Station…

6 4… 3 3… 2 2… C C B B ….Tell me does this not mean that it was set up.. that I am in Harmony with the Script created for me to act out in..?

Because it is not in Harmony with me,,

I looked at the time a moment ago, but I ignored the code, then seated infront and across from me is Will, Brenda, her friend Barbara.. Lisa’s Mother just left…. Barbara asked the Time a moment later… it was 7:49 p.m…

Now it is 7:52 p.m…

49 is Existential Death… the Expression of imposing your idea of something on another, it could be your child, your mate, those whom you claim to love..

But you do not love them really, this is all about you and your Ego Projections of Your ideas of how others should be… how You see them.. what they must do…

The same occurs with what people do with their lives, their ideas of what their life should be like, look like.. what they deserve.

Me, I do not project my views of myself onto people or onto myself… I am anchored in and within my true Nature…

Who I am and that adventure of my life which is simply the checking the firmness of the foundations of myself and then expanding upon it, as lines of perspective… reaching from here to Infinity.. Eternity….

Will just surprised me by tossing me piece of hard candy…

I stopped to read the code… It has a K on it…He is seated besides B B…

But our tables are adjacent.. he is wearing Head Phones , while I can hear the conversation of the Women…

I wish I had ear phones…

6:28 p.m.




Hello of course this play ends…

How ridiculous that any one would assume other wise with the script which I am writing…

Unless as with most of this very emotionally disturbed and very Ego driven reality, you can not read.

Georges-Philippe Roc sent me a message today which was pure intentioned but its expression…mis leading.

i don’t want to bother you. trust in the universe. i will send someone for your next portal

let me know when you’re taken care of


this play, never ends

6:42 pm …right now… 6:44 p.m.. (took me two minutes to copy and paste this).

I just grew tired and rolled my eyes…

I responded and my response ended at 5:49 p.m.

I instantly read, that this was the last of the plays script representing Existential Death.

I saw this take place today with the play of Bed 4-009 for the last few days, which I Read was exemplifying the character or nature of Existential Death.

Which included two scenes of which Dee and Allen Murray

6:49 p.m right now…

were infected by a guile which caused her to tell me she felt ill by some of the expressions and ploys she can see i the veiled expressions of those who want extra rations of food from the canteen.

Just as I observed how A.M was lured into a play with bed 4-009 for allowing himself to be used without realizing it…

There are some expressions, people whom you already know as Toxic which you should not explore,or allow access to you simply because it is easier to act polite, to ignore it yet you interface with it…

Dee has no choice because she works there…. I saw her Face, she said to me often, Don’t leave me here.. and if it had not been for the fact that you exist… and I Love you…

At first I took it with a grain of salt, but more and more I have observed her look of disgust and dismay and how low some people have allowed themselves to become…

I see her truly shocked, disturbed… and it is made obvious by how she literally runs out of the place….

Suddenly, i began to take her expression seriously … that she loves me, that she could not tolerate this place if it had not been for the existence of people or a person like me based on what I represent…

A Human Being.

It played out again this morning with Bed 4-007… 47.. Edwin Dominic who hardly ever comes near me any longer and avoids me… Because I do not tolerate what he is, of represents…

I call it out with full force of the truth… Why are you still alive.. your kind should be dead by now…Those masters of Illusions who twist the truth so cleverly, manipulating you so subtly, controlling how you think…


But today he came near me, where I sat at breakfast, and since I am aware that all these people are moved on a Wave- A River moving all these qualities which represent that which is the seed and root of the contamination of the Species Ego…

Ego as and its purest definition which is simply a Projection of Self.

And if this expression is not aligned then it comes a lie, and thus a Shadow, and that Shadow of course is Death..

Truth is alignment to Fact moving expression to materialize as Fact before others eyes….

My fury with this play is that, that process has been slowed down to such a pace, manifested even in my physical bodies transformation that it is almost stillness.. but it is slow motion, Time slowed down.

Ego is OiNri Igbo means Money… People driven by their Ego’s Projections of Self and by Money… Sounds about right don’t you think based on the impediments I have been faced non stop by agreeing to play my part in this Script?

Projections through Expression and Aligning it back to Truth and Fact…

* Which is something I had told Tone, that my research had already revealed that People do not even know How to tell the Truth.. They have literally forgotten how….

