
I am E…

I am E…

If I had met someone who expressed himself and Value, as I have I would have would have been outraged and indignant that he was in a Homeless Shelter, or imprisoned in a Script and Play which was created by Human Perception.

But then that is me.

But the Play mirrored and exemplified that it agreed with me, when it moved Jon and Donna to house me for 9 months.

With my being asked to leave on the 9th month to the day I arrived on her Fathers Birthday. Robert O Sullivan..

Because I could not cure their Financial concerns.. thought everything else was cured.

I noted that Jons Father died in similar circumstances at which I was placed.

* This is the 3rd time I have tried to post this.. the 2nd post started at 6:49 p.m…

Yes, 6 usd and Bed 49 which I left to go to Jon and Donna’s.

Who moved Jon and Donna…?

Jon Blackwell.. J.B… 102.. 1O2…12..3.. L…C..

John Delguidce J.D. 104… 1O4…14..5…N…E…

Born Haun Delguidce.. H.D.. 8 4 12…3… 32…5… C.E..


Yes Bed 007 James Bond which I returned to…

James Dean was the Poster I arrived at their home at 18 Mountain View and gave to him… J.D…

84 is the Date I returned to New York with Rav Singh and Billy Hung… And my recorded date of Birth on Face Book.

32 is the bed number of Room 3A I was assigned opposite John Dudley.. J.D.

Donna O Sullivan.. D.S… 4 19… 23.. 5.. E.

D.O.S… 4 15..4 6 19 19… 38…11.. 24… 35…C.E.. 1 6..P.G.. God Particle..



35.. 8.. Infinity Harmony…

8 5.. 13…M…

M is 1000..5 is E…


8 12… 8 3… Erik Ebright 83 69… Code of my computer.

1005 Face Book Friends…

Michaël Trahé 1005th.. Ivette Hernandez and Banja Tarawally

9 months..

Then 2 months with Erik Ebright… Miami Florida.. M.F.. See sacred Portal 54.. Mother Father -Masculine Feminine at last dancing in Universal Harmony…Super Nova

A man sitting besides just told me that I look like Morgan Freeman.. M.F.. And I could make a lot of money as he had with this energy.

He said he is told that he looks like Sammy Davis Junior.. S.D..J

9 months and 2 months… 9 2.. 11.. 1. I.B.K..A.

And especially if this persons gives evidence so consistently of contributing to humanity and raising consciousness. And then a Script Play which keeps pointing out ( to my annoyance ) Emeka Is The Creator… E.I.T.C… E.T.C..I..

But then that is what Free Will and Choice is all about.

But there is no way you could be of the E and not have moved Heaven and earth to get this person out of such a place. Mainly because of the relevance of the work and value of the contribution. And Respect. But then that is me and I am E and that is how the E Respond. And each of you have the right to do as you wish but at the same time, there is a responsibility which comes with it.. Consequence.

The E would never have left me in such a place, and they would have warred, protested and been very vocal, in expressing their indignation, outrage… Horror at this abomination.

As I have.

But then, they are the E and the are Me.

I am fulling aware of who is moving the Truth Script, it is 8 5.. Harmony E…

Starbucks 13 85…

Obviously, I am in the Truman Show…T.S.. 20 19.. 39… C.I.

Emmanuel Macron.. E.M../ M.E…

There is no 40…

2010… Marina Burini Tom Truman… M.B.. T T…

13 2… 15…

20 20.. 40…

6 40…

M.T..B.T.. Is the correct Equation aligned above…

John Shaw.. J.S… 10 19.. 29… 92 / 29.. Brenda Boothe.

Luke Shaw.. L.S.. 12 19… 31…. Mario Bros…

April Shaw… A.S… 1 19.. 20… T..2 O..B.. T.B.O..

Tom Benzian Tom Bocek Tom means Twins.

When I got back last night Paul Franklin who I just realized is no longer a Face Book friend, asked me a question politely troubled. I have not spoken a word to him for weeks… But He asked me if I had sent him a message.

I shook my head… He said never mind, troubled by it.. A person called Emeka sent me a message from out of the Blue….

I sighed, someone was trying to alert him from the parallel universe people here call the Dead.

I went upstairs and some one tried to jump ahead of me to the bathroom when it was obvious that I was about to use it, startled I saw it was bed 51…

I also observed I had woken up after a terrible night of Nicholas bed 48 Snoring loudly all night…

The Time was 8:48 am.

And then I recieved a call from my mother as Aphrodite, it came from Nigeria… 48 13 0806 23 6.. 62 36…

I was in someone Show… 33… See the 33rd President of America as reference to the True Truman Show… Fact not Fiction.. Reality Actuality…

*The Truman Doctrine, 1947

With the Truman Doctrine, President Harry S. Truman established that the United States would provide political, military and economic assistance to all democratic nations under threat from external or internal authoritarian forces. The Truman Doctrine effectively reoriented U.S. foreign policy, away from its usual stance of withdrawal from regional conflicts not directly involving the United States, to one of possible intervention in far away conflicts.

President Harry Truman

The Truman Doctrine arose from a speech delivered by President Truman before a joint session of Congress on March 12, 1947. The immediate cause for the speech was a recent announcement by the British Government that, as of March 31, it would no longer provide military and economic assistance to the Greek Government in its civil war against the Greek Communist Party. Truman asked Congress to support the Greek Government against the Communists. He also asked Congress to provide assistance for Turkey, since that nation, too, had previously been dependent on British aid.

You see the dates.. March 12, 47… and March 31, 47…

3-12-47.. 3-31-47…

I add the E to the Truman Show… Without the E there is no Truth Proven True…

* Just received a call.. 84 62…

– Truman Capote was a trailblazing writer of Southern descent known for the works Breakfast at Tiffany’s and In Cold Blood, among others. …

Breakfast at Tiffany’s… B.A.T… B..AT…MAN…

Tiffany Dawn Haynie.. T.D.H… 20 4 8…/ H.D.T… H Donald Trump… He is in Harmony with the Play….

Audrey Hepburn.. A.H…

I was with Hubert Givenchy H.G.. 8 7.. 9 7.. When he arrived from Her Sick Bed.. I asked him how she was, he was so distraught but still made time to call my work Genius and not to work with his house.. He told me what the big co-operations were doing… Aphrodite Harmony… A,H.

Not Anderson and Hill…

And so the Two True Man Show.. and Tell..

My Fair Lady..Show me Show me Freddy!

And the meaning of Tiffany…

The name Tiffany is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Tiffany is: Manifestation of God. In the Middle Ages, this name was sometimes given to girls born on Twelfth night.

Manifestation of God…

Cold Blood.. C.B… 3 2.. Bed 3-002.. 32… Was my bed assigned to me…

Paul was 35..C.E… He was asked to Cee Me… He refused but was shown me any way…

My Feminine aspect.. Mother.. A.H..

Called the verdict.. In Cold Blood.. They murdered me.. They Murdered Nnamdi Emeka.. In Cold Blood…

And yet I still Rise.

So at least you know what the E do…

Flor Medina sent a message at 6:23 p.m by text…

She said she saw the number 142.. And read it as 74.. G.D.. Gode.. E The Creator .. Author Of Harmony…

The E acknowledge and they Do.. And if you left me here and did nothing.. Did not speak up.. Then you are not of the E and thus, are nothing as I A.M.. E.

On the Window here Good Feels Good.. G.F.G.. 7 6 7…

You see it makes sense… You are not E.. are you.

Or you would have done as I did… Fought for the E… With Everything that you are.. not for Money to be rich.

And of course to deny E… means that the E leaves you.

9:35 P.M


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