
I am coming out of the closet on FACEBOOK!

March 22, 2012

I am coming out of the closet on FACEBOOK!
Something rare and really crazy has been happening to my body and my consciousness for 11 years. I have tried to be brave about it, stoic but I could not escape the fact that no matter how much I tried to down play it, another consciousness has been literally taking over my body, my consciousness, even my life because it is channeling a message through me, with evidence. In my experience of the world, such a condition is impossible and might be considered crazy if not for the obvious reality of it that most people who know me have witnessed. I can not walk without being conscious of another energy which makes walking and movement sometimes an agony, like I am fighting with some one else for control of my body. I have spent the last ten years investigating it, investigating where, because of this condition, I was led. And the things it was making me see and then prove (Proving it also for my sanity) in this consciousness of how such a thing is possible. But it is what it was saying through me, streaming out of me when I write, sing, dance, talk… I have been talking, channeling, linking for over a decade because I had no choice. No one really believed me when I would say that my movements and expression was being taken over by another consciousness with a will of its own. I am constantly in pain or discomfort… it is bearable but inconvenient. Any time I doubt that it is real or that it is gone it reminds me each day for the past ten years that it is real. What do you do when in such an impossible situation? Go crazy, or investigate… I did (both).
It is not that rare as it turns out, people do channel, but they way mine happens is un real and it is every day. It comes unbidden in any given moment, and I am in pain if I do not express its consciousness listen or act on its impulses. It is as if someone or something is sending electrical impulses, stimuli to my mind with questions, riddles, information, it wishes to share. I have fought it every day silently for ten years, physically, emotionally and by investigating it to find the cure but instead found myself listening and investigating what I have been channeling.
Everyday I live with this thing that I know is the impossible, which proves to me each day that not only is it possible, but I must continue to channel everything it has to say… I fight it less because everything that it has said through me, I checked and it is all so far absolutely true… It is saying that it is preparing humanity for a big surprise… a beautiful but still insane surprise. That it came to alert the world through using people as channels, so that the human mind and heart could handle it.
It came to explain itself into existence by proving that it was here with us as potential in our history and investigation of truth.
That I am telling absolute truth, that there is LITERALLY another consciousness inside me, which manifest everyday through my body, my speech, my consciousness and awareness is the total and absolute truth… but the absurdity of it all for all these years so few people literally believed it.
What if what if what is happening to me and others, and as research is beginning to show, is a new phenomena. This condition, so taken for granted by many but not by me who has experienced it non stop for 11 years, is not anything other than what I have been trying to tell people… is impossible, yet it is happening to me there fore it is not only true but it is a fact… For Christ’s sake people I am channeling memories of the birth of Existence! And it makes sense, there is something that is extraordinary about that. And that I am literally telling the truth…. Man how do you get people’s attention about the obvious! If something that is not possible is happening to someone, then should people pay attention… Thank god I learnt to investigate it or I would have been locked up simply for telling the truth!

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