The Script is so easy to read, so so easy to see what it is doing where it is going… It is cleansing purging…. Sending out in a Wave of Sewage all that is not of True Nature and all that which brings Disease and all that which corrupts and twists the Ego Pure… Distorts the alignment and movement of the wave of the Idea Concept Expression I.C.E…E.E.E… to manifest in perfect alignment of Embodiment.

So once the Puerto Rican Dominic play began this morning, I was full aware that it was the WAVE moving him- so though irritated I watched as he sought to gain my attention but through annoyance and provocation by his presence, by speaking to the persons besides me at breakfast…

He engaged in conversation, extending it and once more- that subtle expression of superiority coming out.. That constant need to prove him self, which I observed in my case worker Nicole.. by appearing superior… He was not even aware that he was doing it, he wished me to talk to him but I am done educating grown ups…

I went to lie down after breakfast, my stomach lurching just a little… that kick in the stomach I had finally mastered, each time I was aware that I was being set up and placed in a scene.

And sure enough he came up and began speaking Loudly on the phone… So loudly that it was as child seeking attention was so obvious.. Senility?

It is a play.. a script which is asking me to Read… that which I have already Read and Drawn my conclusions and have been bored with this Script which one could say is checking or confirming the E.C.H.O of my own expression drawing the same conclusion.. but its own way…

7:17 p.m.

G.Q… Yes Hip… Carlton….Steven Colbert on the Cover while I was in Mountain View and Jonn bought me some magazines one with Colbert on the cover…

Read Draw…. R.D…

That was the film Igbo Anthony put on last night…

I hardly paid attention to it except to the title… It was about the Army and Brother and money….

For me, It was the sum total of this work which I have been doing and posting….

I Read… and I Draw…

I read reality and I drew sacred portals…

I read reality and I drew my conclusions which I have been posting… Revealing that we are in a Script..

Bed 4-007 came spoke loudly on the phone, there were only two other people in the room, bed 4-001 ( Then same position I was in bed on the 3rd floor and it was bed 4-002….) Paul S…

And the other was occupied by Bed 4-011…

I heard Edwin D… calling out Hector…

Hector Herrera…

I thought that he was speaking to Bed 4-011 who he began to address after without even a pause, I hollered Lower your voice

I was perfectly aware that he had set it up for bed 4-011’s benefit…

He got up and left the room.. ( making himself the reasonable hero of his own play and script)

and then he returned adressing Hector… Yeah sighed making small talk.. then suddenly diving inti his role…I would have stayed here, wanted to chill but this Guy ( obviously me)…. and then he laughed…I would have liked to say somethings but I do not wish him to shout at me..( the courageous victim )…

Hector began speaking loudly in response…

I thought perhaps that he had bought Dominic Edwins Play and was responding by speaking loudly in loyalty to Edwin D, which I do believe that E.D felt…

I really did not care…

But I thought if that is the case, too bad for him, I had genuinely liked him, and knew him in the script to be the twin to Allan Murray…


I immediately went to my mind heart codes… Achilles fought Hector in the Illiad and Achilles destroyed the Great Hector…

And even though in my codes Hector and Achilles are one… A.H…

I got ready with my response, if I could be bothered.

I went to sacred portal 97… Which is Cranium Brain Light of the World…It is Achilles Heel… A.H.

So then E.D left and I so did Bed 4-011.. As well as Bed 4-001…( 3-002 is positioned under.. and this Switch I noted is only in the 2 Room Cubicles as well as the 4 men Rooms…but not the Dormitories which align floor to floor)….

I was alone in the room.. and I slept as much as I could while my body began shifting itself to alignment by Itself..

But my mind and heart… always a little hurt by the script and the Kick in the Stomach- that quite fury within me once more made me solve the riddle and ready to respond ..

At at 3:25 I woke up at the same time that Bed 4-011 walked in wearing a Hat like the muslims, the same had I used to sleep with… It was stylish and though he is more Allan age, it fit him.

He is tall Spanish looking and very gentle and yet there is a strength…

I sat up on my bed and called to him…Hector….

not hearing me fully he came over and very politely and very gracefully asked pardon…

Hector.. ?

