


And I am Ragnarok.. The Great Wolf, the Great Serpent .. the Giantess.

1072 Facebook Friends

9:23 p.m.


AH….!!! I see…

My bed numbers full Circle at Delta Manor.

2016 I was moved into Room 4B Bed 4-016.

2018 I was moved back into Room 4B Bed 4018.

2O 2O 16 18…. Full Circle 4 0 16 .. 4 0 18…

20 20 Vision.. 2-16 18.. Date… 2 2- 16 18… 4 4 O O 16 18.

Golden Ratio G.R….;

Decimal: 1.6180339887498948482…

*Binary: 1.1001111000110111011

*Hexadecimal: 1.9E3779B97F4A7C15F39

Black Panther….

The Absolute Destroyer.. The Promise I made to return in the Eternal Beginning…

Fenrir Jorgumdr Hel Children of Loki…

Fenrir the Wolf, The Giant Serpent… the Giantess.

Ragnarok…. End of the Western and European World.. and view.

I was wondering what the Devil was going on, my body has been stretching elongating, and yet my will and desire is to to get out of the Script.

I have had enough, it has gone too far…

And yet it is everywhere, all around me- Its intensity, its reality..

But yet the delay of Maniefestation of that which I am fully awre that I am doing has been so diverted and delayed that I have found it impossible to coneive and accept that such a power, such an Evil can exist- using my Energy and diverting my expression to twist the True Expression and use it to create willy nilly what It wants.

Changing my Expression…

What has the power to do this?

Humans constantly lie, twisting the Truth.. but they have no power to Twist the Truth of what Is…

I had grown weary of living this studpidity – If such can be done then what does it serve being The Creator, A Creator…The Source… If such can be done, then I would prefer to walk and away and get some form of a Life.

Not this nightmare of having to deal with Humanity People and live by a budget that canbe descibed as malicious as it is miserly.

Fact Fantasy Fiction… F F F… 6 6 6… Mark of the Beast.. me?

Belle Bete is a name given to me on the streets of Paris..

( I took it as an Insult)

And at the Piscine- Hercules….


But I am the Black Panther…

Not Anubis as depicted by this reality, though I do recall my encounter with a Jackal while Re-taking my G C E in Nigeria.. ( I wrote about it here and the subsequent encounter with a Python by the students who went in search of the Jackal in the Evil forest, and then a King Cobra).

I am Dark Matter .. the mysetrious substance SUB STANCE Which makes up 96% of the Universe which permeates all things.

Dark Energy..

and the 5-6… 96 + 5 .. 101… 101 Men at Delta Manor…

96+6= 102.. J.B… Jaymes Bond the only one who can occuppy the letter Jay…

Jesus Hesus Ieosus Zeus… all characters in a Story originally occuppied by me.

At Delta Manor.. Delta Means 4.

I notices that most of the cast members where representing other African Nations and Afrcan Americans…

And yet it was originally not only my story- literally.

And my project when I left Nigeria to share my own idea of how Africa ..especially west africa, and the old empires and especially Nri…

Ayo and Okoye two of the main characters are of Igbo and Yoruba Descent…

Chadwick Boseman looks OINri Igbo…

Eric Killmonger … E.K….

The Nigerians are reprsented by

Isaach Bankole… I.B… Who plays an Elder of the Rivers Tribe..

( Link Tamika Rivera T.R..and E.FA.. Meaning Life)

and I discovered that there are 5 Nigerians

Sope Aluko… S.A. Yoruba who plays the Shaman….

( Durek Verrett in my Script D.V/ V.D… Valentines Day

Victory Day…)

Tunda Laleye T.L. ( 20 12) Yoruba who plays a border Tribesman and is uncredited.)

David Opegbemi… D.O…( Bed 4-15)

The True Cast is right here…

Tara Omoro jr. T.O.. Plays a Jabari Drummer ( Uncredited )

Ameachi Okocha…. ( Okocha Devona)

*Okocha is an American-born Nigerian. He has appeared as a cast in several films as far back as 2012. He is best known for the 2013 film, Speechless. He plays the role of Bueze in the Black Panther.’

T’Challah… Chaka…de Zulu.. Alllah…

Why are the main characters which figure in my codes

C Boe-man.. C B.. 32..5… E T’Challa.

Michael B Jordan M J.. 10 13… 23…5 E. Erik Killmonger. E.K..

Lupita Nyongo L N..12 14… 26….Z Nakia… ZN/ NZ

Danai Guiria D G… 4 7…11 28.. Okoye… Malije Okoye Bruce Okoye … M B ..O O… Marina Burini… M B.. O O 7…

* My Coffee yesterday was 30 At the Arab Bodega… 6 75..and ended at 47 aND 7…


* Oye means in E Code… O.K…O YE…S

Okoye means in OINri Igbo means ‘Born on Oye Market Day

Listen’ in Spanish.

In Yoruba it means

English words for the Yoruba word oye

insight intelligence intelligent rank the amount title understand understatement knowledgeable understanding ‘

This name is composed of two African (Yorùbá) elements: “Olú / Olú-?`rún”, meaning (ruler, god) plus w?le, meaning (enter, entered). The name means “God has come home, God has entered, wealth has come home”. Olòrún is the Yorùbá name given to one of the three manifestations of the Supreme God in the Yoruba pantheon. Olorun is the owner of the heavens and is commonly associated with the Sun. The vital energy of Olorun manifests in humans as Ashé, which is the life force that runs through all living things.

( Two of my room mates in Room 4B Aare sitting besides and behind me on the computer we are accupying all three.

Igbo Anthony was Here…)

Esther Uzoma

Kemi Sara

Anthony Bienke..

E.K.. 1 47 A B.

Today’s code was about F R I DAY….

E… Francis Robert Ikemefun .. O.K…OYE…A FOR E K E…

N K O W…The Igbo Market days,,, NKWO….KNOW…

The codes go on… but enough… it is clear enough…

Yoruba Ifa…

Edward Eceinco … Levithan recall…

Meddling with the Play… using Shaman… A.S..

Isaach De Bankole.. nigerian born in Ivory Coast.

‘I .D… B… I B… Issach out side my door…

Two New Facebook freinds Ogbananomonugere Ogbenisaka O O..

Saeko Yamane S.Y.

O O S Y…/ Y E S… O O 7…

Ogbeni means Elephant Hunter.. Ivory… Cruz Coast…. I.C…

E H… 5 8..

A World Shaman declaring Her Self The One Supreme sending her Warlock to challenge the E… Me…

Saeko Yamane Saeko means Serine Child.. S.C…South Carolina… 8 th State.. Dee was the first person I saw this morning…

Yamane means Yamane Name Meaning. Japanese: meaning ‘mountain root’;’

The Serine Child is the Root of the Mountain…

Pyramid Triangle.. P.T…

I am serine because I know and Knew that everything is in Harmony.. what brought me rage to bring forth Ragnarok is the meddling with the truth of that Fact…

I am Fact Fantasy Fiction ..Fair For-tune…666 18… 24…9… 6… 30…3O… Fantastic Four… F F.. 36 42…

Frances Frick…


72… Fast Furious.. Fable Fade… Fantastic… cease to Exist…

FFFFF…6.5… 30…

102… Famous… Future…

118….with Fangs….



A M..O… Enough

11:09 a.m..

K O …I

AA O I..

9 O 11… I O.K…O YE. S

I .K…

I O 11

11:10 a.m.

For this play.. there is no forgiveness only consequence.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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