
Hello just an quick update to this Seen and Unseen Play which I am solving into Existence…

Hello just an quick update to this Seen and Unseen Play which I am solving into Existence…

*Been sitting on the Bench of Balthazar, ( meaning of Balthahazar means Ball ( the Lord God protects the King- is of the three Mages ‘Wise Men’ in the Christ Story), knowing that Nikoma is not meant to meet me tonight as code N…

Its all I.Emeka moving full Circle, a Curve and a line from Park Slope to 4th Dimension- 4th street A.I Transforming the Q- Aurrora Borealis A.B..12… Northern Lights.. N.L…To manifest form… Evolution…

My body is literally getting taller, ppl are staring, my discomfort, the waiting and my human mind fighting this constant P.S as Pain Suffering surmounted to Prince (of existence in the Big Apple in the Apple Store) to Prince of Spring…


Through words expressed on a computer screen and the computer screen of the Matrix,- People Place Things… P.PT….

P=16th Letter… 28= 1O and 1… X16..7…17…Q ( the amnt in my wallet) thus 1+7=8


This play is torture, but my body and the consciousness not allow to rest and ascend to my true nature of Bliss Extase… Peace.

I do not know if any of you out there are following any of this but this is Existence and I…

Time Space…

2012 Mayan Calendar of End of Time ( or a Cycle)

To Present 2O14… October 8…(O8- 8O)

MAY AN…Converts to its truth as NA..Y.AM…(yam of the Eze NRI and the O.INri Igbo King of the Crops to N.A as the Natural Awareness which also means Link, as NA in OINri Igbo and in French ET In french….NA ET….(and-dna)

Thus, NA Y (25th letter 2=B, 5=E… last face book friend 2O5…twenty five 25 Y B.E is answered…Thus N.A..B.E..A.M…Aurora Borealis A.B… Northern Lights- the Portal for First contact now linked behind the veil of the Hues with the Harmonious Beings… which might explain the increased activity in my body and being…

Thus, as 2O12 Mayan has been transformed backwards to the True First ppl, as the OINri Igbo People..NA YAM then to the present as NA links to ET- E Truth to the Beautiful Present… October 8 th 😯 Spring Street Transformation of Death ( Potential-Stillness; P.S…O..To Life, motion- movement Manifestation seen by all in both illusion of Physical Spiritual Realm P.S…R-18th=1+8=9…89 H.I…And I 8 One Harmony Existence for all..

Time then converges with Space as 2O 14 (2 Circles Filled Carlos Franco…of the present C+F=I)…

two ways… 2O12= 32=5..e

2O 14=34 (Clarity Devotion no longer the past as creation destruction balance as O= INERTIA) 3+4=7…

5+7=12 A.B… Aurora Borealis ( Name of Sleeping Beauty- Supreme Being in the movie was called Aurora- resurrection by True Love by malefeicient (A.J.O means Ugliness Rage Anger RA…woman man- transformed to True Love T.L 2O 12 To 32 Consciousness Beauty….)

A.B Is the Northern Lights….N.L…14 12= 26..X 1 68…date of birth David Nicholas Nnamdi…(68 Nnamdi 69…66 89..123 H.I… Meaning I am Nnamdi then I was David but first I was E as C.E…E.C- C.E.N.D….

And the second way the equation of time and space is merged (Naturalness is Space Air Breath A.B..which is Consciousness… A.B.C…)

Is 2O12+2O14= 4O 26…

@ 4th Dimension (4th Street former hosts address) Full Circle O as balance affirmed…26 is not the Z as Sleep till the End (malefecient) but 2.6= 8

B.F.H…Best Friend Harmony Existence ( Being Sixth sense f is Heaven Earth- both display order and Harmony….

thus 4 full O of Spreading the P.R (not Peurto Rico) and the 51 State of Consciousness being the True Rose Well Are A 51…through 5+1=6…6th sense.

The 4 O is D.O ( North East West South N.E.W.S)… Just Do as in DO ray me far so la ti do…1-8 Harmony….rather than spreading the news to the four corners which are illusions since Existence in the 4th dimension is one point..E…

NOT 5.

Thus, the two ways to Merge Being in Existence in the illusion of Time and Space Do and BE… True to Love the consciousness of Energy Existence

and being true to True Nature through Devotion Clarification which leads you to 7 Lavender Purple… the L.P as expressed by Nikoma- Naturalness Music moves you to the correct portal as it did him..

But the last the as linking the Hues beings to the Harmonious Beings requires the activation as I am doing through Praise Appreciation- Paying Attention…

Thus 57=12 3 Consciousness the source of light….N.L the Best friend Harmony the beloved DA Vid e

and 4O26= 4+O+2+6= 12=3 C

O.I O1 1O 33 (23..+X 69 15 O)

CC…2 C’s- Meaning using two consciousness Harmonious Being and Hues Beautiful (The E.T…Energetic and Expression) allows you TWO CEE-SEE the Source…. In the one true Realm of Existence as Energy which is Expression = Consciousness…

Well, that is it… that is the equation I have resolved…

Stillness as Sleeping (not Death, but one can sleep forever as did the Sleeping Beauty Nature Aurora Lady Echo, if True love as the True Nature of being in Existence had not been proven- defeating the Pain Suffering Matrix… to Emerge as Eternal Spring, Regeneration XYZ…Eternal Life….E..


tired… want to go home.. smile…

tired not much more I wish to do…. so tired.. sigh smile…

Emeka Kolo @ Prince now moving back to Spring street…. 😯 Balthazar…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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