No my name is not Hector… It is Ismaael…

Oh I thought I heard the other guy call you Hector…

Oh he must have been talking to someone else, and I could not hear him very well anyway because I was wearing Headphones…

I am wearing them now, listening to music… but thank you..

( I wondered what he was thanking me for..)

Thank you for everything he said gracefully and in such a genteel manner, he sounded like an aristocrat…

And he could have been one in his former life, just as Allan could have been.. (is) an Elf.

I smiled at the set up.. Oh I never jump in and enter into the Foray without first testing the ground… the same way I went to Spain Paris New York, Two or three times before moving here…

I allow, a space for another possibility other than what I was lured into believing was the play…

And to realize that his name is Ishmael… Meaning the one who heard.. the one who listens… Just as Allan is the one who Observes….

What is even more note worthy is that Albert Edwin Santana who house and home is where the Equation of Existential Death began and become embodied as an energy by what I experienced lived and endured there… ( Jesus.. Fritz Venneiq and others are my witness…)

He took the Moslem name Ishmael…

His former friend ( who turns out he said was never really his friend from what he recounted) is Isaac Calvin McCullough, the one whom the WAVE moved me to link with when I came down from Pelham Bay Park…

And made me stay in Thompson Square Park because he asked me , pleaded with me to stay with him there with a group ogf people living out side in that park having just come out of Prison.

It was there that I did the work and interviews called Dear Mr President where I encouraged them to address President Obama directly through my intervewing them and they making their case to the President and sharing their point of view and ideas how they and people marginalized and victims of violence and the horrors of system could contribute to Society…

They spoke of forming a sort of civilian military because they said that they were used to prison regimented life….

You can see the star of that expression….

Isaac is the one I first met when I discovered Generation X Garden and that Goriilla persona and rage took over me to my shock…

Isaac was actually the play showing me my reflection, not in being or the body of Isaac but in the meaning of the name…

He who Laughs…. and lord knows, I have been told by so many that I have a great sense of humor…

( A Brit intellectual once said rather foolishly, that he is amazed to find a Black Man with a sense of Humor.. implying that Black Men took themselves and their position in the World… far too seriously… Sigh…) ]

And here, is Edwin Dominic bed 4-007 linked to my former host who became … sigh a Muslim… sigh.. radicalized… Bring the End of all Humanity… which he played out shouted out acted out enough for the Wave to bring me to his home…

And which Love ( not mine) made me have to stay to figure out his riddle and the origin of such rage and hatred…

which though founded on truth turned out to be the greatest hypocrisy because he was the very worst source of that very expression he condemned and he knew it.. and was terrified of consequence and taking responsibility for for all the damage he had done… including deaths, peoples incarerations…

I lived there.. and witnessed that which made my mouth drop open making me so enraged as to why did he get a free pass, was allowed to get away with so so so much without there being immediate consequence…

In fact he became a sort of legend in the community by the fact that he always survived despite so many people wishing and plotting his distruction because of the things he had created caused… done…

I was not convinced that despite his obvious brilliance that he ever repented despite his projects…

And it was the reason I gave him when he asked me that first day we met, as to why his statue had fallen..

And eventually why his often brilliant Ideas did not take off..

They were not his… and they were tainted by ego…

He put his face on the Statue which he knew was not of him…

Such audacity to the most sacred revelations and instructions given to him made me wander what and who was this guy…

And it made others stop believing in God or Justice…

Because this one did such damage and never paid… and his repentance they saw, the repentance and act so elaborate which I was sent to check… was false..

And here.. I had met the True Ishmael…

I looked up to find that the Edwin bed 4-007 had returned while I was showering…

I looked over to Bed 4-011 he was sleeping his body turned directly to my line of vision.. He had a blue wrap over him..

The bed 4-007 I noted had come in as usual when he felt no one would be here- because I noted how he made noise disrupting peoples rest…

Then he would come at a later time when no one was around and in the quiet he would sleep…

I called it out once more quietly enough for him to know that I was aware…

Just as I had called it out before to the entire room so that each would be aware…

And chose to investigate,

I realized as I watched Ishmael sleep.. that he was aware…

and understood my point of view…

The desire to Rest…

That is the only benefit of being or even coming to such a place.. a place to rest from the Streets and a pit stop to going Home…

Finding a Home.

8:56 p.m

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