
Hmmm 215 F.b Friends…

Hmmm 215 F.b Friends…




I Sat down besides a man called Kenneth yesterday, on 3rd and 2nd..(Kenneth by the way, means, Handsome, made and born of Fire.. I am considered Handsome by ppl even in my current state and I am born under the sign of fire.. as warmth and not rage… but which of course can rise to beyond the heat of the blue flame to become the Cold Flame…C.F…I have realized that i literally am…

and of course, you are all aware that each person we are linked or give us messages are portals and meanings as reflections of ourselves or our potential waiting to be activated)

Anyway, the weather was exceptional mild for this time of year….

he then remarked, ( and i have checked his harmony on numerous occasion (Kenneth also means art of creation- and that how I met him, helping him solve his problem of an Art Collection he had inherited)

well he had remarked that he had the impression of being on some board walk on Coney Island. He spoke of recapturing childhood being the things which one must do- and retain it…

I was writing a post as he was speaking, and I knew he was giving me a message, even while I was linking on f.b at the same time.

The he said, almost in wonder…

I am of the impression that we are on a Boardwalk, taking in waves and waves of the Ocean Breeze…O.B.


O.B.I…. Which means Heart in Oinri Igbo, and He Lives

it was also the sign which was under my apartment in Kew Gardens, the ground floor law firm and Ocean Breeze…

it was also the name of a Bar Rav and I visited in Forte Lauderdale Florida, where a magical encounter occurred with a Mother and daughter Bartenders, discovered how each was awake and undercover by the conversation Rav Singh and I engaged them in.

I am at the Apple store, I was at the Apple Store…

When again a code directed me here, my body started jerking me about so, I said why fight it… I came down and say Sunshine Rae post…

It made me feel much better… And that is when I saw the 215 F.B.F…

So, linking it… one can see it 215… B.O…

Being of the Source, the full circle… Sunshine Ray E…

Not B.O as Body Odour…

I always smell good I am told…

I wear cologne… Grey Flannel by Geoffrey Beene…

G.F…G.B….76 72 +x…13 14..(2O13-2O14)…

X 42 14…


x42 14


111…(not 11 11)



Grand Total x+

27+42=69… Nnamdi is Emeka…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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