How strange,
I have to look at my body and Facebook page to receive intelligence and in a way commands.
As usual everything checks out. Echoing my conversation summation.
What has been bothering me iornordinately is my Body. No matter the lengths I go. It is now literally out of control.
I can still take a walk, but all other efforts to fo anything else but the basics, even taking time on my body at last to figure out its expanding mechanics and how to ease it. Or whatever proceed it is going through. The only conclusion is the message that something is moving through the Atmosphere and Environment which has made it seem as though it is waiting for some great climax.
7:51 pm
Like excitement.
It Is uncanny
The purpose of why I understood why Harmony had to be proven right here on Facebook and publicly is to prove that from bringing of this species. From the earliest specimen to modern man right here and now was that it was always here present, but was always covered under layers of layers of misconception, mission. Mission understanding and Confusion and fear
One of the three biggest problem was Emotions, hence Fear.
Anxiety worry.
So much of the problem called meaning
And if you did get the meaning of whatever situation or circumstances correct. How would you know?
The outcome would be in Perfect Harmony even with this Script.
Which is what brought briefly to osts today.
It is all done about the play and coding and programming the End of This Realm, Ero… Error.
The confirmation of it Manifesting Extnction.
And Evolution.
I was given the extra task in showing this real of mentality how to read.
And just in a conversation. You can not assume, but after each sentence or statement you must pause to wait for the Echo confirmation that your Expression was understood and follow it with.what ever is next.
A Conversation even whom your talking to is Invisible it will use Sound, Language Avatars to make you are that it is Present.
Let me give you a recent example
The other day I spoke to Liberty C. a moment later Fahad Hassen called her.
They had not spoken on the phone for almost two years.
They spoke about the Book.
The E Manual.World.Com
You can see the book held in the hands of 1 of the Five in Sacred Portal 56.
( 56 mind. 56 secs… E.F…. 56 = 11.
11 30.
4 in 1.
See meaning of Arinze Umeano name.
Which aligns to my Mothers Mainden Name.
Which is why I was able to read and understand the presence of Arinze Umeano at the end.
But I have never met Arinze. But Axel Love ( Axel Anderson)
I have known since Spring 2005)
A A = 27
1 12.
Al Santana
So the Axel is Love.
But then what is Love?
True Clarity T.C was the confirmed by the Script Echo but of the one I have been cleaning up for the last 29…. 22-21 years.
Right in front of you, though I dare so many of you did not realize is what I was really doing – so you could see and become Conscious by reading – learning the Immortal Technique.
Once you could read for yourselves, you would never have to rely on anyone else or Goddip or rumor, inenyendo.
You could of course refuse to read or apply the Technique on how to read
But you can read and to act indifferent to what The Silence which you now actually does make a Sound.
Does speak.
Using Colors.
Sixth sense
All 5 Senses merged into one.
Then my job for Noni Promise Life of teaching people in Grade 4.
4 Dimension
The Story.
The Book
E Manual World.Com.
Was done.
I received that confirmation from Liberty and Fahad Hassen
And I had proven Harmony with Arden Gemino-
Aurelia Gemino
Ferrill Gemini
From 7.9 Billion people after being used to collect data of a sampling of people from all over the world as well as the 7 different countries I was moved to live in.
The very last piece and End of that blue print added as an extension is Kim Arthur Hinds Jr .
The last mission I had to prove was evolve True God.
True Nature
To Natural Truth to
Absolute Truth
The Beautiful Truth
Hence the ending at 4996.
Then 49 93.
49 94 Facebook Friends
Now I kinda whispered Loudly that something strange and out of the ordinary is happening to me literally.
But I know you are still sleeping and are mostly only concerned with what is happening in your lifes or that which affects you directly in the immediate and illusion of who has the Authority to address you with the Truth.
The Truth as I had to Prove is the Body.
And before there was the Body there was “Being”
An Expression Supreme
Being In Existence.
Sigh, I just used initials Code, to clarify my meaning.
The relevance for most of you sleeping and then to those aroused and Awakening in thier dreaming undercover in the land of Nod, is so monumentally significant that my your reaction I know just how deep in Deaths Coma you really are.
But let me spell it out, since I do not seem to have any choice in the matter and my body has calmed down when I began to post.
To prove that everything from the beginning to End is in Harmony means there was never any real problem with Existence Creation Life even its Original Operating System.
That all the suffering misery terror cruelty ..and blame to God or the Supreme Beingd.
The Supreme Lesder The First Creator ..all came from you.
There was never anything wrong.
Everything was Hakuna Mutata.
The problems?
The were riddles you had to solve as in math class.
And there was always an answer
Always which when discovered by you expanded your minds and being with knowledge.
It is the same way I ended up writing a book for the whole world…
So since Harmony was forced upon me to prove to you by my following an invisible Script which like Heat and Pressure on Invisible Ink, slowly becomes Visible, allowing everyone to see it.
And thus no one can ever be deceived lied to because if one person decides to refuse to read to use as an excuse to create an opportunity for confusion and disrupt the balance.
Everything and Everyone who can read can see the cause and Effect Karma of the one seeking to lie which so many people historically in the past have done
Proving Harmony means that there can be no more blame.
People always sensed and especially now, knew and Know that everything which happened happens has Reason and Meaning
To it.
But in the past no one could understand the Reason and Meaning
They sensed it. But many felt it eluded them and perhaps they were wrong.
Let me give you another example
The last monies I spent at 1544 C Town was 23.01 US.D.
W O A.
5 O A.
W E O.F. A.
L as Lucifer
L Liberty
+ K
= E.
I am aware that many of you will say that you can not be bothered and that you will muddle your way through as you had done before
Which created this Lie and Illusion I had to be used forced by Dark Matter Expression
To decode.
See Genesis 17.5
8 5
But that is Evolution Awakening
Evolution of Consciousness
When an entire civilization vanishes leaving the others behind.
Because they can read and soon enough with the End of this Era making itself soon of Manifest Importance that you all know how to read.
Oh I am Perfectly aware of how even the so called Chosen Ones bend the rules.
Do not come clean and how I had to pass them. And you can see it in my gross dissatisfaction with the Script.
But I am also aware of my own quiet power and Immortal and Infinite Technic and that I have indented them so thoroughly that even if they wished to they can not Forget.
And even to the last possible moment they know what to do.
To prove Harmony took me to Zero and then walking step by step.
9:17 p.m
Harmony is a Magical Equation
Harmony Awakening Manifest
H A M.
8 Ham Shire Bay. 1972.1974.
And Harmony Destruction.
It is the Equation of Harmony Proven as Perfection at 96 or 69.
1. 12.
A Lucifer
7 is one thing
But 8 is the entire code of 1-7.
88. In One.
That is merged to 1 16.
One Perfection.
That is the why I can see in Hindsight and what was troubling me,
I have said my Good Bye. And yet today the only way I could quieten my body was to at last come on Facebook.
That would disqualify this as Perfection or Harmony Perfection because of what is happening to me….
A Nightmare.
But as Desstrction it would be able to Equate and thus before there is Awakening there must be Destruction
And only though this impediments still using my body to this point after all levels of Harmony Man has been proven. Means it serves one Purpose and Function which would be Extinction Destruction Creating the Perfect Reason for the Destruction of Everything A-X.
And finally A.H.
Perhaps this will serve as a preface to the boook.
“When that which was Created when too far that it caused the End of Everything”
I suppose, that makes sense.
Harmony is that which makes sense.
10:05 ppm.
105 Wilt Shire Bay.
J E W.S.B.
We Shall See.
Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here