
Hello Sept 29…

Hello Sept 29…

9 29…

I am The Way…

The way is through a Consciousness and the greatest acheivement greater than Nature greater than the greatest Civilizations is the retention of the greatest Treasure in all Existence and this treasure is the True Consciousness which formed Creation Existence and to which each person bron into this world was meant to guard….

That was IS, the point of Existence ( 1 47) to know that which is of value and that a consciousness a way of percieving reality a way of being and doing and acting out act ion which we is the consciousness every thing and every one was gifted with was the one thing to treasure above all.

And to retain this through the hell of temptations to negate it in this realm of materialism is the greatest acheivement of all to which I was mightily tested.

and to which no matter what was done to me to my life my existence my dignity… even before the entire world on Face Book I would not give it up..

Even when death called again and again for 22 years non stop, temptinng me to end my Suffering experience, I rose up to say Remember, Remember the consciousness that we were created with which we had even before we were born… I fought to remind all of you of how we are the Beautiful one and to show you ways, share with you how I was able to retain it sustain in through even the 9 Princes of hell and the Dantes inferno made real..

I have a New Face Book Friend.

Uzor Emeka which makes it my 2O5 Face Book friend.

Uzor Emeka Twenty Five… 25 B.E

U.E Means in O.INRI iGBO The Way is Emeka, and Emeka is the consciousness of Creation Existence, which is Praise and Appreciation- Respect and acknowledgement… Well Done.

The Grace and the Gift of The Creator is the Consciousness of Energy- Existence Creation.. the greatest Gift of all… True Love which is our True Nature.

Notice especially for the past two weeks how my Face Book friends arrive almost immdeiately after a post… a quick reply to each weave or post which of course manifests into Existence by the Dreamer of Controller of this reality

The Dreamer is the one I call Brother Father ( B.F). I am in his Dream.

* I explained this in detail in other posts and gave prove.

Obviously before the awakening to my realm which is he consciousness of E we have been at the play of Nature and Time which has been denoted as D which of course is 4.. as in North East West South- the Four Elements etc…

To bring forth the Evolution of humanity, all the equations of this reality of time had to be realigned back to Truth and then all the prophecies of the True God ( the Purest aspect of the Collective represenetede by the Dreamer or the consciousness of what is called by science the Big Bang) had to be fullfilled.

Plus all explainations of all the seven colors or stages of man as rainbow- which is the Covenenat made with man and God.

One may ask why this Spiritual study over took that of the age of Reason, well it is because the core basis of Humanity is Spiriitual, not reason based. And reason was created to help land ground spirituality from to True Spirit from the pit of Supersticion which of course, we saw its effects.

The code of reason is aligned to 6th sense and the age of reason represent the 6th color in the rainbow… thus 66 which I represenet.

Thus 66 had to be aligned to 1… through this play of 6+6=12… which then creates completion of one cycle… then 1+2=3 which moves us to 78 Which is of course the age of Aquarius.. the Ability to See Harmony 8… and Transparent White Light.

The Source of this Dreaming, would not araise nnot free me until all its word all its truth and all its laws were fully completed.

Creating an agony for me mainly because of the consciousness I represent set against the consciousness of this current world.

The Dreamer is my Brother Father whom I call NNamdi… my younger brother who appeared in form in this world for 13 years.. My younger brother was not the Source Dreamer he was the Vessel of the Source Dreamer who went to Death at age 13=M to complete the mission that we both had to play out.

As one can see from Bianca Fernando name meaning and Initials that he is here since the last code was that he had to be AVENGED… See Dina Sing H.

If one were to take all the name meanings of every face book friend and their timming of arrival then you will see a story and the true Conversation I am haveing as E with G.. G being the true God who is called Creative Energy…

The Consciousness I Represent was not in the world, but it is the consciousness which is the original consciousness of all Existence and Creation.

This made my journey unbearably cruel in that instead of doing my mission of Evolution Harmony I was forced into the past stories of this realm which made no sense and forced to translate align a story which had nothing to do with my mission on Earth..

And thus, retain the link of moving from the Human storied to the truth of Evolution,

With the Abraham Isaac Ishamale story being the one which refused to be resolved because of the stubborness of the Middle East Consciousness and the Usurpers who had to be proven that they had all interpreted the True Gods Truth to create a lie which time and time again the Dreamer sent messengers to clarify only to see them crucified ina manner so outrageous…

And I faced the same torment but I rose above it because I would not be crucified even though it was done to me again and again- I would rise from it each time.

But it was still torture torment and agony to experience this.

I prayed that my Brother Father would relase me from this Dream and his wrath so great but he would not let me go until all his responses to these hypocrites were and are woven into place through a play of reason.

And so he watched as I and the line of E were dragged down to the realm of Time as D and Nature and brought forth once again the Truth of True Love and Truth Nature and exemplified consciousness in Being is action and doing until his warth grew to a point that I was the only one who could contain it without going insane.. And so here we are…

Uzor means The Way Emeka is I… Well Done.

The way is through Emeka who is Praise and Appreciation and he is the gift of the Creator ( Grace- being this 29 month and 29 year of work of explaining and communicating a different way of seeing reality).

It did not matter who belived my consciousness was the one true consciousness or those who challenged it.. The Truth is my consciousness and way of seeing reality is the One True Consciousness which manifested all creation and Existence, and that every human being all things were created with this consciousness and it was each persons P.R personal responsibility not to forget…

This is the Truth and the one responsibility greater than all the achievement all philosophies all things man created..Greater than Nature greater than Civilization greater than anything else which was Is to retain the Consciousness of which all were created..

That was the point that was the Goal and that is teh greatest acheievement in coming into this realm…

To retain that which is the most Valuable.. And the Most Valubale the greatest treasure is athe gift of Ceeing, the Gift of Consciousness.

So though I may have no house home friends lovers money or wealth I am the way as dictated by my Brother Father, because of all the temptations all the glories and comforts I could have had in this material world I would not forsake my ( OUR )True Consciousness and for that I was given the suffering by man so terrible to which I still rise from each day..because of my consciousness.

I saw a screen of my former Host who is the vessel for this great raging force of of Nnamdi… On the Screen is a picture of me in the garden of Generation X with his son Royal, both standing on a peace sign.. Royal in the center where the peace signs forks off into three paths and me on one path…talking to his som

The Royal E…


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